Color Challenge - Orange Tuesday - Shirt

in #colorchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Five-Minute Free-Write - Hook:

If you don't know already, Hook was a film about adult Peter Pan played by Robin Williams, with, spoiler alert haha, kids, and saw this in a theater with mother and my younger sister and maybe with others, when I was six years old, back in 1991, it was directed by Steven Spielberg, Tinker Bell was played by Julia Roberts.

In the film, Captain Hook, played by Dustin Hoffman, stole Pan's kids away to Never Ever Land. Bell kidnapped Pan there, Pan found his happy thought, saved the day, took his kids back to the real world, but he was still not off the hook and nor did he wanted to be off the hook. He thew his phone out the window into the snow. Peter, which is the name of my paternal grandpa, was a changed man. Peter decided to make more time for his wife and kids. Peter was always a busy lawyer like @Cernovich, but life is better when lived said the king in Wall-E.

I Don't Want To Survive, I Want Live, Said Wall-E President.

They shall take our lives, but they shall never take our freedom, said Brave Heart Mel Gibson.

May the force be with you, said Star Wars.

May the power protect you, said the Power Rangers.

Coco Cola tries to hook you and addict you for life, cradle to grave.

Clothe hangers have hooks.

We can all hook and attract each other to each other.

Color Challenge - Orange Tuesday - Shirt:

2014-12-29 Park Group Me 01 FAV.JPG

2014-12-29: 23/9 Park, Q1, Saigon, Vietnam. Oatmeal & Students.

2014-12-29 Me 01.JPG

2014-12-29: eating ice-cream at Burger King in Vietnam.

2014-12-27 BK 01.JPG

2014-12-27: at Burger King in Vietnam with Anna, her mom, & a friend.

2014-12-24 Park Group Me 01.JPG

2014-12-24: at the park with students.

Color Challenge - Orange Tuesday - Shirt

2018-05-01 Tuesday 07:42 AM LMS: CC OT Shirt
Published at 08:10 AM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My experience - (Web-Designer) @Small Music Store in Shelton, WA,(Film-Maker) @Arnold Attic,Camp-Counselor, English-Teacher in Vietnam, carpenter, musician, dishwasher, artist, journalist, creator, & more... (See More)

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This is not an Informationwar related post, please refrain from using the informationwar tag unless you are making a post related to Our Mission

@InformationWar, this has videos from @Cernovich and @Stefan.Molyneux and Info Wars and I talk about the hook we live in and you can see what I mention and reference in my posts and you should read it and look at the links and the videos and the point of the post is to get more people to desire being red pilled and that is the point of the #InformationWar we live in is to raise awareness of truth and history and world news and different points of views and I encourage you to refrain from not looking at my posts and by judging prematurely without looking at what I am REALLY doing and not in mere speculation, perception, because that is kind of how the world got into this mess with Soros and Rothschild and others in the first place.

I really love the last video,
Ur writings are cool and colourful,
Like Sundays, green Mondays ,.and maybe Red Fridays. Lol. Keep it up,
Steem your way to power, greatness and glory !! Steemit team F1 ()

Your photo reminds me of Sky Hawk, great jet game.

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