Tuesday Color Challenge Orange...Moth-to-Flame Painting, Part 8steemCreated with Sketch.

*detail, Moths To The Flame, oil on canvas board, 22" x 28"

The Moth To the Flame painting is an allegorical work about Humanity, living the the results of the Interference Theory of Human Origins...

Playing well with others...

I literally had to just make a correction to the Board Meeting minutes from last Saturday Morning where I attended, and a member of the Board used the meeting as a proxy to try to get someone kicked out - because she is disabled - and a little strange. They made it sound, in the minutes, like I condoned this behavior. I fight for the underdog... this is enlightened self-interest on my part. I want mine, but I am going to make sure you get yours first - which guarantees I will get mine, and will insulate me from Karma - because I will have helped another, the returns of which are 3 times - I reap what I sow. Plus, life is just better when you do that.

My Friend is Signed Up For Steemit

..and waiting to be confirmed...

Here are the moths, all flying around looking so good - but not interacting with each other at all - except perhaps in the way they may try to one-up each other for a spot near the flame.

I added the silhouettes of insects to represent the anonymous hoards of individuals (which by the way, means undivided) who swarm around the fire but never are seen...

Part 1 https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@in2itiveart/friday-colorchallenge-indigo-starting-a-new-painting-sketch
Part 2 https://steemit.com/art/@in2itiveart/thank-you-steemians-new-moth-to-the-flame-painting-2
Part 3 https://steemit.com/art/@in2itiveart/new-moth-to-the-flame-painting-3
Part 4 https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@in2itiveart/sunday-colorchallenge-purple-moth-to-flame-painting-part-4
Part 5 https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@in2itiveart/sunday-colorchallenge-purple-moth-to-flame-painting-part-5
Part 6: https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@in2itiveart/monday-color-challenge-red-moth-to-the-flame-painting-part-6
Part 7 https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@in2itiveart/monday-colorchallenge-moth-to-flame-painting-part-7


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