Monday - Color Challenge: Red... Moth to the Flame Painting, Part 6steemCreated with Sketch.

The Homeless Guy Outside My Window

I woke up this morning thinking about this guy living in his camper outside my window.

Should I offer him a shower? If I knock on his door, will that cause more problems? Does he know people in this building? I remember he used to live in the building next door, I thought. Or at least I saw his camper parked in their lot before... I could easily be in his shoes. I just hope that no one "reports" him ... I have noticed a lot of suspicion in people lately - minding other people's business - thanks to the media and the war on Truth. My roommate and I just decided to offer him a shower, if we see him... find out what his situation is. God, please reveal to me what I should and can do for this person.

Moths To The Flame

is about that - we are asleep to who we are and our unique potential and our connection to one another as we seek warmth from a source outside of us. There is not enough room for all of us to fit near the flame, but we think "I got mine, so I'm ok" some of us die in the cold if we lose our place. I could lose my place - easily... I have lost my place once before... I was a lot younger then ... My sister is still living in her car, age 75.

I did end up getting color down on this whole painting. I have noticed my style evolving - in the last 3 paintings...
I have been noticing that my artwork has evolved, since September... it has to do with my subject matter and how I formulate a painting...I have been working pretty much one way, mentally, since 2011, and I really have been pushing myself to evolve passed that to expanded horizons. As above, so below - perhaps that means that I am evolving and integrating my studies, more and more.

I awoke at 5am and could not get back to sleep, unfortunately. I am exhausted, and when I woke up I was thinking about the Tarot images, and how I cannot relate to them at all because of the hierarchy and the monarchy. I have been studying the Tarot for 30 years and it still eludes me but I feel a breakthrough is near.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


I love butterflies. Very fine artist. Best of luck for the challenge.

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