Sunday Colorchallenge Purple - Moth To Flame Painting ... Part 5steemCreated with Sketch.

detail on one moth

done with ball point pen and sharpie, while I was on the phone

another one, just with sharpie

ball-point pen and sharpie

I do my best work while my left-brain is occupied, and I find that being on the phone while doing art is the best way to get the best work out of myself. My left brain is very slow in comparison to my right-brain. I feel like I am dealing with

my old Mac SE from 1992 and a lightning fast MacBook Pro - in my right-brain - so I pretty much stay in my right-brain as much as possible.

Unfortunately though, because of that, if I am unbalanced like that, then I suffer from being a coward, unable to stand up against tyranny. To deal with this, I have been trying to use my left-brain more, by reading books, doing math, hand-writing in journals, to get it to do equal work, and I also have continued to put myself in situations where I have to stand up for principle.

podcast #2

Like yesterday - I went to this board meeting of the non-profit where my group of friends meets - to get our key and amount for rent, and the board started talking about how this one lady needs to be banned from the property, because she is this that and the other. She's a little strange. She walks to the beat of a different drummer. So what???

Non-Conformity is Good!


NO! We do not ban people. I knew when I went in there that I was going to have stand up for principle, which I hate, because I am chronically right-brained, but I prayed asked God for help... God, the Creator of the Universe, does not ban people!!! We all have to learn how to get along here on planet-earth. There are no more vast continents upon which we can move to get away from each other. It is the same old-dilemma we don't want to have to face - and it's here now, and we have to learn how to get along with each other without subscribing to group-think and the hierarchical methods...

The Key to Freedom

Hence the subject matter of this painting...we are moths who think we are butterflies and we are trying to get heat from a limited source when we could get heat from within and love each other...

Then we would be free!

I had to stand up against the Tyranical ruler of the non-profit - this angry dude who somehow has figured out how to sound good so that others take his word over Bobbi's - the gal they want to cast-out. It was my first time at this Board Meeting so they don't know me, so I kinda felt like I needed to be respectful of that fact, while at the same time, I had to stand up for Natural Law! A person who is a non-conformist was about to be penalized for being different and these dorks were about to assign her a bunch of guilt, without her being able to prove her innocence. She didn't even know she stood accused!

This is why, I need to be in Brain Balance. I know I am protected when I stand in the Truth for Natural Law. I have to do this Every Day that it is in my face to do.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


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I love the little expressions on the butterflies and the natural law theme. Have you ever heard of Donna Eden? She has a lot of videos on energy balancing and brain hemisphere balancing.

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