ColorChallenge-Friday Skyblue 美人鱼岛Mantanani Island in Malaysia

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit Friends,

Happy Friday, this is my entry for ColorChallenge initiated by @kalemandra. The color for today is Skyblue.



This photo was taken in Mantanani Island of Malaysia!


Here, you can enjoy the soft beach, the green sea, the lovely seashell and the spirited greenry. The sky seems so charming at this time, I guess nobody will refuse such beauty. Even if you're in bad mood that time, it will disappear as soon as you are there.

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感谢您一直以来对 @herlife 的支持!

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife, Thank you!


nice picture and good sharing.

thank you so much. :)

great pictures would have been super nice to be there now. sea sand Sun

thank you so much. :)

应该放一张有 @herlife 的照片,这样才不愧叫美人鱼岛吼吼

哈哈 :/害羞

can't agree more呀😄

你好哟!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 谢谢你对cn区的贡献。 @cnbuddy 旨在助力cn区快速发展,更多cn区动态,请查看我的主页。欢迎关注我们的大股东 @skenan,并注册使用由其开发的。如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。

White beach, green sea, blue sky, Really Great picture you have taken.

yeah, its really great, thank you.


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