Entry For "YourCityVibez" 诗情画意的小路 Romantic Road

in #yourcityvibez7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit Friends,

This is my entry for the contest of YourCityVibez started by @vladikras. The new theme is Street/Roads.

这是我提交的由 @vladikras 发起的YourCityVibez 的参赛作品。 最新的主题是街道/路。


This photo was taken in Ningguo of Anhui province in September, 2017

这是我们篝火晚会现场旁边的一条用满天星灯铺装饰出来的小路,当夜幕降临,所有的灯都齐刷刷打开的时候,好像整个世界都亮了,这么浪漫的场地,也是幽会的好地方呢! 小路不是直直的一条可以让人看到路的尽头,而是以曲折蜿蜒的姿态呈现,让人忍不住要进去走一圈,看路的尽头是否会有惊喜等待...

This is a road beside our Fire Night yard, and it is decorated with shinning small light. When night comes, all the lights open, at that time, the whole world seems so lightful. Also, this is such a romantic place for dating! The road is not straight, you can not see the end, it is zigzag and people can't help stepping in to searching for the surprice in the end of the road...

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感谢您一直以来对 @herlife 的支持!

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife, Thank you!


人不多的時候一定超級浪漫的,人多的時候..... 咳咳,可能連欣賞的心情都沒了

是的 确实是这样 哈哈 我们最先到达的 先拍了一波美照 然后就有好多人过去了




是的 哈哈

Really amazing and thanks for that picture and Really love it. I think that it is good idea for party opening door.

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