How to beat the stress of Xmas (or the stress of playing the crypto currency game)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christmas7 years ago (edited)

At this time of year, every shop you go into is playing carols or songs like “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. But the truth is that for many people, it’s a very stressful time of year - for a variety of reasons.

Last year I shared a few techniques for coping with the pressures of this time of the year. Let’s revisit them for those of you who are getting stressed to the max.


Emotional Stress Release

This one is really easy as it doesn’t take any special knowledge, and can be done anywhere, any time. In fact you probably do it automatically when stressed. It’s simply holding your forehead and taking a few deep breaths.


Image source

To see how to do it in more detail, read this post

Emotional Freedom Technique

I’ve done a few posts about EFT.

In the first one I talked about the background of it, and how I started using it.

My second post is an intro on how to start using EFT.

My third, Christmas, post has a number of tapping videos to tap along with. Each covers a different type of Christmas stress.

If you haven’t heard of EFT before, take a few minutes to learn how it can help you.

Original image from Wikimedia Commons; modifications by @sift666

Bonus tips for crypto trading stress

This part isn’t any help for anybody who took a beating in the last few days, but may help people thinking of buying cryptos now. Many years ago @sift666 and I read a book called The Zurich Axioms – about the rules used by Swiss bankers for investing. I can’t remember them all, but let’s call our list the Kiwi axioms:

 Only invest what you can afford to lose. If you can’t think about the possibility of losing the lot without breaking out in a cold sweat, you’re not suited for the game.
 Educate yourself about the market, and your potential purchases
 Don’t follow the masses – if they’re talking about it on the news, you’re too late. Listen to people who have experience and watch what they’re buying now. Look for the next trend. Sometimes you might be a bit too far in front, but sometimes you’ll get it perfectly right.
 Diversify your portfolio
 When the market is volatile, watch it every day (but taking your phone into the shower is probably overkill)
 Buy low, sell high
 Take some of your profits to make your life more meaningful or enjoyable
 Have a back out plan (We’re skimming some profits and putting them into gold. More on that later.)
 Markets go up and markets go down. When there’s a 20% drop, it’s not necessarily a crash (though it MIGHT herald one). In a hockey stick market, it’s possibly just a correction.
 But don’t be attached to any one Altcoin, or to your beliefs about it. When it becomes clear that it’s a drop, not a correction, don’t HODL but remember your exit (or diversification) plan.
 Remember that it’s a game and enjoy the crazy ride.


Right, time to get my arse off this computer and into the kitchen. It’s Christmas Eve morning in New Zealand. @sift666’s mum will be arriving for lunch in three hours and I want to treat her to some delicious goodies.

Then tomorrow we’ll be off to Christmas with my family at my brothers, and I still have a bit of food prep for that.

So I’ll love you and leave you. Have a wonderful Xmas or whatever you celebrate, and I’ll see you on the other side. Xx

Thanks for reading and hope these help make your Xmas a healthy, happy one.

Photos by myself, @sift666 or from Pixabay, unless otherwise stated.

Follow me for more health, nutrition, food, lifestyle and recipe posts.

Contact me in SteemitChat to ask about one on one nutritional coaching or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) sessions by Skype. (But don’t just say Hello. Tell me straight away why you’re messaging, without waiting for me to say Hello back.) Steem, other altcoins or Paypal accepted.


And especially don't be another HODL worshiping the alter of flogged out old Bitcoin - that is so six months ago!

Oh man this is what really annoys me about newbie traders. They get ahold of 0.001 BTCand some LTC and suddenly they're Warren Buffet

Not that Warren has a clue :) -he might be right now, but six months ago he was so wrong:

Warren Buffett warned investors to stay away from Bitcoin, calling it "a mirage," saying that, while it may be a better way of transmitting money, the "idea that it has some huge intrinsic value is just a joke

Maybe he just has a whole different definition for "huge". Perhaps $17k isn't huge for him haha Bitcoin's story is still being written, but I feel like it's only a precursor to bigger things. While it may stand as the pioneer, I'm sure better technologies would triumph. Hopefully, we get to invest on the ones that would stand out!

I'm always hoping to find the next big thing - this week I'm thinking it might be Smartcash - we have been doing well on that so far

You know, @lukestokes has been singing praises for that since it first came on as well. The thing is, I really want to get into it, but it needs Cryptopia, and now other exchanges that I don't have an account on.

I envy him buying it for two cents - we paid 18 but right now are feeling very pleased that we let rip on that one - it's now our biggest crypto investment! I

Setting up a master node soon.

If it becomes the next Bitcoin we will be whales... :)

Bang! I surely hope it is! But, I do hope I get in on the action just before it moons!

Even the most wonderful times of the year can be just as stressful on us! Thank you for sharing.

Very true!

Thanks for the reminders!!! You guys have a great Christmas, eat well, laugh lots and enjoy

You have a fabulous day too!

For us, the Christmas music in the stores start so early as 2nd week of November

Oh no, that's terrible. I feel so sorry for the people who work in the stores. It must ruin any enjoyment they have in them, playing them for so long.

Yes, I think so too. It's like every year they try to get into the game earlier and earlier.

I'm sorry I haven't caught up on commenting and replying because I'm out of the country. I'll try to catch up everything if and when I get back.

The Kiwi Axiom is a thing of beauty! I shall follow it to the tee. While my investments have been surging, I don't want to rest on my laurels. Thanks to you and @sift666 for compiling this!

You never need to say sorry to me for being slow in commenting or replying. I love to see you popping in, but if you are out of the country having fun, and not keeping up with comments, that makes me just as happy. Enjoy your new year, my friend!

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