"Press ON" - Daily Word #8

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever felt like giving up?

To be truthful, I have. And many, many times till I have even lost count. :)

The Bible encourages us all today in 2 Corinthians 4:16...

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."


Look at the life of Joop Zoetemelk who is now in his 70's. He is considered Netherland's most successful cyclist, having finished the Tour de France 16 times! Wow, that's truly an amazing feat. He was placed 2nd Position FIVE times... before finally winning his 1st in 1980. That's having a Not-Giving-Up spirit!!

There are times you and I may be getting so close to achieving the success we desire, but we lose the momentum and the opportunity because we give up prematurely.

You see, Perseverance is a Key to a Victorious Christian life!


The Bible extols us to FIX OUR GAZE not to the things that are Seen, but to the Unseen. Because the World and all that we experience here (the Seen) is temporary but the Life in Christ and our Future Reign with Him (the Unseen) is ETERNAL.

As Believers, we are called to Press ON to Faithfully Live Out this ONE LIFE in Him and for Him. So that at the end of our day, we may be able to say like in 2 Timothy 4:7

"I have Fought the Good Fight, I have Finished the Race, I have Kept the Faith.

Will you choose to Press ON today?

Blessings & Shalom.


P/s - I want to give a shoutout to two believers whom I have recently "connected" who have encouraged me to Press ON (in your own special ways)... @littlenewthings and @nextgen622. Thank you! :)


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Aw, I felt really humbled with your shout out @seekgod ! You never know so many times you are the one who has been an inspiration for me to keep pushing forward!

And I just wrote about it too, from your #7 sharing's inspiration
You Know You're Not Alone...

@littlenewthings thank you... continue to be a blessing!

Thank you for sharing this valuable life lesson out of the word of God! Just keep on reading and commenting on as many christian posts as you can and the followers will come that will upvote your posts. The most important thing is to not stop posting. Blessings!

@forgodsglory Wow! Thank you for taking time to share and that's a good strategy on connecting with other Christian posts. Blessings back. :)

Great encouragement bro.

Thank you so much @nextgen622. Blessings!!

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