in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

"True Leadership comes from actions; not from what they say" ~ Charles Fuchs.


This is a somewhat a touchy subject and many people will have his or her option about it. The question is, should you self vote your own posts? 👍🏼

Well it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Just to lay it on the table, I do up upvote my own posts like many of us do but recently I'm thinking differently. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Voting for oneself is kinda meaningless if you don't have a lot of Steem Power and if you're posting many times a day, it can just drain your steem power for just a few pennies or couple of bucks.

So I'm going to try something different by not voting for myself for a few days or maybe weeks and start voting more on comments to test things out. 👨🏼‍💻

For those who have been following me for a while, I tend to vote a lot on people who comments on my posts and try the best that I can to "spread the wealth" on Steemit. 

There are lots of benefits of "upvoting" people who comment on your posts. You will get a bigger following, more people will engage with you, and especially your posts become more fun to interact with.

Try this out, go check out 90% of the posts out there, even the whales posts. They hardly ever upvote comments let alone engage with people's comments. It's kinda crazy, it's like many of you are just talking to yourselves most of the time. 🤣

The main reason I joined Steemit because it was a "Social Media" platform with a good community. My main goal was to provide some entertainment, bring some knowledge, make a few friends and especially "STACKIN" that Crypto 🤑

There is nothing wrong with "upvoting" your own posts but if you want more engagement and become very "Social", all you have to do give more back to people than you receive. You want to play the long term game, not the short term "Greedy" game if you want to win.

Why should you take my advice? Well you shouldn't haha ... you see, I didn't get a reputation of 70+ on Steemit by having huge amounts of Steem Power. I gained it by being very "Social" with the people around me, helping people, and upvoting good posts + comments.

Just give it a shot if you're looking for a long term strategy of building a huge following but if you don't care about things like that, just start posting and upvoting your own posts but don't complain how great your content is and no one "upvotes" you. 😅

With that being said, Hope this helps many of you guys out and always "think out of the box"... or is there even a box?

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

For those who are interested in following my "Content" and "Daily Activities". Just Follow me @stackin so that you can get a notification.


Nice write up food for thought!!

Interacting with your followers is incredibly important. You can immediately tell how well respected and liked a person is by the number of comments they receive on their posts.

People engage a lot with your posts already so if you're planning on rewarding them more then it can only get better.

I’ll definitely follow your lead on this. :)

Speaking the truth right here, it’s the same thing in real life also. You can get people to like you if you don’t engage with them lol

Keep doing what your doing, in time you will build a big following 😀

thanks for the advice .. I take care every day to publish quality content reading a lot and summarizing what I read .. and I help my followers with my upvote but my publications are very low and I only have 3 followers that are always pending my publications I do not know what to do to get the attention of my followers ..
What advice do you give me?

@joelgonz1982 in all honesty in my experience Steemit is very little to do about creating quality content, its much more about interaction whether that be upvoting, commenting or even participating in contests.

If you could go one of two routes, route 1 posting quality content everyday or route 2 never posting a single thing but actively upvoting, commenting and taking part in contests, IMHO route 2 your going to be WAY further ahead than route one.

If your not interacting you can post the best content in the world and nobody will see it, furthermore even if you get 100 upvotes unless they are from someone with a powerful account they are pretty much worthles anyway.

thanks for the advice .. on the one hand you are right .. I earn more with the comments than with my publications ..

Best thing is just do the best you can, keep bustin out good content and especially get real social with everyone. Too many people expect quick success, it takes months or even a year to do but we’ll worth it at the end of the day 😀

😂 funny and touchy subject, I laughed when you showed a gif of Nicholas Cage 😂, well, I do upvote my post, I'm cool with it for now.

My personal approach is I only upvote my own comments or posts that I really want seen by the masses. If I make a comment of “Nice photo” or “Thanks” that’s meant for one person, so no reason to upvote. A post like this with a comment many could interact with I’ll upvote. I’m not doing it for the pennies but to get subs, views and interact with others :)

totally agree, if you put a lot of time and effort into a post i see nothing wrong with upvoting it, same with a thoughtful longer form comment or something you want to get more eyes on but kinda dumb to upvote one word comments

yeah yeah ...one has to free his mind and start connecting to people... otherwise people will never know about you and because of that wont notice what you doing .... actually they do not even know one is there and in fact dont bother about that either... once you put effort into it things will change; oportunities will arise and chance maybe created... all in all a better situation for one

.... well - you know what to do ... just need to 10-X it all and one is ready to go :)

Great feedback.

Connecting is key. Especially since there is so much new content being created you have to go to the humans and actually connect or they will forget about you. They have to know you are still alive! You need to make sure you are always inside their head.

A simple trick to boost anything in your life is to contact 10 companies in your favourite niche per day. Watch what happens when the opportunities starts to roll in. Because they will!

I would even do 100-X. You feel so good after give 100X in value that the response doesn't matter.

Btw isn't majority of peoples eyes at the comment section more than blog posts even? Since people are always curious what other peoples opinions are.

Also that people love a response that is made for them. And you could discover more niche content that may fit you better. We are social creatures after all!

good thoughts, buddy... after all we are all human... as of such we are "social beings" hence it is in our nature to connect with one another. Problem though I found is that sometime it aint that easy due to a diversity of reasons - langueage, culture, etc.... however once someone is willing then it don´t matter at all as they are going for it no matter what.... and this is exactly what we should be trying to enforce evenmore here

My mannn, you got it down. Let’s start training the “newbs” on here 😂

ahhaha .... we shouldda run a 10x boot camp bro :)

Let’s make it the “stackin“ Bootcamp 😂

good one buddy ... like the idea. Mabye we should really consider doing it as this will be creating a lot of attention which in the end will turn people looking at it and being willing to get involved, hence they will want to connect with one another themselves evenmore once they what huge of an impact that may make.

btw buddy... am searching for a company logo right now so maybe we should try get some designers/ artist/ photographer or jsut creative minds here to join in?

do you mind spreading the word?


I will be replaying to any design handed in ... good ones however no 100% what I´m looking for will still not do have ot worry not gettin any... I will normally put a booster upvote in for any I am mentioning in an update post...

would be awsome if you may help me getting few more people lookin at it


The concept of the "long-term goal" like you've expressed in this post, will not only save people from being haunted by the stigma of greed but will also save the community from collapsing.

While "short-term goal" like you've analyzed in this post will only increase the level of oppression to some others on the platform, which is already undeniable. It would be like the case of the rich getter richer and the poor getting poorer.

The art of integrative growth can only be fostered on the long-term goal of spreading love to others by also upvoting their comments and meaningful posts as a way of showing appreciation and most importantly for the purpose of growing the community.
Thank you @stackin for sharing, this is quite timely!

You got knowledge man! You will do great here in 2018 🙌🏼

Thank you so much for your kind words @stackin, you have no idea what you just did through these words of encouragement. I planned quitting steemit recently, as most of my posts kept yielding terrible pay outs or a nothing sometimes despite my efforts.
But with this encouragement from you tonight, I've been inspired not to give up.

Thank you.

Yes amazing comment!

You are also giving amazing value to keep being in a high vibration state rather than low vibration. By saying thank you that also helps to keep you in a high vibration gratitude state.

What's good with Steemit is yes it's very long term strategy that will work the best but you will have constant daily amazing rewards by getting upvotes and comments in return so it won't even be a boring long term thing. It will actually be quite fun!

Very thankful you can't just cash out the Steem Power in 2 seconds. People are too lazy to take it out when it goes slower! I think when Steemit Inc launch Communities stuff will get even better because you can increase the quality and feedback loop even more then. Real legit Win-win groups for success!

You've said it all @phoneinf

....Steemit is a long term strategy that will work out best if we don't tarry.

As for the attitude of gratefulness, to me, gratitude is not sth we should postpone.
Gratefulness is golden.

Leading my example sir. I had a talk with a few of my customers recently and I told them to watch how you treat Steemit. You respond to basically every single person and that's how I believe anyone will grow on this platform.

Showing people the respect to actually respond....But sadly, that rarely happens with many of the larger accounts. I've stopped following many that don't interact with their community and followers.

A lot of us aren't always looking for upvotes, we're looking for engagement. Salute to you man for practicing what you preach!

Totally agree @brianphobos is someone who is awesome with this. Not sure how but man the guy is all over the place. He pretty much always responds to my comments, then I got a couple people who I follow regularly on here and I see he's active on their posts or when they comment on his stuff, I don't know how the guy finds the time in the day but his account shows the work he puts in, I personally think he should be even higher. There's alot of other dudes like him who are super active and all of the people I see like that have accounts that are growing steadily

That's testimonials I really appreciate. Going to go check his stuff out now. Thanks for the recommendation!

It’s hard work responding to people but this is “social media” and people need to start getting social lol

I salute you to boss, just keep at it and you will start winnin’ 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Hi stackin, good idea man.

I don't know how you feel about bot voting... I haven't for a long time, but now and then I do lately, though I try to bot vote others a little as well.


I hate comment bots and content bots but I have no issues with bots voting. THere are a lot of creators I know who put out quality content all the time and I wanna support them, however I dont always catch all their stuff within 5 days or 7 days or whatever the cap on earnings is and sometimes I'll take a few days off of steemit so I like with autovotes it take my mind off of having to go around upvoting all my peeps. For stuff that's especially well deserving of a higher upvote if I catch it I'll cancel my lower regular vote and give them a 100%

Yup, I hear yah. I have most of my SP delegated out, so I like to upvote others via bot so they're not just getting my 8 cent vote. ☺

Yeah I do bot voting at times... only way to get in the hot feed these days. I see it at like adversting but lots of people abuse it lol

I say, you vote all of my comments, all of your comments, and lets see what happens. Also, meet up in Florida March 17, have you purchased your ticket yet?

That’s funny! Hmmm I’ll probably make it to Florida in the summer time. Vegas is the spot! 😂

You are right. I feel like many people, including myself, try to outsmart steemit by trying to make "quick money". Then we realize that the best way to do it, like you said is to engage with the community and actually starting to create good content and upvoting people. Thanks for sharing and lets keep stacking.

Hey, I was the same when I first started and was like let me just be all about myself but soon realized it’s social media and people have to give back than to receive. Let’s start STACKIN engagements 😂

Woah am very happy i read this post because i had been too self centred lately.

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