Nutrition series: How sugar is damaging your health (part 1) - DAY 3 ( 30 days writing challenge)

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

This is my third post in the nutrition series that I will be covering for the next 30 days. If you want to know more about why I'm doing this series you should check out this post here.

Today we are going to start tackling the big and nasty problems that come with ingesting table sugar, but don't worry, I will break them down into bite-size bits ( pun intended 😉)

I am going to rely on the notions that I talked about in my previous posts, so if don't have any clue about what sugar actually is and how it works, you should read the previous two posts here and here.

The main focus of this post will be how sugar impacts one of the most important parts of the body: the head and the organs it contains.

Your teeth

As a kid you were probably annoyed when your parents sent you to brush those pearly whites. Well...they were right in telling you that, because the bacteria in your mouth which cause cavities love to indulge on all that sugar that remains in your mouth after you've enjoyed that chocolate or soft drink.
So if you want to be able to still smile with your own teeth when you'll be 80, drastically cutting back on food that contains added sugar is a must.

Your face

Even if you don't care about having fake teeth when you're about to retire, an older and more wrinkled face even if you're relatively young will surely make you think twice about sugar.
Here's how it works: having to much sugar in your diet will lead to abnormally high glucose levels in your blood ( or a hyperglycemic state), that glucose ( and other monosaccharides) can react with components of our body's proteins leading to a compound that is called advanced glycation end products or AGEs - and they make you ...wait for it... age faster ( I bet the scientists who came up with the acronym had a few nerdy giggles between themselves).

These bad boys have a lot of nasty effects that contribute to aging but we shall focus on what it does to the skin for now. Collagen and elastin are proteins that are very important to maintaining the architecture of your skin. AGEs can change the structure of these proteins making your skin saggy and wrinkled.
And that's not all, AGEs also promote inflammation and inhibits natural antioxidant enzymes leading to a more UV sensitive skin and even faster aging.

Your brain

Here sugar can really cause some nasty stuff.

Effects on your self-control

Similar to other drugs, sugar can make your brain function like that of an addict because it stimulates the release of feel good chemicals like dopamine. The problem is that the brain can get used to that dopamine surge and the dopamine receptors become less and less sensitive to it; that means you will have to eat more sugar to get a bigger dopamine response in order to feel the same pleasure.

Also craving sugar and the anxiety and restlessness accompanying it is a pretty obvious sign of addiction. I know it sounds a bit exaggerated, but society has gotten used to these things and we don't even perceive them as bad.

Studies done on rats showed that they preferred sugar over cocaine, which to me is mind blowing ( link to the article at the end of the post)

Effect on mood

We are all accustomed to the high that comes with eating something that contains sugar, and also the low that comes after that. The problem with long term consumption of too much sugar is that people can get predisposed to being depressed.
Considering how frequent depression is currently, and how much it can impact your life, that's a pretty scary consequence of eating sugar.

That's about it for today. See you tomorrow :)

Previous post in the series:
What is sugar?
Effects of sugar on the metabolism


Picture sources : pexels and pixabay

My name is Adrian a.k.a "The nearsighted traveler". I'm a running enthusiast who loves to spend time enjoying nature. I write mostly about running, the places I explore and the interesting stuff I learn here on steemit.
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5 Easy Rules for Navigating The Steem Ecosystem
The 6th Easy Rule for Navigating the Steem Ecosystem

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Well done on your experiment . I went off sugar for 10 full weeks last year. Not just sugar, but everything sweet. No fruit, no fake sugar; nothing sweet at all. I kept to less than 5grams per 100grams sugar in all food sources, which is about what whole milk has. So yes, some small amounts of sugar virtually impossible to avoid, but nothing that I'd consider sweet.
I hoped for a clearer head, better focus, less AD issues, weight loss, energy, vitality, perfect skin etc.... I expected withdrawals and extreme cravings. But I got none of it! It was virtually no effect more than the basic cravings I always have for crap food.
(I did probably make up for the calories in satisfying myself with lovely fats like cheeses and such.)
However, even though I'll always be craving sugar, I did come away with one thing, and it's more powerful than everything I hoped for. I came away with realizing that I do have control, and that I'm not a total slave to sugar. I still want sugar in my coffee for example, but I really am able to enjoy it without.
Take away my cream though? Not a chance!

I didn't do an experiment myself because I try to avoid sugar for a couple of years now, these series focuses more on explaining why sugar is bad. And when I say sugar I mean table sugar or sucrose. Not all sugars are bad. If you want to learn more read the previous articles carefully.
Good job on quitting sugar. Cheers!

Totally agreed mate. Sugar is like a poison specially for those who are trying to loose some weight

The people that try to lose weight are getting totally sabotaged by sugar, it's a real shame to be honest.

Sugar is evil,,, I need to slap myself next time I have some !

Try replacing it with fruits. Like any drug it's hard to get off it in the beginning.


No man, sugar is evil :)) And I will write more about why in the next couple of days.

uhmkey. gonna eat some snickers until then...

You nailed it. We eliminated the "sugar bowl" in our home years ago. No high fructose corn syrup either. If only people would read labels. There is a diabetes epidemic in the West costing billions in healthcare and untold suffering and culprit is sugar.

It sad how people spend a lot of money buying things with sugar only to spend more money on helthcare later down the track.

Thank you for this post! It's very interesting and creepy at the same time. Although, excessive consumption of anything can be harmful

excessive consumption of anything can be harmful

Yes but the nasty thing about sugar is that is shoved into our faces constantly with advertisements and other tricks. So kind of get used to it without realising how bad it can be for you.

Useful and detailed post explaining a great truth! We should all pay attention to our health and nutrition.

Thank you, I hope to see you around because I will write more on the topic.

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