The blind leading the blind: a Steemit newbie convincing a pre-newbie to joinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge308 years ago

I read three posts today... and they are all about the same thing.  HELP ME IN STEEMIT!!!! hahahaha

I wrote an email to my friend 2 days ago, trying to do some gentle convincing that they should look into this place :) So I'm going to share that semi-persuasive emailed monologue with a singular intent:  help!  :)


The intention of this post is to attract people who tell me where I'm wrong, tell me where I'm right, and generally be a place where newbies can come console one another - waiting for a seasoned Steemian to come by and say, "There there.  It will be alright.  Help is coming and then all will be right with the world, little newbie." 

and.... also just let other newbies know that there are a lot of newbies out there. You're not the only person on Steemit trying to figure it all out.  We all are! LOL  


so..... here is (was) my email - please read - and correct me wherever I'm not quite right, blatantly wrong, or otherwise befuddled.  :)  



Remember I told you about steemit???  Well,I started to write for it today. 

Calm down!!!! LOL You don't have to join!!! :) I'm just telling you - so far, it's pretty cool.

I mean - you know me - I write for the love of it.  Money or no money - i'll always write.  

but you have potential to make money on your writings here - in a MUCH different way than is currently offered by the world LOL!  

ok so - are you familiar with bitcoin?

This website uses their own crypto-currency. 

Called steem.

It's kinda complex. I don't understand it all.  My friend tried to explain bitcoin to me and my mind almost blew up. hahaha  Seriously i think i felt heat coming off the tips of my ears!

It's hard to compare it to something if you don't understand crypto-currency at all, but... I guess  - if you HAVE to compare it to something??? you can imagine that it's a little bit like stock? 

But even more complex!!! Lol

Back to steemit - when a story, article, or post becomes more interesting.... it generates more steem.

The more visible the post becomes - the more desirable it is for other people to like it also, which then generates MORE steem, (which makes MORE people want to like it... cuz it increases in value - and if you upvote it - you're part of that whole picture)

Everyone has the ability to vote.

But everyone's vote is worth different amounts.

I'm brand new.... so when I upvote- I do change the value of a post.... but I change it insignificantly at this point.

Like - really insignificantly. hahaha less than a cent. (hahaha)

There are people that are highly active members of steemit.

They have been members for a long time. If you can imagine .....hmmmm well how about this? Imagine if you bought stock in Disney or McDonald's at an early stage. 

The stock is worth very little, until more people are interested....

Then it rises in value, then it splits, then rises more, then splits...

So if you purchase one share of Disney stock in 1957 (the year it listed on the NYSE and was open to the general public)....

Now after splitting and increasing and splitting and increasing......

Today - one share would be equal to more than 750 shares.  

So if you view steem the same way....

1. IF steemit continues to become more successful

2. IF you join sooner rather than later...

3. IF you are an active member that generates your own ability to drive interest up by either creating your own interesting posts- or having a keen ability to find good posts before they are very popular and then MAKING them popular.... time, your votes would become more valuable, and your account would become more valuable, because steemit would become more valuable.

As I read more on the site- I see that there are a lot of people that are actually attempting to make a living!!!!  How cool is that???  

I kinda view them as stock brokers... or i should say steem brokers?? maybe? LOL

But you don't HAVE to buy steem.  You can earn it by being an active member in the system.  Writing, voting, commenting... by your activity - you are helping the site to become more valuable, and therefore - helping yourself too.

Which is really..... an amazing concept.

To build an entire financial structure off of a vote?  Off of something that I GET to say is valuable to me. (you know me and my stubborn mind LOL.  Don't tell me what I can and can't wear just cuz your name is on a label.  Fashion is created for people.  Not the other way around hahahaha)   I love that this is coming back to the PEOPLE telling the SYSTEM what is valuable to US.

And it's a level playing field.... across the globe! Amazing.

Everyone has a vote. 

On any given day, a person from China- from Canada- from Mexico..... they join on the same day? They make their first vote... and their votes are all worth the same.

It has nothing to do with their nation's currency.

Their vote is inherently valuable. Like a Facebook "like" or Instagram "like" - and you can "resteem" (like Twitter's retweet) to help articles that you think are worthy - so that they can create more interest. 

Of course - the value of a vote changes with time - depending on how invested you are in the system.  But - I think that's how it should be, right?

The more you interact, write, vote for "steem-worthy" posts.... and of course the more time that you commit.... the more valuable your vote will become.

The members with very valuable votes.... (Meaning... they have invested time, or money long enough so that their votes increase in value exponentially) - They are called "whales"

If a whale finds your story... or post... or picture... or recipe... or whatever you want to submit! Lol

And gives it an upvote.....

The value of your story will jump significantly.  (but right now? to me?  a whale is a mythical creature, much like a unicorn hehehe  When I spot one - or more accurately - when one spots me.... i'll be sure to convey the reality of them to you! hahahaha)

I still want to try to figure out how much my vote is currently worth.  But I have a lot more to research :)

But after I wrote my first post.... and clicked submit - it felt so anti-climactic! hahaha I didn't tell anyone I had started writing (yes @creatr, i'm sorry i'm sorry LOL) so I couldn't even get a boost from him or his friends - not even pity votes hahahaha. My own fault. LOL i know - but i kinda wanted to explore it on the down-low. hahaha The site is so big - the posts... so many!  I felt like a drop of water in a massive ocean.

30 seconds after I hit submit, I was already ready to quit. LOLOL

Instead of closing the site and quitting.... I decided to float out a bit further and explore this "ocean" lol

About 10 minutes later, I happened to find my way back to my post. 


Wow! Ok.... maybe it's NOT as difficult as I thought.

20 minutes later. 19 upvotes

An hour later. 44 upvotes and my story was worth $0.23

Which is nothing! I know!!!!! hahahaha it's less than a quarter!

But..... when you think about it..... it's actually pretty significant.

No one bought my story. No one paid any money.

They just indicated that they thought it was good. That they liked it. And their collective appreciation had a financial value attached to it.

But - and here is the amazing part....

In one hour, I gained 23 cents for thoughts that I took from my mind and put to "print".

People liked those thoughts. And without exchanging any money directly from their hands to mine.... they gave value to my thoughts... and in this system- that value is associated with financial benefit.

I have a friend who has written since August.

His account is worth almost $500 now.

Again.... it's not going to replace a full time job. Well, it can. But for most people- it's not going to. Certainly not any time in the beginning.

But I'm published on Amazon. If I made $500 in 6 months on ANY of my books- without having to invest my own money on marketing??? I would be thrilled!

I guess it's all about perspective.

23 cents in an hour.... from strangers who happened to like a part of a story I wrote.

That's money in the bank- any way you look at it! Lol

Definitely some interesting potential here.  

(after 16 hours - i came back to give an update)

Now??? The value is $2.35 from last night! It's not even been a full day yet. 

Only 16 hours lol

I know $2.35 is relatively low.... but it is also relatively high - all things considered.

You totally have to join this!  

Tell me when you come and I promise you I'll give you your first vote. LOL 


This is day 3 of the 30 day writing challenge by @dragosroua  :)


Hey there! I haven't read this yet, I'm about to get comfortable and then I will. One thing I noticed right off the bat though is the tags. Of course challenge30 is right for this, and introduceyourself is also great. If you go to the home page, everything on the right side are generally the tags most frequently used and therefore seen. The higher up the list, the more traffic. Also for your future stories, they've just begun a new initiative in the fiction tag (when I first got here it didn't even make the list so I was using story) and @baerdric is one of the leaders. Go to his page and introduce yourself :) He'll make sure your stories are read and if he likes them, which he'd be crazy not to, he'll recommend them to curating teams.

see???? this is what ALL newbies need!!! lots of helpful friends! i will FOR SURE do as you say :) thanks kindred twin ;)

I had no clue about anything when I first arrived. Like you I posted a story before an introduction. Also like you my introduction was not typical, i.e. I did not talk about my life, my family, or anything normal LOL. Just another way we are kindred ;) And also like you I write because I love to write so while the money is awesome, I would be here regardless. My motto is "Do what you love and the money will come." ;) I was going to write to you an "everything I've learned so far" essay, unfortunately just when I thought I had some peace and quiet to do this company showed up, haha! So expect to hear from me a little later.

We really are so similar!!!! i'm already kinda looking forward to a day when we can share more of our lives and see how far our twin-ness goes hahahahaha
yeah - i mean - i honestly felt like.. No one wants to hear about my real life in an introduction. LOL They would MUCH rather be entertained!!!!
and i feel EXACTLY the same way about work (of course i do - we share creative DNA hahaha) Work isn't work - when you love what you do.

and i'm so looking forward to your essay!!!!!

Awesome, did you make an account at

I didn't yet - so I go to and i use my same name?
i'll be home in about a half hour (in the car now - and will lose reception soon. don't worry i'm not driving hahahah)
when i get home i'll set it up and look for you :)

I like it. And upvoted. as it is meant to be.

thank you! (and i was perusing through your posts.... i'm a follower now ;)

Actually you've got it down really good on this one, lol. I mean the tags ;) I have lots of helpful information, but in regards to the way the money works I am still learning myself.

ha! cuz it was really how i felt as i was writing to my friend! it's a genuine email expressing my excitement, my hope, my trepidation, my confusion and the overwhelming state of feeling COMPLETELY lost. LOL

Familiar with those feelings! Have you opened an account at at If not, do that. Use your steemit name, they have direct messaging-private messaging-there. I just started that account myself, it would have made some things much easier :) Let me know when you do and I'll message you the whole scope of what I know :)

ok i will - is it a separate site? or a link off of this site?

separate site, just type in in your browser and it will come up :)

Okay, sounds good!

took me much longer to get back on... but i'm on the chat now :) same name - look for me there when you get a chance :)
or leave a message? not sure how it works yet hahaha

Where do I begin, my deeply, direly stubbornly stubborn friend?... ;)

Dare I say "Told you so!"?

About, say, Bitcoin? Hmmm... that day I spent such a long time explaining Bitcoin, back when 1BTC < $200....??? (No, if you click that link, you'll want to cry...)

I'm truly glad to see you here, now, and your brain "engaging" with the big picture of "what is the source of worth and value..." :) :) :)

If you go back over what you've written, right here, right now, in this very article, the truth about value in life, the universe, Bitcoin, Steemit, anything... should become apparent. The Truth is this:

Authentic value resides and has only ever resided in the human soul.

"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?" - Luke 9:25

More on this later... Welcome, again, to Steemit! You're starting to "get it" now! 😄😇😄


hhahahaha - you can say I told you so.... i still wouldn't be able to have committed before this time (being away from work for 17 days has given me the time to rest my brain and engage in creativity again)

I DREAD going back tomorrow hahaha. I would sooooo rather invest those hours in my projects!!!! someday SOON!!! very very soon. the countdown is already on.

and yes - i agree with you - and always have - on the fundamental concepts. I like that steem seems to take bitcoin to the next level by merging the cryptocurrency with the appreciation of art/creativity/passion....

BUT... it does make me a little nervous about how people have been saying that payouts are getting worse and worse. I don't really care about the money. I care about the value of votes. If people don't feel like their vote is worth anything - they'll stop voting. and there really is something fun in having recognition for contributions.

i wonder how that could be reversed?

There has been a lot of speculation - you can find a lot of articles if you poke around and search - about ways to change the voting algorithms. In reality, it may never happen?

There has (so far) been one Steemit hard fork that I'm aware of... and I believe another would be required to change the way voting works.

In my limited understanding of how it all works, there are good reasons for those who put in the "sweat equity" to create the platform to have a greater say in who is recognized...

This sort of reminds me of that old joke in which a scientist confronts God with the arrogant claim that he is capable of creating a human being. God says, "OK, show me." So, when the scientist reaches down to scrape together enough materials for the job, God stops him and says "Un-uh! Get your own dirt."

oh..... and you'll recall... on that day - you didn't just open my mind to the wonders of bitcoin.... but also some terrors! LOL
Enough said about that..... but remember the WHOLE conversation. not just the "i told you so" part hahahahaha

This calls for a face to face conversation, lest I start sputtering... :0

face to face soooooooon :)


Re-Steemed! ;)


ok - so how do i find out how my vote is actually worth? Is there someplace that lets me figure that out???

Here you go, sweetie:


You're welcome... ;)
P.S. You can click the image any time for the current value... :)

well that's depressing. LOLOLOLOL

Check mine... Still not great, but just so you can see that things do get better!

Cheer up! 😄😇😄


I'm back with what might be somewhat encouraging news...

There is a very interesting comment by @dantheman under this recent article:
Steemit's design flaw

His comment has to do with a vast store of Steem Power now held by the "Steemit" entity... The article and comments are worth reading. ;)

i wonder if it's what i've been formulating hahahahaha i'll read and see! :)

Welcome @dreemsteem, here is an upvote and follow to help you begin... my suggestion is not to ask for donation implied or not,just post and it will come!

thank you @kyusho!!! (I will take your advice! but... what is a donation??)

request for votes, money, stuff like that...let the viewer figure that out.

oh ok! hahaha sounds good :)

unless it's for a billion steem.

if someone is willing to hand that out - i'm totally asking. hehehe

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jan 03. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $7.70 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jan 03 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

thank you @screenname.... looks like this is becoming a trend... LOL Hoping to eventually break it by becoming more valued! LOLOLOL

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