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RE: The blind leading the blind: a Steemit newbie convincing a pre-newbie to join

in #challenge308 years ago

Where do I begin, my deeply, direly stubbornly stubborn friend?... ;)

Dare I say "Told you so!"?

About, say, Bitcoin? Hmmm... that day I spent such a long time explaining Bitcoin, back when 1BTC < $200....??? (No, if you click that link, you'll want to cry...)

I'm truly glad to see you here, now, and your brain "engaging" with the big picture of "what is the source of worth and value..." :) :) :)

If you go back over what you've written, right here, right now, in this very article, the truth about value in life, the universe, Bitcoin, Steemit, anything... should become apparent. The Truth is this:

Authentic value resides and has only ever resided in the human soul.

"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?" - Luke 9:25

More on this later... Welcome, again, to Steemit! You're starting to "get it" now! 😄😇😄



hhahahaha - you can say I told you so.... i still wouldn't be able to have committed before this time (being away from work for 17 days has given me the time to rest my brain and engage in creativity again)

I DREAD going back tomorrow hahaha. I would sooooo rather invest those hours in my projects!!!! someday SOON!!! very very soon. the countdown is already on.

and yes - i agree with you - and always have - on the fundamental concepts. I like that steem seems to take bitcoin to the next level by merging the cryptocurrency with the appreciation of art/creativity/passion....

BUT... it does make me a little nervous about how people have been saying that payouts are getting worse and worse. I don't really care about the money. I care about the value of votes. If people don't feel like their vote is worth anything - they'll stop voting. and there really is something fun in having recognition for contributions.

i wonder how that could be reversed?

There has been a lot of speculation - you can find a lot of articles if you poke around and search - about ways to change the voting algorithms. In reality, it may never happen?

There has (so far) been one Steemit hard fork that I'm aware of... and I believe another would be required to change the way voting works.

In my limited understanding of how it all works, there are good reasons for those who put in the "sweat equity" to create the platform to have a greater say in who is recognized...

This sort of reminds me of that old joke in which a scientist confronts God with the arrogant claim that he is capable of creating a human being. God says, "OK, show me." So, when the scientist reaches down to scrape together enough materials for the job, God stops him and says "Un-uh! Get your own dirt."

oh..... and you'll recall... on that day - you didn't just open my mind to the wonders of bitcoin.... but also some terrors! LOL
Enough said about that..... but remember the WHOLE conversation. not just the "i told you so" part hahahahaha

This calls for a face to face conversation, lest I start sputtering... :0

face to face soooooooon :)


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