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RE: The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 10 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago (edited)

140 comments to go with 13 hrs left...less a couple hours for the lawyer today and likely another couple hours bashing against this bandwidth wall.

If what I just read is correct and I don't doubt our teacher/coach that means I have approximately 7 hrs to cross the finish line. 20 comments an hour...piece of marble cake!


EDIT: ~smiles fer miles~


You are a bit ahead of me.. by about 30-40 comments.

k...not slowing down for you...catch up while I'm sitting in the lawyer's office, we can throw each other over the finish line...I will NOT be doing this on my stupid smart phone. ;)

You really need to read this. LOL know... I have no concept of time Just sayin'

hahaha @merej99 I did have have a chance to read this while my lawyer was commiserating with his colleagues. for 10 minutes and I was left in the office twiddling my thumbs and the thought came to me.

I found the whole thing fascinating really. He sounds like a great partner...a tolerant one. I take it you live in farm country as well. So I had a question come to mind while reading. You said you're quite capable of recognizing time restraints as far as prearranged appointments and such. What about birthdays, anniversary's, holidays and such. Perhaps holidays is not a good example here because you have the buzz feed from interacting on the computer.

What I'm curious about is whether you honestly lose time to your focus or you just really don't give time much thought other than how you choose to use it. I mean I can get the idea that you don't like alarms...unless it suits your needs in a particular situation. Don't you? :-0

So if I'm right so far, your life as you live it requires no sense of time. You neither value it or disavow it. It's just a construct you have little use for. I mean you are aware of it in the sense you inherently understand that if you want to go to Paris , for example, that a plane will get you there much quicker than a cruise ship. I can't really see you accepting a ocean voyage as a reasonable mode of transportation. Therefor you value your time intrinsically. An when you go to the airport, you would have done so allowing for all the pre-arrangements before hand. It may be your husband or someone else who arranges these things, but that's not because you cannot, rather than it's because you choose not to if you don't have to. Again valuing your time. I don't think your the kind of person who would purposely set out to waste another's time...but you could become so engrossed in something right in front of you that you might miss something that you had earlier deemed important to you.

Am I making any sense here...or am I just wasting your time with a bunch of silly questions? Because you already clearly stated your position with time...or at least how you like to pass it...which would be your way if you had your druthers.

Anyway...fascinating as I said. Reply at your leisure dear...or not at I certainly have no lien on your time. On another note...this was number 111 on the countdown chart.


Hey there! I'm actually more time conscientious than that post would suggest but you hit the nail on the head. I don't live by a clock or an alarm but I am very respectful of other people's time because I know how precious it is.

My days are filled with doing the things I love and the bonus is I get paid for it. How sweet is that? You've gotten a taste of my organization and planning so when something must be done, it will get done. And thanks to my experience of going the wrong way at least a block before I figure out it's the wrong way (I kind of miss stomping around NYC and could never figure out how the natives could tell east from west after they left the subway) I always schedule "get lost time" especially if I'm traveling to a new location for an appointment.

I think it's a law to arrive 10-15 minutes early. Or maybe that was Dad's law?

So, for now, I'm practically an empty-nester. My schedule is my own and that of my dog's bladder (break time). Time, for some is the clock or a box on the calendar. I respect those parameters. I don't have to live by them. ;)

As for birthdays and holidays... I've rejected the commercialism of those things for at least a decade. My kids want for nothing and appreciate a gift "out of the blue" instead of a sense of entitlement because it was the day they were born. Thanksgiving is my only exception. A day with family and food? I'll kill a budget for that feast.

~smiles~ a vagabond is just someone with no sense of direction and a love of discovery. One of the things I used to say I'd like to do is go to NYC with nothing but a bus ticket and the clothes on my back. Some have said that town would eat me alive...even at this age I beg to differ.

Yes...time is our own to do as we please. If we please to put obligations on that be it...we can also choose to turn around and stop putting obligations on it.

Why I stopped making promises decades easy to make and so hard to keep sometimes. Like the dude said...I don't have time for all that shit.

I'm really surprised I'm still so giving of my time here. That's a testament to the quality of characters here...not just content....and holidays mean nothing to me either. Not even thanksgiving...a turkey or ham is fuss required...just an extra decent meal...but why not that every month...or every week?

K...been honing my short game...yer throwing me off here teach...haven't seen the wall since the first one after coming back from the lawyers...I think it's gonna find me on this one. I'm just posting from the parent page and not from the full long as I have stuff in my feed.

If not I'll go back to the 20 questions page and find that song...hahaha...maybe even add a lemme see 65 more to much time now coach?

here comes da wall!

Already sounds pretty promising!

replies do I really need this distraction right now? I have less than an hour to get dressed and drive through downtown to be on time for my appointment...I'll catch this a curio sorta cat } ;-)>

Hope all went well at the know, because they're so much fun.

Actually no...usually they're not...but this time I'm happy to have them. My first time ever bein' a letigious bastard.

What is the issue with the bandwidth thing?? That has held me up a little bit today as well! :(

It's up to the witnesses to increase the bandwidth to keep up with the volume. It's not YOUR equipment. It's on Steemit's end. We've had a lot of growth to the site recently.

I finally reached those limits today. Took me about 30 mins to be able to post again.

a well-earned Steemit break seems to have been forced upon you. Do not panic!

ask the teach tony...I would normally love to help out but I really gotta fly... ^/^

Who's that 'teach tony'. Enjoy your flight!

He calls me 'the teach'. I don't know why. LOL

because yer a natural born killer...and yer teach'n me how to kill it too ;p

and I don't call her "the teach" ...just
and a whole lotta other things on the other side of my keyboard!

and to just clarify for a moment...I recall tony was searching for info on this bandwidth issue,
you haven't run up agin it yourself @steemfluencer?

the issue is I just came back to the computer after being away for three and a half hours and went to post that comment to @merej99 and immediately go slammed and had to wait a half hour to post it.

68 to go and I started a drinking song somewhere in this damned post...

lol...what you do'n inside the belly of that beast? Editing for posterity? ;p

Hey hey, we're the monkeys! We're just hangin' around....

*and you've only got 27 more comments!

hey hit by the biggest bw wall yet...over an hour locked much time left?

Until I go to bed ;)
And you're only like 25 comments back.

actually if 1216 is my target then it's 15 more to go...drink chew some coffee grinds

12 more! COME ON! mamabear needs a beer!

four now...go ahead...and sure I'll have one two...we can chillax now ~smiles~

You start without me. I'm waiting on a couple more people to see if they still have a pulse :) Hey... great job I'm really glad to be connected because not too many people with this kind of grit. I appreciate that. HUGS.

awwwe there ya go again teacher-coach...quit'cher blubber'n and let's go find the stragglers...just point me in the right direction...whew...that was some last screen shots and been see'n the lawyer or it didn't happen!

                                  ~smiles fer smiles~

p.s. not a typo

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