12 Questions to Get to Know @ameliabartlett | Quirky Reintroduction

in #challenge6 years ago

Image by @hobotang

My sweetheart @hobotang got creative with his introduction post and wrote a quirky questionnaire to help new friends to get to know him. At his insistence in his post, I’ve taken on the challenge to answer these questions, too! I adore new opportunities to share bits of myself with you guys, so after you’ve read (and laughed at) my answers, I encourage you to try this for yourself!

1. What 3 meals would have before heading to the International Space Station?

Mama Phet’s pho soup from my favorite Laos restaurant, Sticky Rice Cafe.

Cheese pizza from Little Italy (restaurant) in St Petersburg, FL. Nostalgic AND delicious. I’m lactose-intollerant, so it’d be best if I ate this meal a few days before liftoff to avoid, you know, any extra rocket boosts...

The biggest, most full Summer salad bowl. Greens, micro greens, beets, watermelon, pistachios, grape tomatoes (halved), citrus vinaigrette. I might even create a recipe for this. I’d call it Pre-Space Produce Binge.

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

Current events, because I love to know what’s up!

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

Part of me would want to be 8 or 9 forever. You’re old enough to have a personality, preferences, and to communicate your needs, but you are properly taken care of with no need for bills or boring adulting stuff.

However, having seen Interview with a Vampire more times than I care to admit, Kirsten Dunst’s character, who is immortalized as a child, matures in a fractured, odd way over time and ultimately becomes distraught with her inability to progress beyond her perceived years.

I’d like to be 29 forever, that wouldn’t be so bad.

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Olympic Googling, which I imagine entails finding complex and complete information on obscure subjects.

Or rhythmic gymnastics, because that was my dream (and my primary competitive sport) as a youngster!

Image from Unsplash

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

This is my favorite question, as I love history and hypothesize uncontrollably about how previous-era humans coped with my modern-day woes and experiences. After giving this a fair bit of thought:

Around 400 BCE to Ancient Athens, specifically to Plato’s Academy.

This question pushed me to research Ancient Greece more than I expected, and in the process I learned that there are two known women to have studied at the Platonic Academy: Axiothea of Phlius and Lasthenia of Mantinea.

I would love the chance to be among those women and among the great minds of Ancient Greece.

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

A type of camera that created images on self-generated substance and photosynthesis. Unlimited prints, anywhere you are. And, 100% sustainable.

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

Owned my home, traveled to Europe, adopted a greyhound, lived in a tiny house, and published a magazine!

If you know me, you know my bucket list is extremely long and multifaceted, so these completions are a snippet of my lifelong hopes.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

Another Earth-like planet that’s similar to ours, but that experienced micro differences in evolution over time, resulting a complimentary but unique ecosystem.

I’d like to visit once they find it.

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

Definitely a good witch, and I wish I could do more.

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

I would teach an entire course on brainstorming. I would teach the rules, have an entire curriculum with activities and milestones. I’d have a class project, there would be teams. And it would be AWESOME.

11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Ooh, this one stumped me. I’m going to go out on a limb and request a duet from Adele and young Bob Dylan, with the final song being an acoustic rendition of Make You Feel My Love.

(No offense to current Bob Dylan, his young voice is simply nostalgic for me).

12. What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

Nonfiction is my go-to for audiobooks, accompanying me in traffic and lulling me into a content trance during housework. I recently listened to Sapiens, an epic human history volume that addresses evolution in every imaginable area of the human existence.

If you can enjoy a soothing British accent speaking about the immense depths of human evolution, this book is a must.

Image by @hobotang

You might be learning just as much as I am about myself!

These questions were hilarious and I hope you enjoyed some of these (Freudian) answers.

Be sure to check out the original post published by @hobotang.

Of course, I have to call out some friends to create a #twelvequestions post.

Be sure to use the tag #twelvequestions in your article.

Shout out to @shadowspub and the whole gang at tonight’s Pimp Your Post Thursday hosted on Steemit Ramble. You welcomed me back with open arms after a hiatus and a crazy meetup in Tennessee. I hope you enjoy this silly post and create one for yourselves!

Hi, I'm Amelia! It's nice to meet you.

I'm a writer, minimalist, tiny home dweller, and maker living in East Tennessee, USA. You might have found me through the Ladies of Steemit curation initiative, showcasing the female voices on the Steemit platform. Let's hang out on the blockchain and see where it takes us.

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banner by @bearone

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



This was so much fun reading your answers! I wish I would have properly met you...or at all...at the meet up, but hopefully there will be a next time!

I so wish we could’ve met up. What a variety of Steemians dropped in at the house! I can’t wait for the next one. I think it’s one Atlanta!

Ohhh that would be fun! Do you know when?

When I heard you talking about it and all the people that has taken it I know how amazing it is.

Pretty interesting that you picked Ancient Greek at the high time of philosophy and discource.

Great answers Amy!

😂 I see what you’re going for with ‘Amy’ but that’s not my style. 🎈

Ahahahha sorry about that that is me half asleep and still commenting

This is fun! On it. ;) Thanks for thinking of me. 💖💖💖

Of course! I know you will have some very Katrina answers that will be perfect. 😍

This looks like fun. Will try and do mine. Thanks for sharing.

Definitely tag me and @hobotang so we can enjoy your answers. 🤗

Well done sweets, I'll get on mine promptly :)
This seriously had me rolling because I know how you are:

Olympic Googling, which I imagine entails finding complex and complete information on obscure subjects.

What WONDERFUL questions! And intriguing, awesome answers. I've lost track of you somehow, but I'm so happy to have found you again. This is a fabulous post and I found myself agreeing with many of your answers.

I'll have to check out the audiobook or at least recommend it to my son. He listens to non-fiction/podcasts etc all day at work, so I know he'd love it. I love me a British accent, but usually audiobooks are soothing to me and I fall asleep!

Wonderful post.

I do hope your son enjoys the book! I’m reading a couple fiction gems now if you would like a recommendation for a story a little more engaging. 😛 Aren’t these questions a trip? My beau totally surprised me with this creative article and I’ve loved watching it proliferate into multiple communities. I’ve even met people I didn’t know before through the tag!

This is a fantastic selection of answers, I'm so with you on Olympic googling and it's an inspired idea to travel back in time to Ancient Athens.


This is such a fun challenge. I will probably do it once I am done with the Gratitude challenge that I just started.

Yes, I would love to see what you write! These questions are so unique, they tell a lot about a person. 😂

The more I (cyber)know you, the more I realize what an amazing, AMAZING person you are Amelia!
Intelligent and interesting AF xD
Even though I wasn't nominated :P I think I'll write it too this weekend, seems such a cool idea! Thanks for that - and for wanting to go back to Ancient Greece ;))) As a Greek myself, I sure appreciate that :D <3 Hugs!

You are closer to the Gods (and Goddesses) than I! I dream of visiting Greece for an extended stay one day. And OF COURSE. You don’t have to be nominated - I always want to nominate like 25 of my friends but I don’t want it to be spammy and weird. 🤓 I can’t wait to read your answers.

I found it very funny though to say ''I'll do it, nominated or not'' :P mahaha!!!
Well...about Greece...you know who to ping when you decide to do so ;)))

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