Who to Follow Daily (WTF!) A shitty start of the day

in #chainbb7 years ago (edited)

Last night was not a good night. It all started when the first monster woke us up in the middle of the night. For no apparant reason, I might add. And to make things worse, the little monster clearly enjoyed the fact he woke me and my bride-to-be up to an extent that he refused to leave the master bedroom. In a stroke of fate we decided to let the little monster get in bed with us so he would finally shut his mouth. Worst mistake of the day (at least to that point, might I remind you it still was 03:30ish). The little rascal decided to endulge us with a few of his best songs to date.

I don't know if those wonderkids really exist. those kids you see on the telly, two years old, singing with a voice like a nightingale, entertaining, sweet and probably most important, not in our bedroom in the middle of the night. After a few tries we finally managed to keep him quite. Not only for our own rest but, considering the risk of waking up two others monsters in the room next door, for the sake of huminaty alltogether.

So if you had a good day today, you're welcome. We took it on our sleeves to prevent Judgement Day by expelling the first little demon. Two to go and you might have guessed it already, they woke up! Within five to ten minutes after we got the little one quite his 4y/o sister and 7 y/o brother decided it was the perfect time to re-enact the occupy marches straight into our bedroom. The latter did this with his shorts on his head wich the little monsters did find very amusing.


I finally got them back in their cages. "Hooray for me". I lay down and slowly start to fall asleep. You know that feeling when everything falls of you together with the heavier getting eyelids? I almost felt it this night. "It's so hot in here, I can hardly breathe". The misses. So close aaaaargh.

After some nesting, adjusting the pillow to the perfect headrest and counting a few sheep I manage to fall asleep. When suddenly, BAM, the door bursts open and we instantly sit right up. The middle monster (the 4y/o girl) bursts in the room, screaming. Before we realize what really happened we hear her cry for humanity. "My brother farted" she cried out loud. "And it stinks too". We hear him sneaking downstairs. I run up and ask him if it was true. He replies "I had to let it go'. I think fair enough, we all feel that urge. "In her face" he continues. Wait, what?

He decided to rip one right in her beautifull innocent face while she was sleeping just for the lolz. Now the pandamonium is complete. I'm angry at him, he screams at his sister for selling him out, she's yelling to my better half that she still smells "Poopy", my better half is angry at the world for not getting any sleep all while the little monster is nowhere to be seen. I look up to his room and see him standing in the doorway. He looks at me, judging. Poop in his hands.

And me? One look at the clock tells me it's 4:27. I look at the little demon, judge him right back. He flees like a thief in the night into his dark room. I hear him muffling something at me. He blames me for waking everyone up. And that's when he decided to grab his own poopy. Awesome. Cleaning starts in five and now everybody back to bed!

No shit day

So the night was shitty as can be, but what about the day? I decided to not return to sleep as there was nothing to win upstairs anyway. I cleaned the excessive poop, put the little one in the shower and back to bed. And when I finally got everybody back in bed, including the misses, I got onto Steemit. The one to never let me down. And I started to search, looking for some great finds. And as you might expect from me nowadays, I did find some great mentions for todays list.


Here comes todays list:

@someguy123 Another Witness. Very active one as he keeps sharing us updates about his activities as a witness. You can find him in Steemspeak Discord Chat. Cool guy really sharing and caring and stuff. Also a great curator. Follow his trail for some nice rewards. Well known third party developer for Steemit so he deserves to be on this list. Joined August 2016.

@inertia Has an appartment on Discord. Lives, loves en Steems there. Not very good in timemanagement but came up with a great list to manage it anyway. Joined July 2016 so bet this one is an account to keep an eye on!

@condra Another july 2016 entry, man, what a month was that! very active member of Steemit society. Her bio states "Photographer - Musician - Podcaster - Gadgetfreak" so this is exactly what you are getting. Including the occasional resteems. Also very active on Steemspeak Discord. (If you still haven't figured out that Discord is the place to be then I'm afraid there is no place for you on Steemit....)

@bitcoinparadise Here comes: Another great mind on .... Steemspeak chat on DISCORD. He even posted a complete guide to use Discord which you can check out right here. What are you waiting for? His bio states Investor, why aren't you checking him out already? He is here since August 2016 so another "oldtimer".

@kaylinart Illustrator so expect her to post her own illustrations (Selfemployed by the way). Loves to blog about finance, Business and self improvement. Lovely woman which definately deserves a visit from you. Just celebrated her "One year Anniversary" on Steemit.

@ericvancewalton Another july 2016 entry. Writer of the Perfect Pause. Since he's writing about Meditation I reckon he's quite the relaxed guy. Maybe leave him a comment to see what he's up to.

@kralizec Is all about games. Czech but speaks 7 languages fluently. His granddad even spoke 13(!) Joined as one of the first of his country in August 2016. Great guy really and very active on, you guessed it, Steemspeak Discord!

@thecryptofiend Made it to the list for the second time this week. All due to his work for the Steemit community. Good Guy Arif deserves every follower he can as he is there for his followers. Great Resteems (So follow his trail).

@cryptoctopus if you are a bit more experienced you start following this guy. Very active on Steemspeak too. Likes to post stuff about technology (Chain-BB for example). I checked it out already but this still beyond me. ChainBB is a forum connected to Steemit which you might want to check out in a few days after you know what you are actually doing on Steemit.

Special Mention (Gmuxx and the search for the Hidden Gems)

If you are a minnow, someone who just started and can use the help in making the first steps on Steemit then you should follow @gmuxx. He is constantly on the search for hidden writing talent and in a combined effort has the possibilities to boost selected minnows who excell in contributing but lack the following base.


With all religions come Witnesses who see the miracles up close. As a practising Steemian I vouch for these witnesses

Allthough I don't fully understand the concept of being a witness I can tell that these guys are the reason why Steem is Steem. They are the beating heart of Steemit and everything that is connected. I will add one more witness daily for the next 25 days untill my votes are done. If you believe you should become a witness and deserve a mention please don't hesitate to either reply to this post, contact me on chat or discord (@cem) or try to raise your attention otherwise.

Find out who was Previously on Who to Follow Daily - What the Fork? Edition

Cheers y'all and Steem on!


thanks for featuring me mate :)

You're most welcome! Catch you on Discord

I've been awoken by wants and needs the last two nights. But, three nights ago it started from the youngest of the little night walkers, just not wanting to go to sleep. The older male night walker refuses to believe he can reassemble the sleeping setup and requires, neh, demands instructions and assistance. Last night was a exclamation of great peril thrusted onto him in forms of phantom pains and unruly covers. I hope to get a full nights sleep this evening so that I won't have to indulge in copious amounts of Mountain Dew in order to complete my travels to and fro.


lol, but what?

Thank you for the mention!

You are welcome my friend ✌

Thank you for story,cheers 🙂

You are welcome. Hope you had fun 😎

For sure 😂

I was pleased to see your post

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