My entry to "What does today mean to you? 2:24" - Mr Greed is too busy.

in #ccc5 years ago (edited)

It is 7:24 am time to start with today's NaNoWriMo.
“Don't give up” I read in two comments. There is nothing to win. I only want to do it and who knows even proof it is possible. I am a mobile phone use only. I write a long text on my mobile phone. If I can do it, you can do it too.

The main thing about writing is you make time for it.
My biggest problem is I have a lack of time. Even if I start early – like I did yesterday – it is at the end of the day or even night I come to posting it. What the hell am I wasting my day with? I can not tell you, not even if I read my dairy day back I cannot find the bottleneck. Yes, to me it is a bottleneck. I want to write, it is what writers do. A writer writes. You are a writer or you are not. The need to write is there just like others feel the need to draw at each minute of the day.
If you do not feel the urge to you can write too, make a drawing but it is different. You will not miss it, you are not getting a “bad mood”.

Being on Steem is not good for me.
I wrote it several times. It mainly is not good for me because I do not come to writing. I said it yesterday too, you might have missed that remark if you did not read all I write so I can repeat myself without any problem. I do write but it is not what I want to write.
I like tales, stories. I like to read them – always did – and I like to write and tell them.
Each story was written by me I told my children too. I read it to them and asked for their opinion. Many friends of mine read and they commented on it as well. That is what friends are for. There is no need to pay them to read me.

The first part of the morning – after I woke up, left, came back home – I spent reading and commenting.
I read a remark of a ccc-member. Someone who is not active wants to earn fast and came to join Steemit for that explicit reason. I gave him a hand as he just started. He is not a writer and has many excuses for why he does not come to join a contest, write 200 words or post 3 photos with some text. Today I read his real reason, what he stands for “If I were you I would give a higher prize 3 or 5 Steem/SBI instead of 1 SBI” was one of the lines he wrote and “By own experience I know people go for the easy, fast earning, the lotteries.”
These are the people we find on #newsteem.

I understand many come here to earn fast or to find a way to earn, survive, get rewarded to make their lives easier. But what makes them think they can get it for free? There are people – in this case, a very small community – willing to fill his pockets for doing nothing? Not one single community on Steem(it) is as small as the Curation Circle Creed. All communities have a high amount of SP and income. What does this member expect if he is not willing to invest himself? He did not delegate SP, did not comment any of the other members once, he only joined with a fast post and earned for that. Yes, he earned. He earned for being a member, for joining a contest. Each time he earned and more as he did as he had just written a post or posted a photo.

The community CCC stands for Curation Circle Creed, not for Curation Circle GREED!
This community stands for good content too, content worth an upvote. Anyone can join. Personally, I find 1 Steem + 1 SBI a good prize, no matter Steem it's value. I wish I would have won it with each contest I joined or at least earned 1 Steem with each post I wrote. I type my finger off, am day and night busy to help out others and this is the result. Greed.
Please, play your games somewhere else. Host a contest of your own and give those 5 Steem to other people, be such a great Steemian and show your goodwill, delegate to the community and donate so prizes can be raised. I guess you are away too busy man to host a good contest but know all ccc-members will be grateful for your help and good intentions.
Who knows a good deed once in your life will benefit you too instead of your complaint. You are free not to join. I would add to that, please, do NOT join! You are not a good, loyal member. If you join a contest the other's have less chance to win and you don't deserve it. You are too lazy to invest, to write a few words, to do that bit extra and comment. You are that rotten apple in the basket that spoils it for all of us. I wish you all the best with your lotteries and easy wins and thanks for opening my eyes. I will consider lowing the prizes on my contests. If you really think I like to give away each cent I earn here and buy Steem to pay people like you, you are wrong.


This is my entry to the ccc-contest “What does today, November 21, 2019, mean to you? 2:24” hosted by @freedomshift.

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.

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Thank you @mad-runner this is very sweet of you. 💕😗

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It's a very pleasure for me, dear @wakeupkitty, enjoy this !BEER
!giphy friend

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

deranged You just received DERANGED @wakeupkitty Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @wakeupkitty, here is a little bit of BEER from @mad-runner for you. Enjoy it!

@beerlover Once again I am happy with it. Thank you for the delivery and thank you @mad-runner. 💕

Now days every body is lacking time ...

If you are too busy do not join this platform. I believe many only stop by to post and earn in an easy way.
Time is a question of priorities. If I have time others have too. I have 12 hours in a day and 12 hours in a night, not more as anyone else.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment. I appreciate it. I wish you a great day. 💕

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Estoy de acuerdo contigo. A todos nos encantaría tener una vida más fácil en steemit. Pero todo en la vida es lucha. Y los que permanecemos activos, en los concursos, sabemos eso.
Pero hay de todo en la viña del Señor. Hay que estar preparado, ante las aves rapaces. Los que roban el trabajo de otros, haciendo todo más difícil para aquel que trabaja honestamente. Y de los que piden más, sin hacer nada.
Un abrazo solidario.

No dejaré que eso suceda. Recompensaré a los trabajadores, buen contenido. Bien, no soy el señor. Gracias por tu apoyo..

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Éxito en el empeño. Gracias por el tuyo.

Te di mi voto positivo. Estoy empezando a leer publicaciones. Hoy será un día fuerte para mi.
Ten un hermoso día, con mucha salud.

Gracias por detenerte. Te deseo un gran día también. Decidí escribir primero. A continuación haré el coro de mi casa. Abrazos

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

@ctime @dicetime @tagflagger don't be so childish..Have the courage to downvote with your own profile! Starr writing yourself instead of envying those who do.and join contests. #newsteem /#steemit idea?

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