[Caturday!] Let's see your best cat pics! - YOUR CATS ONLY, not internet cats, please! $10 SBD to most upvoted cat!

in #caturday7 years ago (edited)

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

$10 SBD to most upvoted steemitizen's cat as determined at midnight EST gmt -4 tonight. It is a Saturday only one day contest basically.

Here are some of the cat's I've had recently. They tend to last a while, but on 17 acres of bear, coyote, hawk, eagle, bobcat, snake, and other critters and dangerous plants and situations, I tend to lose a cat now and then. Which always makes me sad. So in tribute to the ones gone by, I'm starting a Caturday tradition up here on Saturdays on steemit. I may forget or get busy some weeks, but this is not a tradition I created anyway. I believe that honor goes to some historic reddit or facebook or 4chan user, possibly even more prehistoric to BBSes or Compuserv who knows?

Anyway, let's get to the cats, shall we?

Rules for this kickoff steemit caturday post:

Show us YOUR cats, but feel free to steeme them (meme) them if you wish.

In the future any cat, be it yours or from the web, will be fair game, but for this first post only, I just want to see YOUR cats, followers!

Here we go!

First meet my current cat: Aslan Tribble, The Office Cat

Aslan plays fetch incessantly and instantly and does it better than my black Labrador retriever does!

Next meet my most beloved cat ever, recently lost, probably to a coyote or snake: Lil'cat The Badass Mountain Cat!

This cat was so wonderful in so many ways, and we were bonded since he was the runt that sat in the palm of my hand. I'll miss him forever.

I got Aslan to help me get over losing Lil'Cat too soon! Aslan was named by the family I adopted him from. I made this when I got home, to post on FB to introduce the new cat to my family and friends there.

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!


Steemit's first contest, game and challenge directory. (Now in pre-launch testing!)


First I would like to say that I am sorry to hear about Lil'Cat. When we lose one of our beloved pets, it is very difficult. Secondly, thank you for having this Caturday Challenge...so nice of you. And Aslan is so cute. :) Here is a picture of one of my current cats, named Pachino. I rescued him when he was one year old and he is now 10 years old. I already posted a story about him if you would like to read it. Thanks again! :)

He is clearly sinking things over.

LOL! That's a good one! :)

:) I think that might be an internet cat and mot really you and your cat but it's kind of hard to tell from the great photograph haha

KittyKate is my first and only cat, making herself at home on the deck on the rug I left outside. She is a great mouser and even shares her bounty with us. We had to start a mouse cemetery for these gifts.

What do you think of your first cat? I always had dogs till I got the 17 acres then farm cats just became a natural addition. I loved them and now cats (and my 2 dogs still) are my primary pets indoors and out. I will likely not replace the dogs when they go, but I will for sure keep having cats now, after my first experiences with them for the last few years.

We just lost our only dog after a long decline and heartbreaking death. We will not attempt to take another dog into our family. KittyKate, on the other hand, is just a great cat. We got her because mice were causing many problems in our woodsy environment and despite the fact that my husband is allergic to cats. Gradually she spends more and more time inside and when Cali, the dog, was slowly dying KK would always greet her when she came in the house and at the end would cuddle with her and lick her face. She has also started sitting on my feet occasionally. Somehow it seems more precious to have a feral, very startle prone cat sit with me. When Cali dies KK came and sat on my shoulder for a while, as if to find comfort.

Cats know things. I know it is true. Sorry for the loss of your dog. I've lost so many animals in the past few years, including my lovely mule Ruthie, who escaped her pasture and was hit by a truck in the dark over night. :( But the cats will always be with me. One or another.

Getting attached to our "animals" who may be substitutes for our children does give us a focus.

I see you've been reading my father's day blogs. :-/

yes and all your other posts. Your sympathy for our water situation drew my attention and since then I have been reading your other stories.

Well goodness me! Thanks!

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