Quesney 21 (Day 3): Steemit Bootcamp March 24th, 2018

in #catalyst6 years ago

If you're a few months old in Steemit and always hit a writing roadblock, how to get more followers, don't know what to write like me? Then you can consider attending Steemit Bootcamp when it's open next time. It is an initiative by @maverickfoo and our #teammalaysia Witness @bitrocker2020 to help Steemians kickstart their Steemit journey.

The Bootcamp I attended last Saturday, all of the fees received for the signup are then donated to support CATALYST - for Social Change lead by @coachmelleow after deducting the cost of food, so it's one stone killed two bird. Why? You get to learn and also do some charity too. I would like to THANK YOU @coachmelleow & Mr Geh for sponsoring the comfy event place at G Central, Sunway Nexis

In this Bootcamp, here a summary of what we learned and to me what is essential.

  • Discover the ins and outs of Steemit mainly how to use your master key, posting key & active key. (Very Important!!)
  • Tools to help you generate TONS of content ideas so you’ll never run out of things to write on. One of the practices we did on the spot was The Idea Chunkenator practice helped a lot, look for topics that come easily to you because that how you identify your interest.
  • Beat the crap out of Writer’s Block, and be able to write anytime, anywhere, according to @maverickfoo average person can type 40 words under 1 minutes without any distraction.
  • Build your fan based and followers, and become an influencer!

Now I have a concrete reason to write every day without fail and I found the fun of writing by using all the tools that were introduced in the Bootcamp.

Here are the highlight of the Bootcamp

The Bootcamp officially started in the morning after created new account for the newcomers.

Having a short tea break for breakfast.

Some sandwiches to fill your stomach.

Lastly, a colourful kuih muih.

Afternoon sessions, chunking practice. Don't tell me you have nothing to write :P

@aaronleang, @zord189 and me chunking our brain.

#teammalaysia withness @bitrocker shared the statistic growth of teammalaysia over the months and also the exciting update coming in the future.

After the Bootcamp, we went to the nearby restaurant to get our dinners.

My dinner, Nasi Lemak with Ayam Berempah.

Here are some of the posts regarding​ the Bootcamp

What is Quesney21?

@khimgoh and I are challenging each other to create great content for the next 21 days. Starting 26th of March and ending on the 15th of April. We needed the discipline and motivation that comes from being accountable to each other. Tell us if this is interesting to you, do you think you could benefit from your own Quesney 21?

Check out the other postings for this challenge:


Ah. I missed out the Chunkenator method this should be really interesting! Maybe next time you can share with me morw about that.

@littlenewthings. That was a fun tool but practical to challenge your thinking out of the box .

Thank you for the mention, nice to meet you on that day! :)

@williamsyee nice to meet you in the class we shall do more for the community

Nice to meet you in the bootcamp as well. Yupe let's do more for #teammalaysia !

@joanewong very well summarised the event. Indeed @mavericks has shared a lot about how to start steemit appropriate for first timer. I learn quite many additional knowledge too.
Btw, nice wefie photo at the cafe

Awesome write up of the event... you didn't promote your upcoming training session on the 15th April~!! Maybe you'll write another post about it... hehehe

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