Pachino's Vet Visit- Part 2

in #cat6 years ago

Pachino's Vet Visit- Part 2

Part 1 can be found here:

I explained everything to the vet. Pachino had not lost or gained any weight, and she did agree that his back end looked thin which sometimes happens due to age.

And when the vet pressed on the lower end of his spine, he whimpered. She agreed that his fur was dull and different, but that could be due to his age as well. His polyps in his ears were inflamed and that was probably why Pachino was shaking his head. She didn't notice any thyroid or heart problems and agreed that something was just not right. Blood work was needed. The vet gave him an antibiotic shot that would last for 10 days for his ears and any possible skin infections. I was told to give him 1/4 of a baby aspirin once a week for his discomfort.

This was one of the large bald spots (looks small in this photo) and as you can see, most of the hair has grown back.

In the meantime, the proper authorities were contacted about the hemlock. Five days later the vet called with the blood test results and thank God, everything came back normal, but I was told that not everything shows up on blood tests. His bald patches were not from wounds and said that it could be from the hemlock, or allergies from any number of things in the environment. It could also be stress related due to Ollie and the stray. (For those of you who do not know about Ollie, he was a stray that my neighbor and I took care of together and caused a lot of stress for Pachino in the past when he lived with us, and that is why Ollie now lives with my neighbor.) I was told that the pain in his lower spine is probably arthritis; after all, he is a senior cat at age 13. The vet wants me to give her an update in 2 weeks. All of these "sometimes," "probabilities" and "could be's."

It has been 10 days since Pachino's vet visit and he still has all of his symptoms, but they are not as severe. The vet knows that it is impossible for me to keep Pachino inside; been there, done that and he becomes very destructive. But his time outside is now limited with me supervising and guess what? Pachino will not got near the "forest." I bet he knows that the hemlock made him sick. The flowers on the hemlock have almost all died out, and today my neighbor was out working in her yard. She cut her lawn and trimmed a few bushes and vines. Maybe the authorities did contact her. Time will tell.

Image Source: 100% own work.


Glad its mostly good news and yes not everything will always show up on a blood test but seems Pachino is wise and knows not to go near those bushes, then again hopefully they will be removed soon @whatisnew

Thanks @simonjay! She began to cut it down one day but hasn't done any more since that day.

Gee, I'm glad I found this update. Of course, this was 11 days ago. If I may ask, how is he doing now? Praying for the best!

Hi Omra! Pachino's symptoms are not as severe. His hair has grown back in and no more bald spots. He is not shaking his head anymore either. But 2 days ago he started throwing up big hairballs which is unusual for him. If it keeps up, I will call the vet. The aspirin seems to be helping his back. He just acts so old. Thanks so much for your concern and especially your prayers. It means a lot to me. : )

Do you remember me telling you about my friend who I called, "Paranormal Patty?" I thought you would be interested in my freewrite using the prompt: epilogue. It is about one of her paranormal experiences. : )

Yes, I read it. It reminded me of this photo taken at the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident.

Wow! It sure does look like the victim's soul. Thanks for sending me this article. : )

I'm sorry to hear Pachino is not feeling well. I never knew some of that info about hemlock and glad to know it now. I hope he is feeling even better now and it is nothing too serious. Do you mind if I ask you what you feed him @whatisnew? I ask because Friendly is older and has the hair issue also and that thin look. I noticed she wasn't eating as much and I added a teaspoon of wet food and she is looking a little better now. She has always had a sensitive stomach so any change in food can make her sick but the teaspoon has worked out good so far for her.

Thanks @deerjay! His symptoms are the same but not as severe. I think that the hemlock made him sick (looking back) plus old age has caught up to him. Time will tell. I feed Pachino 1/2 can of wet food in the AM and 1/2 of can in the PM. He gets Nutro for his dry food. I am glad to hear that the wet food has helped Friendly. How old is she? The vet told me that sometimes the dullness in hair and the thinning in the back is due to old age. There are so many things in the environment that can make cats sick. : (

You're welcome @whatisnew! I think you are right on the hemlock affecting him. I can't even imagine living next to that. Friendly is older too and my husband thinks it's age related. She is only 12 years old maybe but she was an outside cat and has always had tummy issues. Be careful if he licks plastic bags. Tiger does that but I try to stop him when I see him doing it. That made a friends cat very sick. I hope and pray he continues to improve! xoxo

I do hope that Friendly's issues are only age related. Thanks for the info on the plastic bags. That it crazy! Thank goodness Pachino doesn't do that. Thanks for your prayers and concern @deerjay! Hugs!

My first cat Mikee, named him after yours truly was thirteen when he couldn't jump up on the bed anymore. Arthritis, old age set in. He was a stray and could have been around 16. A big strong boy like Ollie. Sneak in another kiss for me.

Aw, it will break my heart to see Pachino not be able to do the things he is used to doing. Old age sucks! I like how you named your first cat after you. I will give lots of kisses from you...thanks Mike! : ) My neighbor was out cutting the hemlock down today and she was wearing a mask and gloves. It will probably take her all summer. I wish she would remove it instead of just cutting it down, but at least something is being done.

Never heard of this plant growing in peoples backyards like this. Got to get more information on this killer.

Sure glad to hear its not thyroid or heart!
Had a thought about cat scratch fever, not
the song but from bite or scratch of what
other critters are in that toxic forest!

Ya never know what neighbors are growing!
And that stray that got Pachino while sleeping.
It's a good sign the fur is growing back!

It can be a PITA this getting older stuff! 💕 ❤ too! I have never heard of cat scratch fever so thanks for letting me know. Guess what? I think the authorities contacted my neighbor because she was out today cutting the hemlock down. Not removing it but cutting it down. And she was wearing a mask and gloves. At the rate she is going, it will take her all summer. But at least something is being done. Yay! : )

Poor Pachino! Hugs to you and him for how scared you must have been. I know that there are many things that could be ailing him but when you just want your beloved cat to be okay, those "sometimes" and "could be's" are about the last thing you want to hear. I hope that the hemlock gets taken down soon, though I'm glad to hear that he keeps away from it now. Has his condition improved since you posted this?
Love to you sweet Whatisnew and I hope that you are doing well!

Thanks brisby. We have had a lot of rain so the hemlock hasn't been touched since the first day she began cutting it down. Notice I said "cutting it down" instead of removing it. But the flowers are gone now and thankfully Pachino still won't go near it. His symptoms are not as severe but still there. No more bald spots and his hair has grown back in. But 2 days ago he started throwing up big hairballs, which is very unusual for him. Must be from all of that licking. I guess I will have to call the vet if it continues. I am doing much better now that my daughter is better. Thanks so much for your love, hugs and concern. It means a lot to me. I hope you are doing well! Hugs!

Well, at least the neighbor is already cleaning his garden and on the other hand Pachino is a little better and It's no longer approaching the garden.
Greetings @whatisnew

I agree. Guess what @cjao20? The authorities must have contacted her because she was cutting the hemlock down today, wearing a mask and gloves. I wish she would remove it instead of just cutting it down, but at least she is doing something. It will probably take her all summer just to cut it down. I will post photos after she cuts more down.

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