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RE: Care for Truth - The Great Work (Pt.1)

in #care8 years ago

I should re-emphasize that I'm not saying this post could've been done better. I should've been clearer about that (really, I should've rewritten my comment after I finished it and understood what I was actually saying, lol). This post is great as it is, but it's a Step Two kind of post. I'm wondering what Step One is, the post that hooks in the people for whom The Great Work is way, way off the radar, and prepares them for this post.

As to the luminousvisions comment, it's not strictly on-topic, but it's not exactly off-topic either. He wrote a pretty decent curation post, and he does indeed feature you and your content, so why the downvote? In my opinion, the post is not spam, and his comment here linking to it is not spam. If you don't appreciate it, don't upvote it, but he did real work to make real content which may be valuable to others, so in my opinion, it is decidedly not downvote material.


I try to make my other content shorter, but this one I felt needed to have all of the 3 sections together to emphasize the point in totality, rather than separate it. Do you think I should remove the 2 other sections and post them separately on different days? Would that help people read it?

As for the spam, it is spam. Go look at this copy/paste message being posted on a bunch of posts today.

His article is not about the content of this post, so it is irrelevant and seeks to gain an upvote by advertising it simply because he mentioned my name and another post I made earlier this week. Posts are about a subject. If you want to comment, then comment on the subject, not about how you mentioned my name and one of my other posts from earlier that week, just to get people to go read it and upvote it. It's irrelevant advertising and I don't appreciate that spam. When I comment, I speak about the content, and if I leave a link to one of my posts its because its relevant to the content.

@liberosist of Project Curie also understands this and flagged it at my request. You don't have to if you don't want. But the post is not relevant to the topic.


I've followed you, so I'll see more of your content going forward. I think I've only read one of your posts before this, so forgive me if my comment is inappropriate in the wider scope of your work.

As to luminous, I understand your viewpoint, and I don't regard your downvoting him as unreasonable. I personally don't think it deserves a downvote, but we can have differing opinions and that's a good thing. Luminous took a risk by advertising his post, and in your case he got downvoted. Hopefully he'll take that knowledge, develop understanding, and use it act with wisdom. :D

Personally though, I'd like to see more post ads that look like his rather than the usual tripe I get which is totally irrelevant and does not promote me or my content. At least with luminous, he's bringing in people from various topics and exposing them to your content, which could be good for all of us.

Thanks for the follow.

Do you think I should be splitting my post up into 3 parts? Would that help? Do people not upvote content, ignore it, because they can't take the responsibility to read something in phases if they have short attention spans?

Thanks for your feedback. And yes, your comment was relevant, you actually talked about the post's importance. Please don't think otherwise.

I have higher standards and expectations for what people should be commenting now. I am flagging inappropriate comments more, as I used to just ignore them before.

They could post on the actual post that they mention in their post, fine, it's a link-back, ok I get it. But their methodology to go onto fresh posts of the day, by authors they mentioned in their fresh post about their previous posts, is not altruistic "good" commenting like they want to believe themselves to be doing, and wants others to believe they are doing. It's about advertising their post of the day, on other posts of the day, that will get read, and get views, where people will read the comments, and they want to get upvotes for their post by advertising it on others people's content. I have issues with this behavior and way of thinking.

I could just think the same, that my content benefits everyone, so I'm going to go spam everyone's post just because I want to "help" everyone. The fact that this user made a post, mentions my name and previous post, is irrelevant to the matter of posting comments that relate to the actual work being posted. Link-backs are valid. But when you post a comment to someone's posts, that's not about that post, under a justification of linking it back to another one of that persons posts... it's not a link-back on the actual post that is talked about. It's not relevant to promote each others posts via linkback. You're trying to ride the popularity and visibility of someone's content that day, under the guide of "helping", being "good", etc. If you want to lin-back,t hen actually link back to the posts that you talk about, not the future posts the person makes just so you can advertise your post and get more upvotes.

That's not honest behavior in my book. It deserves a downvote, not a flag per-say, but we don't have downvotes here...


I would like to offer more proof that this person is not doing it for the "good". They are only interested in their own upvotes. How could I possibly do that? Well see here:

  1. They did not upvote my actual post. Clearly, they don't really care about "helping" the content get to more people. They would have actually upvoted my post if their claims were honestly true.

  2. Their friends came here to this post and upvoted their comment so as to advertise it and get more upvotes for their own post, while these people did not upvote my content either.

Clearly, luminous is less than genuine and honest in his efforts, and is only seeking to advertise their content on new posts so as to drive more views and upvotes to their own content.

This is trashy behavior. They use other people's new posts to try to advertise their own post. They don't care for the content at all, they don't upvote it, they are only using it to serve themselves selfishly to gain more upvotes on their own post by their advertising campaign that they get their friends to help them with as well. This person is not honest about their efforts. Evidence speaks of reality.

Thanks. Peace.

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