Cannabis Strain Review: Afghani Skunk (with edit)

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)


My life is full of synchronicities.

Sometimes, the Universe just has to yell at me a little louder (than at other times) to get my full attention.

The skunk roadkill was no exception and is the perfect example.

I was given some Afghan Skunk to try, months ago but it wasn’t cured yet when it was gifted to me.

My strategy was to store it in a glass sealer jar, monitor its humidity level and leave it the “hell-enough” alone in a dark cupboard....(I didn’t even trim it).


(Insert gasps and looks of disgust, right here.)

I stored It for months..5 to be exact.

(Well, what can I say? Other than, I’d already blown it when I confessed to not taking the time to trim the buds.)

I stored it that long to give some of the THC time to degrade and come into its own as CBN ~ a la skunk.

So on about the 7th day after this very healthy-looking skunk was hit by a car (and I had driven through the stench of it more than 20 times) in my travels, I finally got the memo from the Universe.

”Damn-it! Becca, Just Check On The Skunky Flower Buds We Sent Ya, All Right, Already! We Can’t Hold The Scavenger Buzzards Back Much Longer.”

To the cannabis cupboard I go...

(Haha! I’m Not joking! That’s exactly what happened. It was raining pretty hard when I finally pulled my car off to the side of the road to take a photo of the sopping wet skunk carcass. Then, I acknowledged the Universal direction that I had received and marched straight to the cupboard, where I preformed a thorough investigation.)

As I understand it, Afgani-Skunk is considered to be a hybrid strain boasting 85% Indica tendencies and 15% Sativa.

This makes it a fantastic strain to treat tight muscles, alleviate pain and positively enhance mood.

By letting the THC convert to CBN, you trade a generous amount of the bud’s psychoactive potential for heavier sedatation or a higher level of over-all relaxation.

It is reported that 5 mg of CBN has the same effect as a 10mg dose of a popular mild pharmaceutical sedative that goes by the name of Diazepam.

CBN (just like CBD ) is not psychoactive. When you choose a strain of cannabis that is known for its ability to ease tight muscles, helps you to feel happy and then you take away most of the psychoactive part, you’re left with plant medicine that still lets you cognitively focus and control pain. A win-win for during the day when you still need to be productive but don’t want to be in pain, anxious or depressed while you are.

I ground some up in my grinder.


The bud was a tad on the dry side but it still retained its skunky aroma which was released with noticeable pungency once it was ground.

It completely lived up to its strain name being a cross between an Afghani (landrace) strain (which is an Indica) and Skunk plants.

I was hit with quite a heavy menthol flavour but I found that I did have to turn the temperature up on my vapourizer to really pull the taste and vapour out of this flower.

(I normally like to run my vapes at 370 degrees F, but I ran this flower through at 385 degrees F.)

Give Afghan Skunk a whirl if you want to be calm, happy and relaxed all at the same time.

Expect it to drop your blood sugar a little bit and drive you to want to eat.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey... apparently eventually anything skunk gets my attention these days. ;)

OMG! I Forgot To Add The Song So I Am Making An Edit:

This song was posted to Youtube by Rick Rogan on November 24, 2011.

How could I forget Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road? Afghani Skunk, that's how. Hahaha!


~ Rebecca
PS: Check out the Smoke Network


This has always been one of my favorite along with afghan kush , oh the wonderful high 😍😃

I could not agree more. ;)

Good stuff pot world is too much into kush and kush crosses rather than skunk and skunk crosses. In my humble opinion anyway

Those are true words but they're also fighting words @viraldrome! LOL!
Nobody get me wrong here.
I Love Kush but I also equally love Haze and Skunks (the stinkier the better) and good old no-name ditch weed, too. Hahaha!

Haha! Isn’t it a trip when we get hit by the cosmic 2 by 4? Must have been just what you needed. 🐓🐓

Haha! Yes, the funny thing was that both my husband and I have remarked that nothing seems to be interested in taking the skunk as far as scavengers go. It will be interesting to see if it's still there when I have to drive by it tomorrow. I had to edit this post to add the song, that I totally forgot to include. LOL!

No! Not “Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road! Haha! 🐓🐓

Hahaha! Yeah, I was laughing so hard because I mean really? what other application could I possible find for that song? Then I forgot to included it and then when I did, I watched the montage of a video that was paired with it and I literally couldn't breathe. That damn skunk carcass nearly killed me. LOL!

Laughing my ass off they stink so bad up close. 🐓🐓

I always knew that the skunk smelling cannabis was considered to be very good.
And yes, if you were wondering. I have experienced the smell . Ha
You have explained it as well as anyone could and even better.
I don't have any questions. Just this.
Where do I sign up? lol
Thank you


It's always good to know what options you have and how to get where you need to be.
With this plant we are always customizing to drive performance and achieve specific outcomes.

Francis, I forgot to add The I made an edit and by the time I was finished, I was laughing so hard, I could hardly breathe. (It's not a love song.)
I can't believe that someone made that video montage to go along with it. Hahaha! Still making me laugh.

I wonder how that curing process works. When you trim it from the plant you get a really nice aroma but then once it dries it goes away and has a more fresh scent. Leave it in a jar a couple weeks and the nice sweet aroma returns like when you were harvesting. I wonder the process that goes on to make this occur.
The vaporizer has become a staple in my smoking now, the taste is incomparable to any other way of consumption in my opinion. The only other things that i see coming close are rosin and live resin. Great review. Blaze on and feel free to check my latest strain review; Justin Trudope.

I think (when it comes to curing) it's all about getting the humidity level of the buds into an acceptable range so that they don't mold. I also think that exposure to oxygen speeds up the rate at which the terpenes and flavinoids evapourate, changing how the buds taste and smell. I vacuum seal my sealer jars when I store cannabis that I'm not planning to use immediately and the jars that I am accessing all the time, I keep sealed by hand-tightening only. This is because, I'm too lazy to drag my vacuum sealer out, every time I crack a jar open. Thanks so much, I will @bluntsmasha!

Yeah i had some bud in a jar that molded after about 6 weeks. I was not sure why since it was practically bone dry. It was way too nice of a bud to lose to mold. I'll have to research a little into the curing process and such.

Wow.....that was my favorite to smoke back in the day. I have a question for you because you are so knowledgeable about marijuana. I was wondering if you know of any way possible that I could pass a random drug test by my job and I do mean random like meet you at the door while clocking in to take a piss test immediately. I want to smoke sometimes but I can't because of random testing. Can you give me any info...... I need a joint. Lol!!!!!!!

Ah, unfortunately, I have no first hand experience with this and I cannot advise you.

I have read articles on the topic on the web, but unless you know a person who has actually gone through the experience and succeeded, I wouldn't trust anything 100% that you read.

THC stores in your body fat and people often report that they get high after lots of if they worked out or went for a run because it get's released when fat is burned.

Generally it is believed that THC ingested through smoking can be detected up to 3 weeks after smoking.
This is why roadside testing (urine or cheek swab) is not accurate and can't stand-up in court as the only evidence for a DUI.
I would expect that THC ingested through eating, would stay in your system even longer because it's a different molecule and is stronger... but I don't know how much longer. I've never read anything on the topic.
This is a tough spot to be in...I feel for you. It's tough to change jobs or professions.

Thanks for the input, I just thought I'd ask just in case you knew something.

It's a fantastic topic for discussion @bigblueleadsled. I hope that someone else will comment who does have effective, first hand experience. I'd love to the answer too. ;)

Sounds like a good hybrid with the 85/15 ratio. The whole munchies thing kills me though! Its amazing how much better food tastes after partaking in such activities, so I've heard.

Hahaha! There is a lot of talk about the munchie thing routinely happening to people, once they partake.
I think that the urgency to want to eat is directly related to how strongly the strain used, drops the person's blood sugar. This is why it is important to test different strains against your body's chemistry and keep track of outcomes. There are many strain ( just like this one) that are great for managing PTSD, pain and insomnia...but in the delivery of its happy euphoria, it will make you want to eat anything that's not nail down. Thanks for raising this issue @bluelightbandit! I'll write a post to address this issue because it is an interesting topic and effects everyone at some point or another. ;)

Hi @rebeccaryan - any interest in being a guest on a weekly internet radio show on the PAL discord group server? Cannabis or anything else you would like to discuss would be the subject, about a 20 minute interview.

Sure @jackdub! It would be my pleasure. I’m on Steem Chat, you could connect with me there to share the logistics. :)

Nice, thanks :) I think I managed to message you over on discord.

hopefully you are fine my good friend yes. and success always make you my best friend @rebeccaryan

Wow i respect your choice , nice post mam.

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