My Cancer Journey: Part 5

in #cancer6 years ago

When we left off last time, the doctor had determined that he wanted me to get another ultrasound and some bloodwork done.

The night before Thanksgiving my wife and I went to the hospital to get the ultrasound done.

Given my fears about the previous ultrasound(covered in Part 1), my wife was joking with me about whether the technician would be a male or female and how attractive they would be.

I went to the counter and they asked what I was there for, I said: "I am here for an ultrasound... I hope it's a girl". The lady behind the counter laughed with me and that helped to ease my tension.

Sure enough, it was another young attractive lady doing the ultrasound. Once again she was very nice and professional though.

We let her know that we needed a copy of the disc from the ultrasound and she said we could pick it up at the records area of the hospital on Friday.

The ultrasound went fine, my wife found it fascinating to watch what was happening on the screen and what the technician was doing. We went home and had a very nice Thanksgiving with our families.

The Results: Sort of

Friday while most people were black Friday shopping, we drove over to the hospital and got my results from the records area. They came in a sealed envelope for me to give to the urologist. They were my personal records though, so my wife figured what would it hurt to read the results...

She opened the envelope and started reading. I was driving, so I couldn't look myself. Next thing I know, she has her phone out and she is searching for something. "Honey," I said, "what is going on?" She told me that she didn't understand all of it, but the word they were using was Neoplasm.

Silly us though, now we had to wait until the next Wednesday to go to the doctor and see what he had to say. Meanwhile, I had gotten my bloodwork done and we were just waiting for my appointment.

Today's take home:

I know I have said it before, but the waiting sucks. It really does, if you can find a way to keep yourself busy during the waiting, absolutely do it. If you have a loved one that is going through this. Try to be there during the waiting, it means the world.

We now had a pretty good idea that I had a tumor, we just didn't know yet if it was cancerous or not. It was finally time to tell our family so they could be prepared in case of the worst.

Like me, our family was scared and concerned. I was pretty calm through the whole thing until my young niece sent me a text wishing me well. I had a good cry, it was like all of the weight of worry and waiting had finally crushed me.

Official Results

The next Wednesday came and we went to the urologist. This was the first time my wife had met him, and like me, she approved of him immediately.

We gave him all of the results from the tests and he left to take a look at them. We sat there, waiting and wondering about what he might say when he came back. Finally, he did, and suddenly my life was permanently changed.

The tumor indicators in my blood that are supposed to be under .6 for a normal male were at 97. In addition to that, based on the results of the ultrasound he said, "it has to come out".

He said "usually I do surgeries on Monday's, but I know I am already full and I don't want to wait that long. I am going to try to get you in on Friday". We were shocked. That's only two days away, this must be really serious...

Through all of our discussion though, he never said the "C" word. I finally had to just outright ask him: "Is it cancer"?

"Yes, they will have to do pathology, but based on everything here, it absolutely is".

There you go, after all of this leadup, we finally have a diagnosis, but my journey is not over yet. Thanks for sticking with me as I laid the foundation for my story. In my next post I will pick up on the morning of my surgery.

Catch up on the past parts here:

My Cancer Journey: Part 1

My Cancer Journey: Part 2

My Cancer Journey: Part 3

My Cancer Journey: Part 4

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Yeah, definitely not the holiday present I was hoping for. That is great news about your dad. Those stories are the best. Spoiler alert: I am still here to type about it, so it isn't as bad as it could have been. Still quite the ordeal though. Absolutely life changing.

Wish you the best and hope for good news and speedy recovery.

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.

That had to be hard to hear, I'm sorry...

Just to add something positive, my dad beat cancer and last week they didn't find anything at his yearly check-up. So, depending on what you might have, you could still have a very long life ahead of you.

The most difficult thing is probably not knowing any specifics yet, I hope you'll get more info soon.

I am sorry to here that. I experienced the same thing when my sister was positive for liver cancer and I had myself tested as well. My family has a history of liver diseases and I waited for the results with same kind of dread.

When I received it I offered a little prayer and was informed it was benign. I wish you all the luck and a speedy recovery on it. May the odds be in your favor.

Thanks! I appreciate it. It is scary, but I am glad things worked out well for you!

The waiting is the worst! So glad you're still writing this.

Thanks I appreciate it!

There are so many cancers and so much research being done it amazes me that it seems they can only pinpoint the cause of lung and skin cancer. Even non smokers will be told by the doctors that smoking or in the case of non-smokers, second hand smoke is the cause or asbestos.
Every other cancer just seems to be a mystery as to the cause except skin cancer, to much sun.
I look forward to the rest of your journey, I've gotten in late so I'm going to go back and check out your previous chapters of your story.
Until next time,

Thanks I appreciate it. Yes it is quite the enigma. I hope that one day they can find a cure. Too many good lives are being destroyed by it. Thanks for reading!

I agree with you that the waiting is the worse part! So many things can pass through your mind, so many scenarios... Stay strong!

Thank you!

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Hi! I found you because of the steem engine :) I'm so sorry you're going through this, but so glad that you're getting it handled so quickly! I also have a special relationship with my favorite uncle!! so when you said you cried after getting the text from your niece - it touched me. My uncle is waiting for his second kidney transplant, and we're all on eggshells. I'm so tired of waiting also. but.... wait we must. Thank you for sharing your story - and i'm following now :)

No problem. Thanks for the follow. I hope everything turns out okay with your uncle! Thank you as well for the encouragement and comment.

I wish and pray you hang in there and come out of the other side stronger.
This article really got me because I have a friend who is suffering from throat cancer and I posted it here on steemit as a fictional story.
I'm so glad to see your strength reflecting through your words.

You'll definately come out stronger.

Thank you. That means a lot to me. I appreciate your prayers.

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