My Cancer Journey: Part 2

in #cancer6 years ago

Waiting for the results

When we left off last time, I was waiting a week for the results of my ultrasound. I have to be honest though, I kind of jumped the gun when I told you that... They really didn't give me a time frame as to when the results would be in, they just said they would contact me.

Based on the ultrasound technician not totally freaking out or saying "oh my gosh what is that", my wife and I figured we would simply get a phone call or a postcard saying everything looked okay and not to worry about it.

Imagine our shock and fear then, when we got a call saying our doctor wanted to set up an appointment to talk to us about the results of the ultrasound. Our minds immediately started reeling. Every horrible possible scenario was spinning through our heads.

We set up my appointment for a couple of days later and went in to see our primary care physician. My wife and I were so nervous and worried about what she was going to tell us. The appointment was in the afternoon and I was sick to my stomach all day expecting to hear the worst.

We got into the exam room to wait and the doctor came in to talk to us. She said that according to the ultrasound, it looked like I had some kind of infection and they wanted to put me on antibiotics to clear it up.

The wave of relief that flooded over my wife and I was so immense and profound. Here we had been worrying all this time and it was just an infection. Something that could be easily fixed with antibiotics. We stopped at the pharmacy to get the prescription filled and then we were on our way home.

Scare averted, nothing to worry about, everything was going to be okay, or so we thought...

I am going to leave this edition a little shorter, but don't worry, I am not going to wait a week again to fill you in on the next steps of my journey. Check back towards the end of the week as I continue my story. Check out the first post in this series here.

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No fair, making us wait. This sounds similar to what my husband and I were doing last year. I hope you take probiotics because those antibiotics can wipe out the good stuff in your gut and you can get an infection that causes unbearable stomach acid. Guess how I know that! double up on your probiotics any time they put you on antibiotics. I hope everything is going well.

Thanks for the info. I eat Greek yogurt pretty much every day. So that is mostly where I get my good stomach stuff! I will be writing the next part before the end of the week. It has been a journey though so I have to space it out otherwise the post would be way too long! Thanks for reading and the comment.

Hoping this has a happy ending! Cancer can be a real bitch, had to go through with that with my father and colon cancer. Still free after 13 years now though!

Awesome, that is great to hear. It was always inspiring to hear stories of survivors before I was diagnosed, but even more so now. It is a real encouragement! I appreciate it.

Wow, thanks for sharing in this journey. I'm sending you healing thoughts <3

Thank you! I appreciate it!

That waiting for some test results wasn't, isn't and won't be easy.

Whatever might have happened, you always have support from your loved ones. And we are here to support you too emotionally.

Fingers crossed for you!

Yes the waiting has really been the worst part of it all quite honestly! Thank you!

You can do this!! I just beat cancer and it was the hardest 3 years of my life. It drug on for 3 years because I fought the doctors in the beginning, but was later forced to go back to them and take their recommendations. It is a scary diagnosis to get, but hang in there, because you will make it through this :-)

Hoping that it is nothing though...waiting for episode 3

Awesome, thanks for the encouragement. Like I said in the first part of the series, I kind of give it away in the title, but I appreciate you coming along on the journey with me. Congratulations on winning your fight. My biggest regret is not bringing it up with the doctor sooner!

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