Steem - It's Not Dead it's Regrouping

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Since I have been on Steem I've talked about creating an economy with Steem.


We talk a lot about adding value to Steem, however, everyone disagrees on what adds value.

Here are a few things that are commonly discussed:

Quality Posts
The lack of Ads
Free Speech
Selling things
A Celebrity
Rewarding Stakeholders

I have always said that it is about engagement and people and it is fine that we all have different visions and goals. An economy is created where people gather.

Gatherings of people naturally create trading groups

-Historians believe that cavemen traded bones and crafted tools.
-Kids at lunch tables create elaborate trading exchanges
-You can look at the population distribution in the USA and see how commonly traveled areas created groups of people and economies
-Craigslist, Ebay, and Poloniex were created because people needed a place to gather and trade
-The same concept is being created here.

The more people who gather here the more an economy will naturally happen. When people are together they want things and people want to bring things there to sell or trade.

Yesterday many of us attended a meeting about the future of Steem. The best thing to come out of that meeting for me is how many active and engaged people we still have in the community.

We already have some Steem Specific Trading Groups, Such as SteemMonsters, Vote Selling, Account Creation and maybe someday SMTs and RC Credits.

I can not tell you exactly what our economy will look like, but if we continue to gather, it will develop, it can't be stopped.

There are people here with great ideas and a vision they are trying to build.

Many of those ideas conflict.

Yeah, I know your fiction got rejected and you are grumpy or you are an artist that feels slighted because your work is not getting attention.

Everything in Crypto is down and while I don't deny Steem is down a bit more than some of the rest of the coins in the Market. We have a functioning product, many apps in the works and a functioning economy.

If you think value is in quality content, continue to currate it.

If you think we should sell things, sell things or buy other people's things.

If you have a plan and a vision and can afford to, I suggest you continue to build it.

If you create content and engage, I suggest you continue to do that.

We don't know how long the bear market will last, but we are not alone in questioning the value that our products bring.

If giving people a place to gather and talk about crypto and other topics was a good enough idea during the Bull Market of last year, it is highly likely it will be a good enough idea again in the future.

Yep, it is messy, unfair, lacks direction and a proven model, but there are still people here gathering and working on the solutions.

If you are unclear what to do and still interested in the future of Steem, I recommend you just keep on posting, engaging and stay involved.

We still have witnesses, developers, content creators, spammers, scammers, content creators and more... The only thing that has changed is our confidence and some numbers. :)


Nope STEEM will not die ever! This is just a lesson that we all should know!


Couldn't agree more, I have to admit that I've had my moments where I was pretty negative about the platform, but that has changed.

I've decided that I'm in it for the long haul. Heck, I've survived Bitcoin bear markets since 2012, so there's no reason why I should lose faith in Steem.

It's the people on this platform that matter, not some arbitrary numbers on my screen...

Love your enthusiasm!

And I love yours as well :)

To add value you just need to buy up all the Steem that Steemit Inc and others are selling. lol

Nicely said! Listen to this lady and @ned @dan we are still here. Thank you for your part in all this, if it’s time for you to go, we wish you well. If you stay that’s even better! For all the Steemians out there staying we applaud you, we as in the ones that stay too.

!gif bravo

If everyone who wants to see quality content start publishing and upvoting quality content. And if all those who want to see a greater sense of community, will begin to work on it. And if all those who are looking for investors begin to invest. In short, if we stop externalize things, and start to take responsibility for doing what we can to make that happen, I'm sure the result would be the best possible and the most desirable for all.

This post has been included in today's SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Such a greta and positive post that more need to read so I will resteem, but that said I am a strong believer in Steem and feel it has far from reached its potential, the solid content pproducers who interact with others like yourself are still here while the value is down and that is a big strangth of the platform as well

Talking about Buying and Selling I like what I see in @dstors . Lots of potential for sure.

Thanks for your very good post

Glad you could make it along to the first State of Steem forum yesterday...

Thank you very much for organizing it!

its just a matter of time i guess bad time comes with lot of challenges

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