It's Our Number 1 Goal At SteemIt To Onboard The Masses.

in #busy5 years ago (edited)


It was a line from a recent SteemIt Inc post about some changes they are making to the delegation process.


Source: @steemitblog

The post is about a needed change that SteemIt Inc, did to their delegation progress, but that isn't what stuck out to me. For the record updating this process is likely a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Ever since I read this post the opening line has been running through my head. "Our number 1 goal is to onboard the masses.. " States the post, but it seems like a disconnect. I was surprised to hear this stated, because... I'm not seeing it.

I asked myself if I've seen ANY evidence that this is the number one goal.

This isn't meant to be critical although it would be easy to see it this way, but guys... almost nothing you are doing seems to support that stated goal.

My former experience says that organizations PLAN to meet their goals. Generally, department heads and executives get together to make sure there is a coordinated effort in place to achieve the goals.

While I am very happy there is a formal process in place by SteemIt Inc for delegation and I personally don't mind that they are using their stake to incubate projects. I just can't make any of the recent actions line up with the number 1 stated goal of Onboarding the Masses.

In former companies that I worked at we had business planning sessions to ensure that our actions and resources were supporting our number 1 goals.

If the stated goal is accurate a planning meeting might start with asking this question.

How do we onboard the masses?

What are the barriers to Onboarding the Masses?

Do they know about us? (I don't think so)
So, how do the masses hear about us? (that would be a good place to plan)
If they do know about us why haven't we onboarded them?

  • slow account creation
  • complicated sign-up process
  • ?
    See what I mean about actually working the problem we are trying to solve?

Again I am not trying to be overly critical , but surely you can see there is a disconnect.

If one wants to "Onboard the Masses" all communications one should speak to the masses in non-technical terms about benefits, not features.

If one wants to reach the masses, one has to actually speak to the masses via advertising, marketing or outreach programs.

The questionnaire for Delegations doesn't address onboarding at all, so still doesn't seem like it focuses on the stated goal.

If I look at recent and current projects for signs of "Onboarding the Masses"...

Adding Ads. - No, not an onboarding goal - a financial goal. Again an okay goal, but not the stated goal.
Changing the wallets: No - not an onboarding goal it actually made things harder (maybe more secure)
EIP - No, this supports financial goals, possible retention of stakeholders, perhaps stopping the bleeding all of which are good goals but have nothing to do with Onboarding the masses.

So, my point here isn't to be critical, but it is to wonder if you are clear on what the goals are and how to reach them.

In my former company, we held quarterly meetings where each department head presented what they were working on, how it fits into the organization plan and budgeting those things we needed to accomplish our goals.

Maybe the Author of the post just misspoke and the #1 goal is to realign financial incentives for current users, reduce bad content and stop some of the bleeding on the value of Steem, which is also a valid and great goal.

But either way there is a disconnect and it shows. If you want to be taken seriously, either re-evaluate the number one goal or maybe revisit what each department would have to do from labor, cost and focus perspective if you have any intentions of actually meeting the goal.

Anyway, maybe there are legitimately some other goals that should be met first, but then maybe communicate those as the number one goal instead.

Maybe I am just being too literal.

What do you guys think? I'm probably overthinking all this aren't I?



I dont think stopping bleeding on the value of steem is thr goal. If that was the case, they would stop selling steem and instead start buying it using ad revenue. That will autimatically help user growth.

Flag for over paid comment! I don't even make that blogging in a week, how rude! humph..! I'd like to take your Eucalyptus leaves 2 Panda! lol ./s jk!

I paid for that SP and I will use it anyway i want. I saw ur posts. No wonder you don't make that in a week. My comment has more content than your posts.

Shut the fuck up u piece of shit, no wonder why u deserved the flag! Keep it up asshole!

Posted using Partiko iOS

STFU my posts are all photography and at least I can spell. You are a maniac, I will flag u every fay until u cry like a wee baby panda bitch! dummy-jerkiff! lol making a note you are one of my special new customers now! haha lol!

Oo, i am crying, ur minuscule downvote is going to bankrupt me.

Oh stfu, try and be a little bit more creative with ya disses @sadpanda! I heard that one a million times - already played out.. haha 😆 U the one who stepped in my panda poo trap! I was just kidding with u on the first tiny flag, u da one accelerating the reat! Dodopandahead!

I make all my sp from curation so u cant do shit abt me unless u can downvote 7 mil sp account.

I’ll be sure to do that too then! lol jk Now go away!

Idk! Whatcha talking bout ur wittle’7 millimeter 🐼 peepee?

I've purchased accounts with steem ninja and while it is the easiest no noob is going to do that. I kinda like the proposal of a light account, kind of what steem monsters are doing. So users can get in quickly and then from there figure out if they want to add steem to their accounts

You are right! It would be so easy to implement a referral bonus program, and I have commented this on a couple of “leader’s” posts! With no reaction !

Posted using Partiko iOS

Many people are opposed to referral programs, because they are often scammy and used when people are trying to bring others into Multi-level marketing

In any case I just want them to do things that gets people to say our name.

Excellent point! I still don’t think they are being very clear about their goals, and especially their actions toward their goals!

Posted using Partiko iOS

When they say masses, they meant the large number of faucet farmers who may or may not be controlled by their company.

Maybe I should have said... define masses. :)

#NewSteemIt ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

You wish ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Compared to other crypto projects, Steem has a decent amount of users. For example, Monero and Zcash have a few thousand transactions per day.

But onboarding the masses won't help us create a sustainable future. Most bloggers and app users are leeches who hope to earn money from contributions, good or bad, that nobody asked for.

We should be onboarding organizations that bring their own money and their own fans, like @coingecko.

Where people gather an economy develops. Can't be stopped. 100% of the time.

It's not just bloggers. You give them blogs, games, gambling,... other people come to build where people are. Other people come to sell them things, other people come to be part of it...

I welcome and love @coingecko. But we just need to gather people and let the economy develop.

It's already started to happen several times. But the endusers can't buy as fast as our stakeholders dumped and then the bear market came.

Let's build a social economic society including both end users and businesses and banks and .... maybe things we haven't thought of yet. :)

Doesn't seem that way to me either, but what do I know anyways

After all who really knows. Maybe it was just an expression.

You are not overthinking at all @whatsup .
We are back again to the need of a business and marketing plan as a main priority. More important than any other code change IMO.
This point is not addressed by steemit inc and the destiny of this Blockchain fully depends on it.
I fully agree with you, they would like to onboard the masses but they just don’t plan anything about. This is a complete disconnection from the reality.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Their company is highly development heavy, I'm not trying to be mean, I kind of want to help.


If EIP is aimed at increasing quality conent and delegations are aimed at attracting quality services, they could just be setting the stage.
You don't want the masses to crowd into your circus tent before the acrobats and animal trainers are ready to entertain. No one sane wants to stay in a circus tent only filled with clowns.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well that would make onboarding their number 2 goal.

With the number 1 goal being "Get rid of the clowns". :)

The freaks will chase away the clowns. By welcoming in the deplatformed that is what they are doing.

...but then who will chase away the freaks?

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not going back to read it again, but my impression when I read it was that they wanted to deliver delegations to dapps so they could offload account creations and dapps could start on-boarding their own users. Many hands makes light work, as they say. Not sure if that's correct without rereading it, but that's the impression I had.

Personally, whenever I'm (unsuccessfully ; -) recruiting people, I always recommend that they only get their accounts from Steemit because I'm not sure what kind of account recovery capability other services have, so I'm not sure how realistic that delegation plan is, but I did think that what they were saying made sense in context.

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