[cathub] corrupted numbers and cahz

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

the one man thing, ergo-therapeutic brainrot prevention, post number two (three this week, i think i can manage one a day , now ... about the money ? why are you people wrecking my money like that ? dumping prices into deep space zeroes? dont you know i need this for my epic?)

Trying to look like a pro yet i'm not, out of the chaos comes creation, i am Random of Amber ... not mister Formal Ed

@ubasti is 96.0 days old and has distributed 4.662SBD to participants(the number has gone down two days in a row which is impossible since i dont do negative payouts so it needs fixing)
@sakhmet is 78.6 days old and has distributed 0.966SBD to participants
@maahes is 27.0 days old and has distributed 0.392SBD to participants
@rudyardcatling was old when the world was young and has given (to others)72shares in @steembasicincome, 182 botvotes by @drotto , 41 by @nanobot , 33 by @microbot , 38 by @minibot , y by y etc to followers and voters and has planted 0.2 trees with @treeplanter (i have to improve the filter since sometimes votes don't come through and/or i send them twice so it might be off by a few here and there, i cant help it if they dont deliver, all i can do is send and i'm thinking about alternatives really, @drotto doesnt talk and doesnt give refunds , @isnochys (the other three has a strange way of going for witness giving no refunds and being not very communicative ... if it doesnt work better i might have to switch to 1 sharkbank per 5 sbd payouts i get, and im looking for more smallbots always ofcourse)

all numbers seem to be down probably corrupted history files locally then

questions and answers on musing since last recurring post



what's on the menu

since i can't afford to keep vote subscription bots up indefinitely i slightly changed the distro-systems, @maahes will now give out smallbotvotes by the @isnochys bots and (if payout permits @sharkbank ... people who go like "but i want the money should think twice : the algorithm already selects only accounts with active root_posts, at current pay levels (most people give 100%/10% votes or less it would come down to max 0.002 sbd for 2 voters, a botvote on an active post pays more than that, so its MORE you get, not less ... but no obligations, i just do those to keep the accounts active and it has helped me to dust off some programming that was rotting in a corner of my brain .. best i can do at barely minnow-level, thank you)

Otherwise i have mostly been giving autovote.sh0 trial runs on my celeronserver

it works fine other than the fact that the first day it voted the first two posts in 4 second intervals (leaving vp at 96% to continue all night) which is not good, i still dont know why but it doesnt do that anymore. Mind : this is not an autovoter on accounts that just hands out votes on every post and drains power indefinitely. This is a script that votes every 2.5 hours on a list of posts , handpicked by yours truly, so all votes are 100/100 and the posts can be selected as i see fit

i added a few scripts to check the batch for posts already voted on in case i double something in the list or posts that are beyond cashout_time -12hours (which you cant vote on) otherwise it will give an error and wait for the next round on the next post, that way less time is lost, more votes can be given ... i guess it could be a bidbot

if i could only get to learning a bit of python, which is hard due to concentration problems and van drukkerland interference and mostly due to the excellent (<-sarcasm) and complete (<-SARCASM) documentation provided which is clearly aimed at people who are already apt at it, but i'll find my way round, its programming logic after all , i just need to dig out the steem specific syntax, if need be from prefab sourcecode at microshytehub

and so i dont have time to lalala, so blablabla, slightly disappoint on spending 6 hours on a post last night to find out it gets paid less than child labour in an Apple iPhone sweatshop , the grand theory of futility on steemit ... suck teh whael dikc or be left in the dust .... but thats not gonna stop me ofcourse, but i need to fix this discrepancy in the number now,

so thank you
and stuff

i made something shiney with renderforest in five seconds instead, should end up with about the same 50 cents as those six hours


the things and stuff

folder structure :

it's actually supposed to be a folder structure you can unzip anywhere and use as is without installing anything (you know how to rightclick/view image i suppose). Basically just a bunch of snips i scribbled up to do some things and view some things but, structure might be possible

commands available

  • parseaccounthistory_wrk.sh (several subroutines to parse data from an account history kept locally)

  • pretty_please.sh (something i got from stackoverflow that strips .json data into separate lines without having to install extra packages, which is the intention and so far, other than curl seems to work)

  • updatehistory_rudyardcatling.sh / updatehistory.sh (gets an accounts full history , incrementally depending on how much is already stored locally)

  • wurdamoney.sh0 [accountname] calculates the worth of a 100/100 vote on any given account (not counting delegation, only 'own' power)

  • findeligiblevoters.sh0 (parse list of accountnames (gathered from a post voted on in this case so far) check one by one the time of latest root post, it time <7days add to list of eligible) used to simplify finding the random people to vote on who participated (a LOT of accounts are stale, bots or re-steem only)

  • batchpay.sh0 using steempy make batch payments from flatfile listing accountnames

  • batchupvote.sh0 using steempy to vote on post (=top line from flatfile)

  • vote100notify_wrk.sh use with watch -n to have espeak every x seconds how many seconds left until next 100/100 vote

  • runvote8820.sh0

  • checkbatch.sh0


the point would be to as many of these since they don't require separate PIDs

composemainbody.inc split from ubasti/ubasti, used to get all the necessary variables to include in a pre-formatted text body, can now be used for multiple types or repeating posts with changing vars

functions available

under /include ... well its not really /include but the intention is that it is , its not all functions it might just be sets of variables or ENV_VAR declarations for use in multiple scripts or commands with the linux shell source command

  • formatname.inc (used to make it independent wether user inputs @accountname or simply accountname

  • getacctvars.inc (basically meant to store lots more but atm only gets last tx , last tx number and last tx id of account)

  • getSP.inc (gets steem power of account by calculation (delegation not included) )

  • votersfrompost.inc (gets all voters on a certain post from the post.json and puts them in a nice small flatfile)

  • getvoteworth.inc (gets the sbd value of a 100/100 vote from accountname)

  • updatehist.inc (welleuh, updates history of $1 where $1 is accountname ofcourse)


  • steemterm : the eventual compilation , commands for now : help, clear, reload, sbi, upvotes, downvotes, transfers , display [on/off]

  • ubasti / sakhmet /maahes : used to generate the main body of the daily post and pick out the voters and non eligible voters from the last paid out post

  • deardiary generate intermed post from sections that can be altered separately, no more manual copy pasting the logo sections , no more manually copy pasting the section of winneris that stays the same

  • cathub generate post from sections that can be altered separately, no more manual copy pasting , sections consistent over time as they get adapted separately

  • signature ... does that need explanation after the rest still ?


  1. 20180726
  • fixed ... or wait a minute ... why do i have to fix it ? it worked last night ... so i changed #######################################
    #to get to work with dots in the numbers
    export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
    but it didnt do that last night because i had |bc -l ) #| tr '.' ',') which now for some reason guvvs errers

  • fixed typo in composemainbody.inc that caused varname io var content to be written to file (did i dream all that last night because there werent any errors ..??!?)
    fuck that its too hot

  • its still 30 degrees or something omg , completed composemainbody.inc declined list filter

  • adapted findeligiblevoters.sh0 respectively to @sakhmet and @maahes system .... could do with onefilefitsallmaybe but systems change

  • adapted sakhmet and maahes and ubasti textbody accordingly

  1. 20180727
  • get the whole steempyth installed on the server , batchupvote works

  • crontab clearly isnt suited for a continuous every 2.41 hours, will try watch command, list of post-urls is ready for 24 hours, will start when ready and see where it is by midnight , it should work (lol-duh)

  1. 20180728
  • autovote runs on watch without glitches now, i have no clue what i did to make that happen because first of all it should have from the start, and second i didnt change anything, maybe the hackers-on-meth are in my cables again trying to prove that whatever point people need after too much braindead ... made it run, it runs for a good 14 hours now ... added date in output to check ... few extra minutes over 2:24 hours in case of whatever, still miss a lot less the fraction is negligible like this
  1. 20180729
  • autovote @ubasti runs smooth for two days now , made a script to scan the flatfile for posts already voted on or posts that are beyond cashout_time minus 12, so as not to lose two and a half hours because it doesnt stop, it just goes to the next cycle and waits 2.5 (well, 2h27 minutes actually ... hoping that counters lag, 3 minutes should do) i didnt put the scan in the voterscript because that would take time since it parses every post in the list so i can run it every time links get added
  1. 20180730
  • can run two autovotes on separate accounts in two terminal windows on same pc without issues for about 12H now , good thing, maybe i'll get to finding out how to post and comment with python (WHY THE FUCK PYTHON HUH, now i gotta go from scratch)

  • modified batchupvote.sh0 to show errors in RED (031) in terminal window on break&exit (already voted / beyond vote-cashout_time)

  1. 20180731
  • the autovotes run fine but i think an i3 might be worth getting now, cost-effective-wise, the celeron does it but when i open two browsers and discord it runs at over 90% , the memory is a flatling, the network is a flatline and


    parse 39 posts in 22.9 seconds, network time included, that's a mega


    @dan & @ned ... you should get of that content horse that turned to obsession and lead to the current flagwars and trollhunts, this is entrepreneur material and did i mention

    "no transaction fees"

    yet ? echo

    no transaction fees

    ... echo

    no transaction fees

    ... no fees ... ease ...
    whats wrong with having both earners and headsinthecloud-already rich ? you don't need stone tablets and enforcing , filters and a code of conduct will do, serious people adhere to that, post your webshop in this, post your musings and writings , pictures, artwork, etc , in that ... trolls be trolling, since the dawn of internet and i betcha fiver before that

  • modified text bodies for @ubasti , @sakhmet , @maahes for new system and updated old crud that had to be removed



separate section required since that's not microsoft-free

things to do ? (lots)

  • switch as many commands as possible to includes (no new processes spawned while running, not much difference on todays machines but i like it and i will try to keep it built for speed and minimal network load)

  • split up functions as small as possible to make sure no network access is made that's not needed, network is the bottleneck for speed here after all

  • i found out how to get the whole chain locally, there's this script to download the chain incrementally but after days i got like 120mb so thats never gonna happen unless i leave it running for 10 years

  • see if i can make transactions like payments on the local network while that one syncs to the blockchain so the actual keys never have to leave ... IF POSSIBLE :p (or is that already happening with steempy?)

  • ofcourse, randomize the processs BUT id need to see vote value for that , i dont wanna elect anyone who will get a vote that turns to dust, thats an honourable mention with zero practical use, pragmacticalists like me (not a spelling mistake) cant have that ... i'm sure its possible but as i dont count this as getting paid it will happen in my time on my tempo, im sure no one has any reason to complain so far

  • switch pretty_please to include function

  • ponder specific vars in composemainbody on flag or switch to relative project and put them there like

  1. if [ -n "$RAFFLEVOTES" ]

can be put in either ubasti/ubasti without the conditional or in the mainbody where its conditional depending on flag $2

  • put composemainbody.inc autodeclined / non eligible in separate file

  • start my own bookmarks folder on alleycat.be this is how many times now ? trusting third parties and that cloud-shyte never works out

  • finally start that appgamekit thing simulating population and put that here too ...

  • fix ubasti / sakhmet comma problem on declined

  • ubasti doesnt auto-include rafflevotes anymore ?

  • look for a way to see if last root_post has already been voted on for ubasti

  • i wish there was a way to validate maybe there is , in case i get corrupt files or something since the history loads only the transactions that arent present locally to save time and bandwidth local files might get corrupted , maybe something md5ey ? another on the todo-stack

  • switch "vote of is worth" to "combined vote is worth" since the intention is to keep only enough to make sure a combined vote pushes the winner over dust treshold, its VAULT ACCOUNTS AFTER ALL

  • use small webapi to keep the distro accounts stats so i can wget them into the mainbody of any text

  • use small webapii to keep the mainbodies online, less local mo better

  • strikethrough fix updatehistory.sh0 to work over 10k tx DUDE

  • steemterm doesnt update history ???!?

  • modify steemterm "sbi" command to accept $2 or $3 as $ACCTNAME (-> all transfers to @sbi /| @drotto /|@ anything really)

  • different accounts work, add command to switch in terminal (or choose from list)

  • put the distrostats .inc files in a separate folder instead of deardiary and modify all projects using them accordingly, actually use "source ../include/paths.inc" as in all the rest ... CONSISTENCY PRECIOUS

  • strikethrough totally up wurdamoney.sh0 to add and subtract all delegation for fullvoteworth

  • fix parsing transout for alts b/c ubasti handles all payouts so the other two numbers stand still now (duh!)

  • add flag $2 to wurdamoney to pick either worth without or worth with delegation

  • something odd with updatehistory.sh0

  • /n while parsing problem for readersdigest

  • alleycat - use html page with dropdown select for styles, modify php to use different functions to render accordingly

  • findeligiblevoters ubasti can have two same number since it comes down from 255 ... needs autocheck and re-loop if necessary (or different api ... or more options in this one)

  • make autovote check for cashout_time BEFORE voting in case <12hours, maybe best after previous vote +2.5hrscheck

make sure to make sure everyone understands there will never be trust again in van drukkerland for me
make enough money from one post per week to not make more than one post per week and focus on other things that do not require phoneboy and/or suitman to have the illusion to be the boss of me (cos thats never gonna happen again, im damaged)
get independent from handouts by government, employers lobby and benevolend enlighters
get rich or die trying
hunt down and exterminate whoever has been wrecking the sbd price fro a month now
never go for witness on steemit
much much more
get catfood
dont trust dogs
avoid humans
live by night (because i couldnt even type this post by day)
and so on ...
if you feel like this is @utopian-io go ahead but its one-man team so i dont know how open source that is lol

it's ergo-therapy

i need it for my epic


me : https://steemit.com/introduction/@rudyardcatling/rudyardcatling-signature-post-20180719

previous post(bottom up .. or was that top-down?) -> should link back all to the first one at the bottom












Let me enlighten you :: rules exist to discipline oneself, do not force them on someone else (Kongo - Ars nova cadenza)



thanks for that :))))

the vote was 50% but at the third rank i think so due to price down last week its less than it was but i checked and its still

celerontcat@cerebro:~/Documents/steemUX/commands$ ./post_wurdamoney.sh0 https://steemit.com/busy/@coinsandchains/re-rudyardcatling-cathub-corrupted-numbers-and-cahz-20180801t171701632z
rm: cannot remove 'jsondataa': No such file or directory

you might wanna add an own vote to be sure but it should pay it if the price doesnt sink further ... wish i had $5 votes to spread but alas

i dont :))

BTW, you don't have to worry about that stuff with me. I was actually going to tell you with the distros, if they are paying out to me just skip it. I won't turn down the occasional upvote or restreem, but if the payout isn't working right or isn't paying for its self just skip it for me.

thats no problem, they're set so its basically impossible to lose (although in theory @maahes i could if the payout were to come down to 0.001 sbd among steem/sp/sbd division), the others can't, the @steembasicincome shares provide minimal requirement (barring whale-trolls and wallstreet vampires dumping prices because no one will dollar anymore) and since the system for maahes changes today or tomorrow to smallbotvotes (which means it's worth more for the winner and i can do it on an active post @ubasti alraedy voted on) so i can't even lose 0.001SBD there anymore :), if the payout is zero the formula would say 2 people get half of 90% of zero each so thats no problem either , if i take my rules as law the only issue would be if the payout is 0.001 ... i learned from the first @ubasti system hahah

in september i will likely move @ubasti to four or five upvotes a day and no sbd prize, @sakhmet to 100% sbd prize and @maahes is already botvotes, three flavours but even if no one votes i dont lose anything

out of chaos comes creation grin.png

thanks for your concern but i would really ask if you notice i forgot after 48 hours to drop me a not on discord

gotta think about my rep, man ;-)


what got on their lip this time ? something i did ? i never cared much for gods ... about as much as they ever cared for me heh

i wish it would give a nice thunderstorm here , for about from now until december would be nice, anyway, i doubt they're angrier than me, the fallen one :p i'm gonna complete the replies when i pass in again, b/c when i'm back from the baker i hope to pass out until its voting time ... about 7 hours , sounds nice (and thanks btw :pppp, hope i can give some back with $5 votes by december too ....dreeeeeemer)

12:00 ... excellent .... here we go then do not offend the coffee ....

well sitting around the board room someone mentioned the flagging shit going on and that raised a lot of eyebrows, we may have been temporarily sidelined by the financial community, they have so much choice why choose a problematic one to invest in right ? oh well maybe one day if the nazi's and the loseronians leave we might get a good review better luck next year.

the board room .... ponderindex.jpeg

unless you refer to the previously mentioned @aggroed channel #mountolympus (lol) you seem to have access to many strange places and know your way around ... anything new i should be aware of then ?

you speak a bit in tongues lately but maybe that's to throw the bots of after the trauma you suffered grin.png

which is totally understandable ofcourse

do you have something for reference on the big money actually sidelining steem ? because for all i know it looks so far more like people in high steem-places pegging the SBD to 1USD (which is not cool lol) or just whales dumping the moment its profitable (which is ALSO not cool lol, why cant they be happy with 12 ferraris a year?)

trollers be trolling, you will get that everywhere, harassment suits are daily practice in the big five and the 1%, almost like a hobby, i think that's what they do after getting the 14th ferrari and the 13th lambo this year like

"owh , who should we troll now, i'm bored ..."

i found a resteem bot to keep an eye on btw, @merlin7 , more info here

i woke up at 7:30 so i'm not really in the typing mood, since i already typed it, @crypto-piotr has made quite the list too, the post is sure worth the read for practical people

there's only one thing to do when Sauron rises and the orcs bring trolls to the shire ... eternal vigilance

You just planted 0.03 tree(s)!

Thanks to @rudyardcatling

We have planted already 3413.33 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 19238.41
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68694.24
ETH 3284.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77