[cathub] more steempower = less vote worth yet a few lines of code is less time waste on just a little more than facebook

in #rudyardcatling6 years ago (edited)

100pcrt Microsoft-free.jpg

the one man thing, ergo-therapeutic brainrot prevention, post number two (three this week, i think i can manage one a day , now ... about the money ? why are you people wrecking my money like that ? dumping prices into deep space zeroes? dont you know i need this for my epic?)

Trying to look like a pro yet i'm not, out of the chaos comes creation, i am Random of Amber ... not mister Formal Ed


what's on the menu

nothing much, ... at current prices not wasting too much time on posting since pointless

well something ofcourse, i can't help myself altering and tinkering, its strange , since i lost that before steemit ... probably cos i dont function on dopamine and this makes it worth something ... well it DID two months ago :) ... sakhmet and ubasti now work without symlinks, which is gud since symlinks wont copy and probably wouldnt work for a folder structure that's supposed to run from anywhere you dump it on the drive

o, in case you wonder :: there's no need for a cathub : https://sourceforge.net/blog/brief-history-sourceforge-look-to-future/

they already on it, catching the microsoft induced exodus

hard time figuring out the vote worth ... last week it was close to 0.06 now i can almost not divide it by 2 again ... but i have more steempower than i did ... ??!? whales dont want it ? i should dance for cookies instead ?
but hey, good hobbits don't complain i got catfood and a load of pasta til december ... if by then nothing works out there's always the psych ward i guess


ohw ... got a new thing too, yea .. : https://musing.io/profile/rudyardcatling thank you @coinsandchains

and ... until @kiwibot is back runnig and @moonbot on top i'll need my votes for my distros , even with 30+ people voting on it, at plankton level at current rates its not sustainable otherwise, i wish i could apologize for that but i don't feel responsible

the things and stuff

folder structure :

it's actually supposed to be a folder structure you can unzip anywhere and use as is without installing anything (you know how to rightclick/view image i suppose). Basically just a bunch of snips i scribbled up to do some things and view some things but, structure might be possible

commands available

  • parseaccounthistory_wrk.sh (several subroutines to parse data from an account history kept locally)

  • pretty_please.sh (something i got from stackoverflow that strips .json data into separate lines without having to install extra packages, which is the intention and so far, other than curl seems to work)

  • updatehistory_rudyardcatling.sh / updatehistory.sh (gets an accounts full history , incrementally depending on how much is already stored locally)

  • wurdamoney.sh0 [accountname] calculates the worth of a 100/100 vote on any given account (not counting delegation, only 'own' power)

  • findeligiblevoters.sh0 (parse list of accountnames (gathered from a post voted on in this case so far) check one by one the time of latest root post, it time <7days add to list of eligible) used to simplify finding the random people to vote on who participated (a LOT of accounts are stale, bots or re-steem only)

  • batchpay.sh0 using steempy make batch payments from flatfile listing accountnames

  • batchupvote.sh0 using steempy to vote on post (=top line from flatfile)

  • vote100notify_wrk.sh use with watch -n to have espeak every x seconds how many seconds left until next 100/100 vote


the point would be to as many of these since they don't require separate PIDs

composemainbody.inc split from ubasti/ubasti, used to get all the necessary variables to include in a pre-formatted text body, can now be used for multiple types or repeating posts with changing vars

functions available

under /include ... well its not really /include but the intention is that it is , its not all functions it might just be sets of variables or ENV_VAR declarations for use in multiple scripts or commands with the linux shell source command

  • formatname.inc (used to make it independent wether user inputs @accountname or simply accountname

  • getacctvars.inc (basically meant to store lots more but atm only gets last tx , last tx number and last tx id of account)

  • getSP.inc (gets steem power of account by calculation (delegation not included) )

  • votersfrompost.inc (gets all voters on a certain post from the post.json and puts them in a nice small flatfile)

  • getvoteworth.inc (gets the sbd value of a 100/100 vote from accountname) <--- alarming downtrend


  • steemterm : the eventual compilation , commands for now : help, clear, reload, sbi, upvotes, downvotes, transfers , display [on/off]

  • ubasti / sakhmet : used to generate the main body of the daily post and pick out the voters and non eligible voters from the last paid out post

  • deardiary generate intermed post from sections that can be altered separately, no more manual copy pasting the logo sections , no more manually copy pasting the section of winneris that stays the same

  • cathub generate post from sections that can be altered separately, no more manual copy pasting , sections consistent over time as they get adapted separately


  1. 21/06/2018
  • added pause 10 seconds between open terminals in runallvotevoice.sh0 to prevent soundcluttering

  • changed ubasti mainbody

  1. 22/06/2018
  • opened up an overflow account for when @rudyardcatling reaches 500sp (which at current whalewar prices isnt much)
  1. 23/06/2018
- add maahes to runallvotevoice (screenshot)
  • added paths.inc (env vars for folderpaths until run from root or stay as locationindependent..)

  • modified ubasti and sakhmet to use paths.inc

  • removed symlinks from and cleared out /sakhmet and /ubasti folders

  • modified updatehistory , composemainbody , ubasti, getvoteworth, wurdamoney , parseaccounthistory to work with ubasti/sakhmet without symlinks

  • moved folder to all three pc's for testing

  1. 24/06/2018
  • copied /ubasti/ to /deardiary/ for easy generation of post where sections can be merged from separate files for easy/better layout
- modified to patch sections together
  • patched ubasti, now completely works without the symlinks so should be portable

  • deardiary is now rendered from header1.inc - deardiary.inc - header2.inc - winneris.inc - header3.inc - wget readersdigest page thats ready on alleycat since ive been reading that already - footer.inc ... the rest is filling in the dots ... more time to either sit on my ass, or do something that takes more than just doing what i do if the price is right

  • switched all executables in steemUX folderstructure to have suffix .sh0 for easy chmod +x since that flag isnt copied and so and so

- test ubasti and sakhmet to work with the new extensions, modified where necessary
- seems to be working, made sure all symlinks are gone, tested ubasti/sakhmet by copying folder to different pcs
  • modified runallvotevoice.sh0 to work with new extension

  • modified vote100notify_wrk.sh0 to work without symlinks and with the new extension

that's more than i should have today but what else would i do ... watch footy ?? L M A O

  • ah well, modified wurdamoney_standalone.sh0 to work without symlinks and with the new extension


  1. 23/06/2018
  • added letters uppercase T,H,U to logosvg to render cathub logo for this post and coded the logo ofcourse .. shame markdown doesnt support svg .. that would be wicked-awesome and then some


separate section required since that's not microsoft-free

things to do ? (lots)

  • switch as many commands as possible to includes (no new processes spawned while running, not much difference on todays machines but i like it and i will try to keep it built for speed and minimal network load)

  • split up functions as small as possible to make sure no network access is made that's not needed, network is the bottleneck for speed here after all

  • add env_vars include to make it easy to use relative paths within the main folder and get rid of the symlinks which dont work when its copied to another place

  • i found out how to get the whole chain locally, there's this script to download the chain incrementally but after days i got like 120mb so thats never gonna happen unless i leave it running for 10 years

  • see if i can make transactions like payments on the local network while that one syncs to the blockchain so the actual keys never have to leave ... IF POSSIBLE :p (or is that already happening with steempy?)

  • euhm ... now we filtered out the root_posts, maybe check for comments that arent stale yet in case someone quit trying because of (you know, why, elitist bastard) and just interacts a little here and there, but that will be for later, re-steems wont count and ...

  • ofcourse, randomize the processs BUT id need to see vote value for that , i dont wanna elect anyone who will get a vote that turns to dust, thats an honourable mention with zero practical use, pragmacticalists like me (not a spelling mistake) cant have that ... i'm sure its possible but as i dont count this as getting paid it will happen in my time on my tempo, im sure no one has any reason to complain so far

  • switch pretty_please to include function

  • split up accounts when they reach treshold due to the lousy security one factor password system to spread assets over multiple 'vaults', it will lose on curation and probably look like you're upvoting with a whole system, but one compromised password doesnt mean losing everything that way, MUST DO ! which is done now

  • ponder specific vars in composemainbody on flag or switch to relative project and put them there like

  1. if [ -n "$RAFFLEVOTES" ]

can be put in either ubasti/ubasti without the conditional or in the mainbody where its conditional depending on flag $2

  • put composemainbody.inc autodeclined / non eligible in separate file

  • start my own bookmarks folder on alleycat.be this is how many times now ? trusting third parties and that cloud-shyte never works out

  • finally start that appgamekit thing simulating population and put that here too ...

  • yes, thats not half a bad idea precious ... script a script that generates python code and picks permlinks from a list ... i can set up the list in advance and just run the command and enter the passphrase on alarm-time-is-now ... not quite supreme but timesaving, good let me write this down in the middle of my laundry before i forget it, m-hm, it wont work to keep up the 100% votes while sleeping or afk but for now its a timesaver, GUD, downwritten

  • check if i can pipe an OTP into the batchpay script that would solve most of my moral dilemma on storing unencrypted passphrases locally on disk or in an env var ... GOOD IDEA, PRECIOUS, TWICE A DAY AND WITH A BLEEDING HEADACHE LIKE THIS, we might get it up and running and get to the appgamekit after all ... now where's my money ?

  • give all executables the same suffix (o yea extension , is that ? right, phoneboy ?) b/c the +x status is not copied when i transfer it across pcs from a flash drive, so a little oneliner installscript in the root of the folderstructure to chmod -R +x bla should help that, né ?

  • copy paste ubasti/sakhmet project folder to modify for maahes

  • make enough money from one post per week to not make more than one post per week and focus on other things that do not require phoneboy and/or suitman to have the illusion to be the boss of me (cos thats never gonna happen again, im damaged)
  • get independent from handouts by government, employers lobby and benevolend enlighters

  • get rich or die trying

  • hunt down and exterminate whoever has been wrecking the sbd price fro a month now

  • never go for witness on steemit

  • much much more

  • get catfood

  • dont trust dogs

  • avoid humans

  • live by night (because i couldnt even type this post by day)

  • and so on ...

if you feel like this is @utopian-io go ahead but its one-man team so i dont know how open source that is lol

it's ergo-therapy

i need it for my epic


previous post(bottom up .. or was that top-down?) -> should link back all to the first one at the bottom







we'll see when that arises ... don't try so hard, if you try so hard you sound like a fucking callcenter doing cold calls, i KNOW COS I USED TO WORK IN THAT FOR A FEW MONTHS ... tbh and tbr the only ones who have true ROI so far are @steembasicincome because you pay once and get a lifetime per share for as long as they exist, the rest is to up steem power, please dont do that salespitch thing on me ... i'm a very paranoid person when it comes to women and money

no i wasnt born like that, i was MADE like that, by homo sapients

your species


inc (used to make it independent wether user inputs @accountname or simply accountname - getacctvars

Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.

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