Travelling the Astral Realm - An out of Body Experience (SWC @jerrybanfield)

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


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“I was above my own body, separated and floating inside my room. . . . Suddenly the door opened, and two white orbs came in going to me. I was terrified, so I dived back to my body.….”

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Out of Body Experience

As a child I always had those nightmares like most of us had. My most unforgettable encounter is an out of body experience. That idea of separating your body from your soul and being in one place. I don’t know how I did it or how it happened, but it just came to me not just the first time, but also the second time and a third time. I don’t know if this is only lucid dreaming, but the experience is just real. I’ll be sharing here these three (3) experiences with that unknown realm. This post is my first ever entry here in steemit and will be also my entry to @jerrybanfield's Supernatural Writing Contest.


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First: The Two Orbs (year 2006) – 12 years old

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It was night. I was lying in my bed, lost in my thoughts. All I remembered was that I’m looking at the ceiling. But in one blink of my eyes everything shifted. I was above my own body separated and was floating inside my room. The experience was confusing. I am seeing my room the same way before I fell asleep but in a different state of consciousness. I don’t know what came to me that I went near the door. I just felt that I must go out but suddenly the door opened and saw two white orbs. I was terrified because they’re coming near me, out of fear I dived back to my body, but I remembered one hand came out from one of the orb and grab my left shoulder, it was dead cold. I tried resisting because they’re dragging me to the door. I thought they’ll be able to take me until another shift of consciousness happened, I was inside my body this time but couldn’t move it. How I escape the orbs? I didn’t know either, all I remember is that I was desperate to go back to my body. But being unable to move my body is another thing I just felt that I am not yet totally connected to my body and that anytime the orbs might drag me out. So, I tried to move my head, it took seconds maybe before I was finally able to move it and get out of bed catching for breath. I couldn’t get to sleep again that night. I am afraid that I might experience the same and not being able to go back to my body or me taken away from my body.

Second: Finally roamed the room without the entities (year 2015) – 22 years old


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I was sleeping already that time in the same room Nine (9) years ago. Then suddenly I was awakened in the middle of the night. It just felt weird my mind just woke up. So, I tried to get out of my bed. I even went to my study table and roam the room for some time. I was about to sit on my study table when I realize that somebody was in my bed and to my surprise it was me. I remembered what happened nine (9) years ago. I don’t know but every time I look at the door a part of me wants to hold the knob and see what’s outside. It feels like it’s calling me. But I’m having second thoughts remembering to be dragged by those orbs. I remembered how cold that hand felt in my shoulder. I was afraid that somebody might dragged me again. This time there was already that insidious movie. I watch some of it but so afraid to watch it fully knowing that I’m having the same experience. Which added up to my fear, so instead of twisting that knob I went back to my body, followed its position and went back to sleep. I’m afraid I’m seeing another thing again. That this time I won’t be able to go back, or my body might be taken away by another spirit.

Third: Touching a dead body (year 2015) – 22 years old


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I was awakened from sleep that time in the same room. I couldn’t move my body. You might say that I was only having sleep paralysis but for me it’s more than that. Whenever I had sleep paralysis I know that I’ll separate from my body, I mean it always end up to that if I don’t fall back to sleep. I’m also afraid that if I open my eyes I’m going to see something unknown; an entity or anything, so I never opened them and just tried to fall back to sleep. For some unknown reason I awakened again, or my mind awakened again, but this time I found myself already sitting in my bed while I’m seeing my body lying there. I don’t know what came to me. I don’t know why but this time I stood up out of my bed and went directly to the door. I don’t understand why but it feels like the door is somewhat calling me. It was already morning that time. I can see by the lights coming through the windows. I was about to hold the door knob and open the door. But I touched something else. It was cold. Dead cold to make me look up and found out that it was a hand of a dead woman hanged upside down. Her head was near the door jamb, but I couldn’t see her legs. Her hands are hanging on the wall. Though her face is not like in the movies where decaying flesh are shown. She was so pale and cold. I was horrified by what I saw. All my life I never touched a dead person. All my life I never thought it to be that cold. I ran back to my body to my bed and forced myself to fall back to sleep again.

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Actually, I saw a ghost in my room days before my third experience. It was a woman, she just appeared in front me. She’s decaying and muddy. Wearing some white nighties but appeared brown due to mud. She was floating. Well I can tell cause she’s in front of me staring directly at me. We made eye contact but slowly she’s becoming more transparent. I will not describe her eyes they creep me out. I don’t usually fear ghost, I only fear them when I become like them.
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….. I don’t know what’s outside that door. There was always that curiosity in me. What if I went out? What if I discover something else outside that door? I am somewhat enjoying already the experience despite the appearances somewhat I became interested to these things.

I hope you enjoy reading this. Don't forget to leave your comments below.


Thank you @lucisuidicium for writing this story and submitting it to SWC. These out of body events must have been terrifying! I just sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

Thank you also sir for appreciating my story. And for the support.

When I was really little I used to float up to the corner of my bedroom and look at myself sleeping. Used to freak me out. :)

Orbs are spirit entities. I've seen a few. You can identify if they're a friendly or not by how they make you feel when you come in contact.

I'm a bit worried about you because you sound very open yet uneducated on what's really going on that you're not protecting yourself.

Someone as open as you need to focus on protection like smudging your space with white sage, keeping crystals on you, specifically Black Tourmaline that's great for negative energy.

How's your energy levels? Tired all the time?

Hi @bearone thank you for your support. Yeah, I tried finding things and ways to protect myself. I'm used to her. She's no longer even bothering me these days.

You still need to protect yourself. I can see you getting harassed when you're out and about. 🙏

@bearone do you think I should go out that door?

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Thank you sir @jerrybanfield for this. I will be going into your steem. guide. I’ve never seen a detailed guide like this with videos around here. And they are updated.

Hooray! I really enjoy reading your post but part of it I am afraid too.. Thanks for sharing your creepy experiences in life. I hope you win the contest. Good luck.

Hala oi naa diay eng-ana mo bulag ang soul sa body

Yes, bai. Pareha sainsidious na salida mga ing.ato na experience.

Orom cguro na bai

This creeps me out. Maybe, it's about that room. Perhaps, that woman you saw wants some company, and she wants you to be with her.

Yeah, maybe she's that bothersome spirit moving my things out when I have my lights off. And there was this one time I was awakened by some tight grip in my ankles. So tight that I could feel it after waking up.

I cant imagine myself if magdamgo ko ingon ani ambot nalang jud @smaeunabs. Hahaha

What a powerful experience! I totally understand how you can leave your body & travel around. You are right to be careful because there are other entities that don't have good intentions who look for bodies left by people doing astral travel. This is actually a yogic siddhi, but nothing you'll learn in an American yoga class! But traditionally, it's just part of a greater path to spiritual awakening & realizing we're far more than just bodies.

I also wrote about my encounters with spirits who left, but thankfully they were people I knew & less scary. I make conscious efforts to block out anything with impure intentions...
you can read it here: Life After Death

I don't know where I'm at in my awakening. I lost track of it. Suddenly it stopped. Reconnecting seems to be not working anymore.

Astral projecting is my favorite thing to do :D LOVE IT =]

Hi. Thanks for sharing these extremely interesting personal experiences. I have had a fair number of strange experiences with lucid dreaming and related phenomena myself over the years and wanted to get your opinion on a theory I have on a related subject.

Basically, my idea is that the "astral planes" are the consciousness of the Earth, like a vast sea of her thoughts and dreams. More specifically, the often overwhelming nature of what is encountered is a function of the fact that the Earth's consciousness encompasses our own. What I mean to say is that her thoughts are the source of what Jung called archetypes, overarching symbolic motifs that turn up in our most intense dreams. Thus, some astral experiences can be heavenly while others seem to be visits to some version of hell -- because all of these possibilities exist in human consciousness, modeled after all the those that exist in the much greater mind of the Earth.

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