Sometimes, Just MAKING My To-Do List is Exhausting!

in #busy5 years ago

Life is busy these days.

Maybe life is always busy, and maybe everyone spends as much time as I running around in circles, just trying to keep up with the basics of staying above water in this fast-moving world of ours.

Life is busy around here because we are still trying to fund some fairly major life expenses heading our way without having to leave our cozy little nest of self-employment and go to work for someone else.

Some fairly random posts

Making a List

I can't function without lists. You could make the argument that I am a chronic list maker... and you'd be right.

I have pretty much always made lists.

My mother always thought my lists were "ridiculous" because — in her words — "A young man should be able to remember things."

I started making lists when I was a teenager.

I make lists because when someone tells me something — even if it is vitally important — it leaves my head 15 seconds later. The same is true of things I remember I have to do.

So I write everything down.

Quiet spot in the woods, Denmark. Yes, that's a stone circle.

Back to Today's List...

I started making my list this morning, and soon realized that what I needed to get done on this day would be utterly impossible for any one human to accomplish.

I need minions!

Part of the irony was that today was actually supposed to be one of my rare "days off," which are essentially days I use to catch up with assorted household chores I haven't been able to get to because my work-related to-do lists are too bloody long!

More irony in the fact that I reached the conclusion that I was on a "Mission Impossible" quest before the usual horde of people came along and said "Do you have a moment to help me with this?"

No. No I don't...I'm fresh out of "moments."

Japanese Maple leaves

One Day... Leads to Another...

Now I'll be the first to admit that we all have "busy days" where there is just more that needs to be done than we can hope to accomplish...

... but what happens when pretty much all the days are that busy, and what you didn't get done today simply carries forward to tomorrow, where it gets appended to a new almost impossibly long list of things that need to get done?

It can get pretty overwhelming.

And so, I started my day in a state of feeling overwhelmed, before I even got started on doing anything more than making a list!

Sometimes, life s just like that!

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? Are you a list maker, or do you just "remember things?" Or are you one of the lucky ones who doesn't care whether anything other than "what you happen to remember" gets done? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190116 22:22 PST



I only very occasionally make list. Perhaps I should summon up the discipline to do it more often - because I have always found it so very satisfying to cross "done" lines through the items on my list.

I don't do lists. By the time I've found the paper and a ...

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Oh my word, this could have been me writing everything you're saying here @denmarkguy, I'm still chuckling although it really is not funny! But it's good to know we're not alone!
I'm also a list maker and also don't even find time to make lists nowadays!
I always thought that one day when I retire, I will have time to do stuff like embroidery etc etc. BUT since hubby and I run our BNB post retirement there's no time to even stop! I definitely had more free time when I had an employer as work was left at the office.
So now, at the end of each day, we kind of look at each other and ask What the heck happened? The days almost compete with one another for busy-ness ;)
But that's what keeps the world going not so?

Start making the list in the evening about what you did that day. You gonna fell better.

I know the feeling bro @denmarkguy

Posted using Partiko Android

I can't function without lists.

I can't either. I don't know how anybody does! I urge people who seem unable to organize themselves to try this. It doesn't usually get me very far though; some can't seem to organize themselves even to that extent. And yet, my lists are what help me make it through the day.

I have little clipboards w/ note paper in every room of my house. (Even in the bathroom. Even in the car. ) Things I need from the grocery store. Emails I need to write. Books I want to get from the library. Upcoming birthdays. If it's important enough for me to think about and remember -- it goes on a list.

At the appropriate time, I gather them up, consolidate them all into one w/ sections -- and life goes on. it's the only way.

I wished I am in the lucky ones. But it seems making a to do list happens to be me too. Good thing about it, it helps me to remember things. Bad thing about it, you have to do it. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Have you looked into BULLET JOURNALS - it takes life organization, accomplishments and list making to the next level ..... plus a 10 minute deep breathing every morning is great energy leveler to help organize your being hugely ☺️😉🦋🌴🌈💛🍀

Firstly, congratulations on being selected by @catweasel and @enchantedspirit for their curation reward for their The Magnificent Seven effort!

I am not a regular list maker, I am pretty good at remembering my "to do's", however, on the odd occasion when the list seems to be really long and I have a deadline I am trying to meet and am pressed for time, I go through the list and prioritize what definitely needs to be done first and what I can let slip by... it helps to relieves my mind and makes me less frazzled.... hmmmm... maybe I need to make lists more often.

I truly enjoyed your post!

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