Steemit Has a Bullying Problem

in #bullying7 years ago (edited)

With all its benefits, Steemit has a huge problem that could stop it in its tracks.

Cyber bullying.

Or the bullying of individuals via the internet, social media networks, or chat apps.

It is one of the biggest issues in grade schools, high schools, colleges, and across the world.


People are bullying each other with hate, making fun, crucifying, and exploiting. And you have heard the stories. a student gets bullied on Facebook only to be found to have committed suicide because of the bullying.

Suicide, bullying, and lack of self-esteem are huge problems this current generation is facing.

So can you imagine the shitstorm of a media storm if the media found out a site like Steemit exists that REWARDS BULLIES for bullying.


Every major outlet's first impression would be that Steemit is a bullying haven, the price of STEEM would plummet, and the site would be on its way out.

All because of bullying and that Steemit allows for bullies to bully people and get paid to do it.

Like this for instance:

Earning over $161 through bullying


Cyber-bullying over 36 times in one day


So let me get this straight a bully can go around bullying people and get rewarded for doing it.


Can you imagine if Steemit reached children and teens the cyber bullying problem would explode. The harms of bullying would be increased.

Not only can kids pool together their resources to make fun and bully other kids, but the "haves" could literally bully the have-nots their entire school careers and get paid to do it.

So Steemit allows bullies to get paid?

Just wait until the media hears about this.

Or even worse wait until someone on here gets bullied and something happens as a result. Lawsuits and bad publicity are waiting. And Steemit will die fast.

We need a solution fast.

That is the main reason I am writing this. I love Steemit and the community and what it allows us all to do. But there is no way in hell I am going to ignore bullying on this platform only to let it get worse and allow it to hurt more and more people.

This is one post in a series of posts to raise awareness and hopefully a solution for Steemit cyber-bullying problem.

Hopefully there is a solution, but if not then there is no way the good people of the world can allow a platform that rewards cyber-bullying to exist.

And people can say o why don't you ignore the bullying? Well sure I may able to and some others. But some kids and teenagers might not be that strong.

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Do you really want to read about someone committing suicide or shooting up a school because they got bullied by people on Steemit and there was nothing they could do?

Doesn't sound like a good platform to me.

So hopefully there is a solution because if not there is nothing more that would scare away investors, businesses, people, and non-profits, then cyber-bullying.


Thank you for your time and attention.

Image Sources:




Paul was a partner of mine on a project he and I and another friend came up with. He took earnings from a pitch that was supposed to be used for this project and used them solely on himself.

He then chose to step away from our project to focus on other things. We remained amicable until Paul found it appropriate to take over my pitch on the Whaletank program, during which time he also took credit for being in charge of another program that he had never been a part of.

When I confronted him and asked him to stop, he simply talked over me and laughed, saying that he would always have a piece of my project, no matter if he stepped away or not. He has threatened my friends and people who have other projects that he had a cursory participation in.

I hate to see anyone flagged who doesn't deserve it, but unfortunately that is not the case here. The real issue here is that Paul hasn't learned how NOT to abuse his influence, and therefore the risk of him harming more people and communities here is too real. That's what these flags and accounts are doing. It may seem harsh, however it is truly being done for the good of Steemit as a whole.

Paul, when you read this, please understand that you are experiencing the consequences of your own actions, and not being bullied as you claim. I hope you will step back and figure out how to change the way you conduct yourself.

This post has received a 7.14 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @theuniverse

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You probably wouldn't like everyone seeing how you really deal with people in private, would you?

Check out all of these threats @chiefmappster made against someone:

I was nice and didn't screenshot his insanity to me in private. I truly think this guy is not all there and it's the only reason I didn't screenshot him, I felt sorry for him (at the time).

Now that I've seen what he's capable of (back then he was just annoying in chat) doing outside chats by fooling people, I wish I had kept them.

It was like reading scribbles on a padded wall. 5 minutes of it before I blocked him and banned him from our chat.

I have nothing to hide all you are doing is exposing who is behind the @chiefcrappster . You are funny @themarkymark

You can miscontrue words to fit your agenda easily. I use brutal honesty.

God is my witness.

You are in my prayers because for whatever reason your life is in such a bad place that you are spewing negativity.

God bless your soul

You will have some papers soon for your cyber-bullying. Not a good example for your son.


Modern day supporter of political slavery; A secular State-Worshiper; Member of the cult of the State; An irrational, immoral, collectivist parasite which leeches off the productive private sector at the point of a gun, while attempting to justify such behavior through invalid, unethical, altruistic arguments.

Uses statist law (oppressive edicts backed by criminal violence) to intimidate and run the neo-slave racket. Typically found in government, politics, bureaucracy, police, military and law; aka Supporter of such; Governmentalist; Nationalist; A degenerate sub-human who makes your life a living hell; An accident just waiting to happen...

A new SMT has been created in your name: ScamArtistCoin care of SteemIt Inc. (STINC)

This comment has received a 0.46 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @smartmediatoken.

I have only known you trough the beat battle competition that you host's and a few short private conversations on discord so this all came as a bit of a shocker on me.

I usually don't get involved in drama, but the amount of comments posted here by @berniesanders , @chiefcrappster , @tuck-fheman & @themarkymark peaked my curiosity...

I remember seeing the chiefcrappster bot back on my submission for the beatbattle but not paying closer attention to it then that.

The way you handle yourself in the chat logs that are posted in several of these comments is truly appalling & sad to see @chiefmappster ...!

I can tell by your threat's of involving government institutions that our reasons for being in the crypto space are very different.

I'm not at all for cyber bullying laws, or most laws at all actually.

I would suggest you do some introspective reflection on how you communicate and approach other people online as your own online presence can clearly be seen as bullying.

Writing "God bless" and "Namaste" everywhere does not make you a nice person. Your actions are what defines you!

(Psychedelics can be of help...)

Change starts with yourself!


I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as "online bullying". You can mute people, flag them, ignore them. They have 0 bearing on your life. If someone commits suicide or shoots people because someone was mean to them on the internet, than the problem is with them. They should see a shrink.

What Steemit might have a problem with is nepotism. Seeing you get flagged is no joy to me, but neither is flagging others for being "offensive". Offence is not given, it is taken.

I defintely understadn where you are coming from as that is a common feeling about it.

And sometimes it is because of seeing that shrink that they actually commit suicide. Those pills they prescribe give suicidal thoughts to people. It is how I lost my cousin Michael last year. That's what happened to him.

Appreciate you caring buddy.

Well, sorry about your cousin, but again, it was him that had psychological issues. I don't know what could've been done to save him, but being PC is not a solution. That just forcing people to censor themselves.

The only limits on free speech that I'm willing to give into are direct calls to violence or straight up plagiarism. Calling people cunts and stuff like that are just insults. You either grow a thicker skin or ignore them. Everyone has the right to insult anyone they wish. They will suffer societal repercussions, as in they'll not get invited to parties and have no friends and stuff like that, but they shouldn't be fired or prosecuted.

Hence, I retain my position on the issue. You have the same right to "bully" anyone you wish as well in my book. Neither such bully will be considered a good person, but I don't think they should be censored either.

Also, regarding your point about the media. Who cares what the media thinks? They're as out of touch with reality they've ever been. Fuck the media! If they criticise something, then I know that's the best place to be.

I really dislike people who throw the suicide thing around as a way to emotionally blackmail a topic. It is gross.

Even your replies on this post are getting flagged! You seem to have a serious psychopath on your ass who has nothing better to do than follow you around 24/7. Bright lights always attract darkness.

Ganz kurz nur @nacktepoesie - les Dir mal die Kommentare oben durch. Der Typ, den Du hier verteidigst ist ein übler Scammer, da drüber brauch man nicht diskutieren, mir reicht was ich gesehen und gelesen habe.

Meinste jetzt den chiefmapster oder crapster?

Den Mapster natürlich

Ich hatte bisher eigentlich gar keinen schlechten Eindruck von dem, im Gegenteil. Wenn du Recht hast, hab ich mich total getäuscht, was natürlich nicht ausgeschlossen ist. Ich bin nur verwundert. Auf jeden Fall danke für den Hinweis Watson, ich hole jetzt meine Lupe und untersuche den Fall. genauer.

Prima danke! Der verkauft sich nur als Guter 😥

Sozusagen ein Wolf im Schafspelz.

is there a LOT of psychopaths on him or is there just one here. Psychopaths tend to hide well in public FYI.

Amennnnnnnnnn what a time to be alive.

Totally agree with you. The dark comes out when the light is shining.

Wish you the best.

You too! Stay strong!

omg, that's so terrible it's hard to believe it's even real. there has to be some kind of standard that leads to suspension and permanent suspension. these are difficult issues. but you are so right, there cannot be any place for this due to the serious consequences. these kind of issues need a committee or to scout out progressive methods other sites are using to address it. as we know there are limits to free speech when it crosses the line and abuses the inherent liberty and privilege of being a citizen and civil. peace

Amennnnnnnnnn there has to be some type of solution. Like you said maybe a committee or have temporary bans.

But there is no way I will let this platform allow bullies to bully and make money off of it. I have lost to many to suicide to let that happen.

Appreciate you caring.

God bless.


I agree, that guy needs an ass whooping my friend! It pisses me off so much bcuz you've helped me out so much. Something needs to be done about this! Let me know if i can help...i got your back chief! Also i posted some new music so check em out if you have the time my friend.

Appreciate you my brother really do. I have faith God and the Universe will take care of it per usual :)

And heck yeah thank you for letting me know. I am on it.

Thanks again for caring.

God bless.


Damn it now he flag me 53 times! My rep went from 46 to 42...WTF!!!

With positivity comes negativity. It has gotten to a point where legal action is necessary.

But that is one saving grace of Steemit is that you can show the court system literally the loss of reputation (like what happened to you and me) because of their cyber-bullying.

Have faith my brother their time is coming.

They're not going to care about a wife beater like you who has a record.

LALALALA using the system as designed!!! Flagging is FUN!!!! Still waiting on those papers....

Lol where do you come up with this stuff.

All in due time.

Looking forward to the day when your bullying ceases and the community knows who you are.

You will be even lonelier than you are now.

God bless your soul.


Your soul is fucked.

And you soon will see.

It's hilarious what you project.

You literally have no clue.

God bless your soul


So lets take his ass to court! I work'd hard to get my rep up.....did you listen to "Freaky" it has my beautiful wife on it. lol

I plan on it. It just takes time. But the good thing is that the account keeps providing more and more evidence with every minute.

But on it buddy haven't listened to that one yet.

"thats how i work i mirror people"

So why did you flag me? And how is chiefmappster a scammer? Please let me know what this is all about, i'm kinda knew to steemit so i don't know why you two have beef, i thought you were just harassing him. If there's more to the story please tell me. And can you at least upvote this comment so i can get my rep back? I worked hard to get my rep that high and i never scammed you. Please do the right thing bro

Don't worry bro, we still friends. This whole thing is crazy...i got my rep back at least. Can't wait to see the winners of this week's smlchallenge! One love my dude

Amennnnnn and I saw that buddy heck yeah.

It has been most definitely an awesome #smlchallenge this Week Five.

Much respect.

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