I just taped my ankles, put on my eye black and put a double knot in my shoelaces! The OG Broncnutz is about to get turnt loose at Broncos Training Camp. They might sign me after they see me drippin all this Swagoo!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #broncos7 years ago

I'm headed to watch the Denver Broncos Training Camp tomorrow in Dove Valley (Denver). It's been a couple of years since I have been to camp because I live about 60 miles south in Colorado Springs. This summer I am working in Denver so the opportunity to drive over and watch a little live tackle football practice is a little more easy, especially since the gates open at 7:20 AM.

Keep an eye out for my posts, pictures, and maybe even a little "Broncnutz" style video while at camp. Y'all know how I do. Just remember that when I put that jersey on, The OG Broncnutz can go into full on beast mode and become an alter ego very quickly. 😂😂😂

I'm really looking forward to talking to some other fans, watching our shaky quarterback situation play out and see who's going to be the starting quarterback for the three-time ring checking Super Bowl champs! let's go Broncos . This season will mostly likely be a tough one, but all teams trying to develop a young QB are usually on the struggle. I mean look at the Chiefs for instance....They have been horrible developing young quarterbacks and even when they do get one developed.....they STILL can't get to the Super Bowl. Poooor Chiefs fans....they never see it coming and the franchise has just been conning them out of ticket money for years.

Are you ready for some football?????

The OG Broncnutz


Scrimmage today!! Make sure you use your pull with Mr. Elway to make sure that defense doesn't put both our competing QB'S in side by side wheelchairs. #nastyD And once again, thanks for helping to get Von Miller signed last summer!! Your Bronco influence is much appreciated

I do what I can for the Broncos @infowarrior.......and lately it's been a lot. 😂

I am ready for mcdonald :D

Hell yeah! The chiefs Suck. Will wait for those pics or Video, Would like to see The OG in Super Beast mode! I believe you'll end up having Siemian as the Starter. My Guts tell me he'll have a nice Season. He needs more offensive weapons, though!

chiefs suck.jpg

Trev will be our QB. Paxton is choking at camp big time, but it's still early. I have some vids here on my blog, funny stuff in them about the Chiefs. You will have to scroll back a little ways but there are about 2-3.

Gonna look for them on your Youtube Channel mate! Do you think Paxton have chance in the Future? imo he's had enough time to improve, don't know the average time for a QB to develop though.

Of course, I mean he's been making huge plays in camp here but also making a LOT of bad decisions and throwing picks. He's an incredible athlete with a big arm. A good QB is really hard to find, who knows what will come of these two. Very few people saw anything in Tom Brady during college and look what he became. Anything is possible......when they see my arm in the parking lot tomorrow, I'll be running 1st team drills next week anyway. Look for me on Sunday's.....I'll be #1 in your program. 😂


I cannot believe it's August already and the greatest sport in the universe is right around the corner!!! I've got three fantasy leagues gearing up and it looks like all three will have their fair share of Broncos!

Let's do some Oklahoma drills Stacks! You ever play fan duel? If so....look for me "coinczar"

I will definitely look into that! My leagues are all local work leagues. It might be time to expand my horizons just a bit. Thanks!

Have to respect a true fan. I love living in a college football fan where you are insulted if someone asks you to work during the game. At least I am, probably turned down a few real estate clients that way but come on, its football. In the south, you shouldn't need to elaborate. :)

Go Gamecocks !

You try and get me to work on Sunday or any game day for that matter and I'll straight up quit on the spot and then burn down the whole city with flame throwers hooked to 50 gallon drums of premium unleaded gasoline. Broncos football is serious business to this 40 year fan, I have never missed a game in my life, and never will. I have also never not been in my seat with my lungs already on full blast for a kick off. #dontbelate

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday... I have plans on those days. Don't plan anything for me on those days from September through February!!!

I wish the Broncos and bronc nutz all the best this year! It'll be a struggle yes but they've got a shot just like air-body else. Have fun at camp BN. Sounds like a good time!

Hahahaha, very funny my friend!

Upvoted and resteemed :)

The Broncos get my blood flowing! Lol....thanks for the comment cuz.

I love seeing other crazy football fans because then I don't feel so bad when I'm yelling at my TV. Make sure you say hi to Dak and Zeke when they visit the endzone on Sept 17. I wish your Broncos luck in their other games.

I'm looking forward to playing the Cowboys....they should be very good this year

Well let's see when the games are played. They should have been good many years recently but still managed to disappoint. Last season was a nice surprise.

You are really a good fan of this sport, I have seen several of your posts dedicated to this and you feel your emotion to see when talking about your team. And now that you are closer you can visit them more easily.
In my country we do not practice this sport, (maybe we are not so harsh hahaha). Our main sport is baseball and I practice it for 13 years of my life, unfortunately I can not reach the professional because of problems.

Its been some years i haven't played football as i get busy a lot due to work.. but i used to play a lot before

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