$1800+ Bounty Available ( Find me a Buyer)

in #bounty6 years ago (edited)

As of right now, 0.2 Bitcoin is worth over 1800 USD. I am offering this amount (0.2BTC) to whomever is able to find a buyer for this Steemit account I am posting from.

The selling price will be 1.5BTC- which already includes the 0.2 bounty.

This account may very well be worth 1.5BTC, given all the time I have put into it, but it is important to note that price is not for the blog. The blog itself is more of an accessory towards the real product, which is the content I have posted on here in the last 18+ months.

There are many excellent articles written by @son-of-satire, and many more that fall short of the adjective "excellent" in my honest opinion, but that are still considerably better than the average trending post on this platform.

I will give whoever buys the account the right to reblog anything I have ever written and posted on this account. That's a shitload of art, design, articles, comedy, music, videos and just about anything else you can think of.

I never bothered with networking, but I still did okay here. If whoever buys the account actually bothered with that part, whilst simply reposting the best things I have created continuously - then it would not take them too long at all to recoup their 1.5BTC expenditure. Such a thing could even be done entirely automated; which seems to be the way this platform is heading anyway.

So if you are reading this, then you can earn yourself 0.2 bitcoin by finding the right person to buy this account. Or, you can offer a 0.1 bitcoin bounty and outsource the work if that makes more sense. I don't mind.

Should the account sell, I will also give 5 SBD to 10 people who resteemed this post.


resteemed. good luck on finding a buyer. I doubt I would find one for you, but all the same I'll do what I can.

Thanks. I couldn't ask for more, and it is very much appreciated regardless.

so you decided to leave this platform for good?
feeling sad for that.
i enjoyed your posts.

I am. But I'm nothing if not a creator so I feel confident you will one day in the future enjoy something else I created- albeit on a different platform.

Wow. Aren't you the one that told me you thought that one Steem would be worth .1 btc if not next summer then the one after that?

It's disappointing to see that you powered down and are now leaving the platform.

I'm not debating anything, just sad to see you go.

I've little doubt that the value of the STEEM in my account will one day exceed the amount that I currently need. But, that will take a minimum of 15 months, and I'll have none of it left by then. All in all I have had over 8000 STEEM and probably a few thousand SBD in my time here, and I sold so much of it for pennies, because I had to. It would be silly to regret it, because if I hadn't done so, I likely wouldn't be around to sell it now. So I also don't feel a need to regret this decision, as there's no other that I can see available anyway.

There's nothing to feel sad about. If someone buys the account, my words will live on when they keep reposting them every year. And if my dated words aren't good enough, you could always converse with me on discord. This is only one medium. But, I speak more languages than Steemian.

Why you bailing on steemit?

Steemit bailed on me a long time ago. I am simply returning the favour.

lolz okay.

Titus Frost, ultimate truth teller. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why you believe this entirely redundant - and I suspect facetious - comment is worthy of a 1.50 SBD self-vote?


I am resteeming this Satire. If I had the money I would've taken on the coat to up my gear to the things that I would have written. Best of luck selling it =)

Reaper#9980 would be my discord, if you speak other languages than steemian x)

If I do not find a buyer fairly soon, I will likely give my account to someone such as yourself anyway. I'm going to bed now but I will add you on discord tomorrow. Night, mate.

Wow. That's a really interesting idea selling your account for BTC. I think its going to be quite challenging to find a buyer though for that amount. I don't think that I fully understand the concept - how would someone get back their initial investment of over 10K? Sorry I'm a bit confused but would like to understand more. I'm just not sure exactly, how the buyer will make money off the account since the past blogs have paid out and any future blogs would be entirely different content then yours. I found that the community generally doesn't like it when people re-post their old articles because its basically "churning." I'm still interested in this idea though and wish you a lot of luck :)


Lost faith on the system or why the selling?

I did lose faith in the system, yes. But, that is no different from my feelings about the world as a whole, so escaping Steemit will not help me escape the iniquity.

I don't see why they don't just make it so that there is no curation rewards unless you are voting on random content within selected tags, in which case, you receive 50% curation rewards. So people could still vote for their friends but they wouldn't be rewarded for it. And everyone who posts great content would have a fair shot at getting rewarded.

But, that was a bit off point. In truth, I want to sell the account to get myself out of debt and if I am able to, buy myself a few months of financial freedom so I can make a contribution to the world that will actually matter. Just been running on the hamster wheel a bit too long, and find myself still moving backwards.

I am just sick of playing the game set out for me, as I know it is an intentional means of preventing me from living up to my true purpose.

That seems like I am fishing for pity, so to clarify; I am feeling better than ever since I stopped spending so much of my time producing content for this blog, and instead started on something larger. I may not be making any money from it at this point, and probably won't for a long time, but, it has been far more rewarding than a whalevote ever could be for me.

I get it, losing faith in something made by humans is only human, been there and will be there again.

That idea of CR is quite good, to actually reward with bigger reards those who spread their votes as far as they can. Circle jerks would end but perhaps alt accounts number would rise... who knows?

I know we as humans always find a way to bend rules, find process gaps and "play the system". This is the very same reason I laugh at these people who are 100% certain these new platforms will come to break the market and be the utopias we´ve all been waiting for.

That´s great, would be great to hear about this new project man!

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