Steemit Bounty Contest #1 - Wanted: Alive and Well - couples on Steemit

in #bounty7 years ago (edited)

Having dabbled in many different aspects of steemian topics and activities on this platform, it may not surprise you to know that I am now also considering engaging in the rather fun and addictive activity of contest posts. But for those that might know me better, it is simply not enough for me to come up with another contest that you can find on normal social media (or at least one that is not on steemit yet).

Combining my passion of talking to people with #infographics, I wanted to find a way to get to know people while being able to compile some interesting information to display. And inspired by a recent reviewing of Django Unchained, I decided that this was the perfect contest for me to run.

So I would like to offer the follow contest in the form of not a prize but a bounty. Which means that as long as you fulfill the conditions of the bounty then you will be awarded with a prize.

Now to the first bounty hunt on steemit, and this is something that I have threatened to write a post about and now it has finally happened! I want to find couples on steemit that are definitely worthy of community recognition (and for us to know their story), and also because I am curious about how couples interact on steemit that might be different elsewhere.

Conditions of the bounty:

  1. The bounty will be active 7 days from when it is first posted, with additional bounties to be paid out after the expiry of the bounty at the my discretion (if I think you have found some very worthy couples)
  2. Bounties will continued to be paid out until I run out of SBD in my account or the expiry date (whichever happens first).
  3. A bounty of 0.10 BSD will be paid out for each couple provided in the comment section below, unless another user has already claimed the bounty. There is no limit to the amount of bounty each user can claim.
  4. You will need to also provide evidence that the pair of usernames are indeed a couple or else if I need to confirm this information then only half of the bounty will be paid out on confirmation of this fact.

Good luck and good will hunting!


I have a tip that @techslut and @mrlightning are a couple (thanks @jefpatat) but I need to track down some evidence :p

I actually have TWO significant others on the platform: @mrlightning and @poet . Because polyamory. :)

My bounty wasn't inclusive enough, sorry about that :p

I will count that as two pairs then, so that would be 0.40 SBD to you :)

What about @jefpatat though? He deserves something for tagging me! Can I split it with him?

Sure, happy to do that for you :)

The lovely (and very talented couple) @carrieallen and @chrisroberts

The enigmatic @mihail.tsvetkov and @kanoe

A new friend @therneau and his wife @jusipassetti

The popular @rt395 and his wife @tokyowomanslife

@simba and @rainbowdash are a couple but both are not very active lately.

@techslut - do you mind providing something that shows that they are couple as per the rules of the bounty. Otherwise I'll have to try and track down the information and that means halving the bounty reward (assuming I am competent enough to find the information) :p

Well, this is @rainbowdash braiding @simba 's hair last year:

And this is @simba showing off his tail:

I am still trying to pull them both back to the platform.

Well I hope this will also help pull them back into the community again... Of course, it will take a lot more effort than that but baby steps at a time I think :) You have any submissions for the siblings bounty as well?

Hmmm... Don't think so.

Contest Bounty paid:

The sweet and delicious @mrsbiscuits and @grahambiscuits:

Hello :) I know this post is old, but it was linked on a current contest. So here is a couple.

@metzli - does his wife also have an account? Or does this fall under the family bounty?

This would be a family bounty. But I found a beautiful couple ❤️❤️❤️ For this. I’m this post Ana Hilarski talks about her husband Hilarski. Both are on steemit - here is an article with pictures of both

I don't know the language but I'll take your word for it - a soon to be steemian family but a lovely couple indeed!

❤️ Thank you for the bounty ❤️

Contest Bounty Paid:

An Australian couple I believe... @insideoutlet and @shai-hulud

And another Aussie couple doing great work for the community on steemit @jackmiller and @sylviamiller:

haha hi! Yes we are a couple and pretty awesome at being one too. Thanks for finding us :-)

Thanks for sharing with us :)

Just found out that @rocking-dave and @naydenova are a couple (a very diversely talented couple too!):


@lynncoyle1 and her husband are the latest on this list:

Thank you so much @plushzilla; My husband @briancourteau and I are indeed a couple :)...we both think we hit the jackpot with each other !!

haha I realized after I replied that this was 3 months old...@ginabot notified me, then I saw this one! Thanks for the heads up:)

I read some of Brian's post and it is a very touching story because I also have a friend who is currently fighting to keep things together while dealing with cancer. I know that everyone's story is different but just knowing that there are others that understand what it is about and being able to share those insights and moments is extremely valuable. I do wish you both the best :)

Thank you so much for that; we really do appreciate it. I'm so sorry about your's pretty difficult to keep it all together. The support we've both gotten on here though has been amazing. This is a wonderful community if you go looking for it:) Thank you again and I wish the best for your friend as well.

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