Three Day At-Home/Minimal Equipment Resistance Training Template for Women

Three Day At-Home/Minimal Equipment Resistance Training Template for Women

Don’t worry, men can use this too

I initially made this workout routine for my friend’s girlfriend, however, I decided to share it in case anyone else wanted to use it for their own workouts.

This routine is a solid, overall template that is a modified version of Push-Pull-Legs — the primary difference is that Push day and Leg day have been modified. Hamstrings and Glutes are now paired with shoulders and triceps, and Quads are now paired with Chest.

Likewise, this routine was made for general women’s preferences — more focus on glute work than men tend to often do — yet can easily be adapted to a man’s preferences.

This workout routine assumes you have access to a bench — ideally adjustable — a pullup bar, and a dumbbell set.

Bands are an acceptable substitute in place of dumbbells.

If you need equipment suggestions, check out my resources page.

Finally, it’s worth noting that this routine includes several isolation exercises and pre-exhaust techniques as they were preferred to starting with heavy compound movements in some instances.

So of course, please feel free to add, remove, or substitute movements as you see fit.

I also went ahead and listed extra exercises for each body part if additional volume is desired.


General Training Principles & Philosophy

— Always warm up properly before beginning your workout and work sets. I find jump rope to be the GOAT of full-body warm-ups.

— Use proper form and employ safe exercise techniques. Never sacrifice form and safe technique for more weight.

— Choose exercises and routines that have a low injury potential.

— Substitute exercises if they don’t cooperate with your personal physiology and/or feel uncomfortable — develop your own personal exercise menu.

— Use higher rep ranges if lower rep ranges bother your joints or make progressing to the next poundage level difficult. Example: Switching from 8–10 reps to 10–12 reps because moving from 45 Lbs to 50 Lbs on the overhead press proves to be too difficult in the 8–10 rep range.

— Always track your workouts to ensure progressive overload. Aim to do a little more than last time. One more rep. One more pound. Magnetic or plate-loaded micro weights are always helpful. I track my workouts using the Strong App.

— Make stretching and maintaining suppleness a priority. Don’t skip it.

— Use a controlled rep speed and tempo — 2–3 seconds for the positive phase, then another 2–3 seconds for the negative phase, with both ~1 second at the top and bottom of each rep. Tough reps near the end of the set may take upwards of 5 seconds. This is normal. Some exercises with a shorter range of motion like shrugs may only need 1–2 seconds, whereas those with a greater range of motion — like pulldowns — may take 4 or so. Overall, be sensible. Don’t perform reps very slowly, nor very fast. Both put you at risk for injury.

— Train hard and ensure your body gets sufficient rest.

— Use appropriate footwear. Flat shoes are suggested.

— Utilize appropriate intensity, volume, and workout lengths. I opt for high intensity and low volume. Moderate volume is okay if there is not enough weight or resistance available to maximize intensity.

— Rest 3–5 minutes between sets — for unilateral movements like a one-arm row, a two-minute rest is appropriate if needed between sets for each side.

— Perform a minimum of sprints 1x per week (5 sets for 40 seconds) or HIIT cardio 2x per week (20–30 minutes) in addition to your resistance training.

— Regularly perform pre-hab exercises to prevent injury, such as the L-Fly for the rotator cuff muscles.

— Optional: Try using the reverse pyramid training style, first brought to my attention by Martin Berkhan of I highly recommend it — I have never used a better workout style for consistent progress.

Workout A


— Hamstrings, Glutes, Medial Deltoid, Triceps, Calves

General Warm-Up for 5–10 minutes

— Calisthenics or Plyometrics

A. Hamstrings & Glutes

i. One-Legged Hamstring Bridge or One-Legged Glute Bridge with a Dumbbell

— 2 Sets of 10–12 Reps

ii. Regular or Single-Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

— 2–3 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iii. Bulgarian Split Squat

— 2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iv. Standing Side Leg Lifts

— 1–2 Sets of 10–12 Reps

v. Standing Side Leg Lifts

— 1–2 Sets of 10–12 Reps

vi. Standing Band Kickback, Donkey Kick, Lying Leg Curl with Dumbbell, or Standing Leg Curl with Band — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

B. Medial (Middle) Deltoid

i. Standing or Seated Bent-Elbow Dumbbell Lateral Raise

— 2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Dumbbell High Pull — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 set(s) of 8–10 Reps

C. Anterior (Front) Deltoid

i. Standing Dumbbell Front Raise

— 1–2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Dumbbell Arnold Press

— 1 set of 8–10 Reps

D. Triceps

i. Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

— 2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Close Grip Bench Press or Triceps Dip — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 set(s) of 8–10 Reps

E. Calves

i. Standing Single-Leg Dumbbell Calf Raises* — Ideally stand on a block*

— 2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

**ii. Standing/Seated Tibia Raises or Tibia Pulls with Bands **— Can hold a dumbbell to add resistance

— 2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iii. Seated Calf Raise or Kneeling Calf Rock-Up* — Rest Dumbbell on Knee for Seated Calf Raise*

— 1 set of 8–10 Reps

F. Cool Down & Stretching

i. Hang on Bar Pull-up Bar for as Long as Possible

— 2 Sets for as long as possible

ii. Lower Body Stretching

— 2 sets for 15–20 seconds each

a. Seated Groin Stretch

b. Lying Glutes & Lower back Stretch

c. Lying Groin Stretch (Lying Chinese Splits)

d. Seated or Standing Hamstring Stretch

e. Glute Stretch

f. Quad Stretch

g. Hip Flexor Stretch

iii. Upper Body Stretching

— 2 sets for 15–20 seconds each

a. Over-and-back Shoulder Stretch

b. Chest & Shoulder Stretch

c. Triceps Stretch

d. Lat Stretch

e. Biceps & Shoulder Stretch

f. Side & Rear Shoulder Stretch

Workout B


— Back, Posterior Deltoid, Traps, Biceps

General Warm-Up for 5–10 minutes

— Calisthenics, Plyometrics

A. Back

i. Chin-Ups or Negative Chin-Ups

Alternative: Band Lat Pulldown

— 2–3 sets of 6–8 reps

ii. Bent-Over Two-Arm or One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

— 2 sets of 6–8 reps

iii. Prone Incline Dumbbell Row with Elbows Flared / Bent-Over One-Arm Wide Row

— 2 sets of 6–8 reps

iv. Dumbbell Pullover

— 1–2 sets of 8–10 Reps

v. Close Grip Sternum Pullup or Negatives — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 Sets of 6–8 Reps

B. Posterior (Rear) Deltoid

i. Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise with Pronated Grip

— 2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Lying One Arm Rear Delt Lateral Raise — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 set(s) of 8–10 Reps

C. Traps

i. Seated or Standing Dumbbell Shrug

— 2 sets of 10–12 Reps

ii. Dumbbell Clean — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 set(s) of 8–10 Reps

D. Biceps

i. Incline Dumbbell Curls* — Alternate between starting with this and hammer curl*

— 2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Dumbbell Hammer Curls

— 2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iii. Dumbbell Spider Curl or Concentration Curl — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 set(s) of 8–10 Reps

E. Cool Down & Stretching

i. Upper Body Stretching

— 2 sets for 15–20 seconds each

a. Over-and-back Shoulder Stretch

b. Chest & Shoulder Stretch

c. Triceps Stretch

d. Lat Stretch

e. Biceps & Shoulder Stretch

f. Side & Rear Shoulder Stretch

Workout C


— Quads, Glutes, Chest, Anterior Deltoid, Rotator Cuff, Forearms

General Warm-Up for 5–10 minutes

— Calisthenics, Plyometrics

A. Quads & Glutes

i. Step up with Dumbbell

— 2 sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Goblet Squats or Dumbbell Squats

— 2–3 sets of 8–10 Reps

iii. Lunge* — Alternate Between Forward, Reverse, & Curtsy — Not each rep, but each workout*

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iv. Lying Side Leg Lifts

— 1–2 Sets of 10–12 Reps

v. Standing Side Leg Lifts

— 1–2 Sets of 10–12 Reps

vi. Conventional or Sumo Dumbbell Deadlift — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 Sets of 6–8 Reps

B. Chest

i. Incline Bench Dumbbell Press- Ideally put bench at 30 degrees

— 2–3 sets of 6–8 reps

ii. Incline Bench Dumbbell Flys- Ideally put bench at 30 degrees

— 1–2 sets of 6–8 reps

iii. Chest Dip, Flat Bench Dumbbell Press or Fly, Push Up — Optional for Additional Volume

— 1–2 Sets of 6–8 Reps

C. Forearms

i. Reverse Dumbbell Curl or Wrist Roller

— 2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Wrist Curl

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

iii. Reverse Wrist Curl

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

D. Rotator Cuff

i. L-Fly

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

ii. Lying L-Fly

— 1–2 Sets of 8–10 Reps

E. Cool Down & Stretching

i. Hang on Bar Pull-up Bar for as Long as Possible

— 2 Sets for as long as possible

ii. Lower Body Stretching

— 2 sets for 15–20 seconds each

a. Seated Groin Stretch

b. Lying Glutes & Lower back Stretch

c. Lying Groin Stretch (Lying Chinese Splits)

d. Seated or Standing Hamstring Stretch

e. Glute Stretch

f. Quad Stretch

g. Hip Flexor Stretch

iii. Upper Body Stretching

— 2 sets for 15–20 seconds each

a. Over-and-back Shoulder Stretch

b. Chest & Shoulder Stretch

c. Triceps Stretch

d. Lat Stretch

e. Biceps & Shoulder Stretch

f. Side & Rear Shoulder Stretch

How To Use This Routine

Below, I’ve created a handful of schedules templates and strategies for your use.

Example Schedule A — Training Every Other Day + Variations

This schedule style is self-explanatory.

Training Every Other Day means to perform the routine indefinitely but to have a rest day between each workout.

Variations would be training every two days, every three days, and so on and so forth, adding in additional rest days between workouts.


Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Workout B

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Workout C

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Example Schedule B — Two Days per Week

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Workout B

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout C

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Example Schedule C — Three Days per Week

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Workout B

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Workout C

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Example Schedule D — Four Days per Week

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Workout B

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Workout C

Friday: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout B

Tuesday: Workout C

Wednesday: Rest

Example Schedule E — Five Days per Week — Option A

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Workout B

Wednesday: Workout C

Thursday: Workout A

Friday: Workout B

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout C — Cycle Repeating

Tuesday: Workout A

Example Schedule F — Five Days per Week — Option B

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Workout B

Wednesday: Workout C

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Workout A

Saturday: Workout B

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout C — Cycle Repeating

Tuesday: Workout A

Example Schedule G — Six Days per Week — Option A

Monday: Workout A

Tuesday: Workout B

Wednesday: Workout C

Thursday: Workout A

Friday: Workout B

Saturday: Workout C

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Example Schedule H — Six Days per Week — Option B

Day 1: Workout A

Day 2: Workout B

Day 3: Workout C

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Workout A

Day 6: Workout B

Day 7: Workout C

Day 8: Rest

Day 9: Workout A — Cycle Repeating

Pour Conclure

Have any questions, pointers, or suggestions?

Interested in a different kind of template/workout routine?

Let me know!

I always want to hear from any of my readers.

I hope you find this workout template helpful.

Until next time, friends.

Your pal,

Alexander Smout

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Disclaimer: None of this is to be deemed as health, fitness, or medical advice in any way, shape, or form. You are reading opinions only. Please consult your physician for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Questions & Comments: Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments as it relates to the topic(s), or if you’d just like to say hello — I want to hear from you!

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