Better You #3 : Investing $1000 in Steem. Inside suffering is the seed of change.

in #blog6 years ago

Good afternoon Steemit. I’m writing to you in extremely high spirits, good times lie ahead. 🙏🏼

Just a few hours ago I wrote my third and final exam for this period and it is needless to say a huge relief being able to wrap this study-madness-period up, and yet again spend more time on work and personal projects.


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Investing in Steem

Yesterday I did my first investment in Steem, $1247 USD to be exact (which accounts for about 10 000 Swedish crowns). No crazy amounts or anything but definitely a first step.

My prime reason for this is obviously because I believe in the platform and its underlying technology. I see a bright future for Steemit that I’d love to be a part of to a greater extent.

My secondary reason for investing is due to psychological commitment. Although I already am active daily and have seen INSANE natural growth to my channel (thank you everyone for showing such interest), this will even further motivate me to keep at it at the pace I am, and also to bring onboard my friends and acquaintances to the platform.

For those of you who read Better You #2 knows that I’m currently reading Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris during my 1-hour morning-read-sessions.

As per usual I have extracted some profound knowledge in my notes ready to be shared with you readers.

Key Takeaways (Tribe of Mentors)

  • Inside suffering is the seed of change.

Suffering is a moment of clarity, when you can no longer deny the truth of a situation and are forced into uncomfortable change.

Holding on and getting dragged down made me learn how to let go. Choosing the false friends made me see and choose the true ones. Travelling along the wrong path made me see the right one. The list goes on.

At times it truly takes a moment of despair before you wake up and you finally ask yourself “What the fuck am I doing?”. I’ve made major decisions for the better in my life thanks to suffering.

And then again, you can’t have pleasure without suffering, they are two tokens of the same coin.

Learn to appreciate both.

  • The means of learning are abundant - it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce. Cultivate the desire to learn by reading what you want, not what you’re “supposed to”.

That we live in an era of abundant information likely doesn’t come as a surprise to you. But I think that Naval Ravikant who wrote this paragraph really put the nail in the coffin that it is the DESIRE to learn that is the scarce resource.

What I observe is a major problem, is that our long academic journey in todays society squelches peoples desire to learn.

Many individuals experience their academic years as something “forced”, obviously resulting in very negative neuro-associative pathways linked to reading books and to the process of taking in information.

Sadly, this makes the process to pick up a sublime book a friend or a podcast recommends is to them this insurmountable task because they have so much pain associated with reading books.

In the past when I’ve encountered people who have asked me for advice on this matter my response have been to:
‘Push through, put in the effort, and slowly but surely rewire those neuro-pathways’.

But after reading this I will take a different stance.

Instead of pushing through by force, I’d rather say let yourself be pulled by force.

Fuck it if the first book you pick up isn’t the most productive or complex, just simply pick up a book and read it for the pure joy of learning something new.

Magic Bullet of the Day

I notice that this post has grown quite long, so I’ll simply round of todays Better You with a quote (also by Naval Ravikant) that will serve both as inspiration and as food for thought:

Happiness is a choice, and a skill you develop


Good Luck with this step my friend. ;)
I am somehow jealous since you already finished you study period and mine is just about to get started! :P :D

Don't worry brother, it will soon pass for you as well 🙌🏼

Jesus William, rakt in i hjärtat :) Jag tror också väldigt mycket på den här plattformen och är så glad att jag är tidigt inne. Kommer nog också lägga in lite pengar här snart.
Jag fick själv inse att lidande är en varningsklocka när jag bytte jobb precis, nu har jag sagt upp mig och söker efter mitt "syfte". Stort tack för att du delade med dig :)

Tack, och vad kul med en annan svensk på plattformen!
Är helt övertygad om att 'vad det än blir så blir det bra', om 10 år är chansen låg (om inte obefintlig) att du kommer titta tillbaka och ångra att du slutade jobbet 🙏🏼
Tack för en bra kommentar 👍🏼

Har inte stött på många svenskar så det är roligt när det sker :)
Absolut, allting löser sig alltid. Det är bra med lite tid ibland att reflektera över livet :)

Hi, William. Nice to read you again.

Investing in Steem is a very reasonable idea. This platform has such a huge room for growth! At the moment there are 60K active users. And 10K came only last month. Imagine what will be in a year. Or what will be, when the active user base will grow up to 1M! No wonder Mark Zuckerberg and Co are getting nervous xD.

As for ideas of suffering, pleasure, happiness, learning etc, It will take me an evening just to start writing about all of this. But right now I can provide a quick useful tip from my own experience for learning. If you really need or want something (to learn, for example), you will do it no matter how hard or painful it will be. Having information you need in form of a book is simply an excuse. It is another question whether you need it or not. But generally, If you really desire, want or need something, you will get through any given obstacles on the way. You just need to be persistent enough and believe in yourself.

I totally agree with Naval Ravikant`s definition of 'happiness'. I just want to add that happiness is all around us. We just need to learn to notice it.

Yeah as you are pointing out, I honestly believe we can go nowhere but up. Mark should be shaking 😉

I agree a 100%, also would like to add, as you say in your final sentence in your mid paragraph You just need to be persistent enough and believe in yourself. a true but sad story is that many people lack these fundamental requirements. Their overrun by the surface layer of their consciousness or by their ego (or however you want to put it) and simply can't get themselves to accomplish anything in life other than short-term gratification, in a sense this is a disease resulting from our current society and its environment.

One might then argue, "Well but then they desire to gain short-term gratification rather than their goals", and by response is; do they really want it? Or is it merely a result of having lost the connection within ourselves?

Obviously no definite answer, but it poses and interesting discussion, as you say, I could rave all morning about this 🙌🏼

+1 for another excellent comment brother🙏🏼

Interesting observation on forming neuro pathways of resistance against learning.

I know I was that way for quite some time. I still can be, though the resistance doesn't last long anymore.

It's like, once the suffering shows the truth, one is ready to learn. And if it is suppressed for quite some time, the amount of learning can explode. :)

It's like, once the suffering shows the truth, one is ready to learn. And if it is suppressed for quite some time, the amount of learning can explode. :)

Definitely think you're on to something here my friend🙏🏼

Appreciate your comment!

Thank you @williamwest,
And am glad your done with your exams. Also $1,200 and change is nothing to sneeze at. That's a great commitment and a great confirmation that you believe in our Platform here. Cheers , Robert

P.S. Good to hear you talk about rewiring neural pathways. I myself am a passionate consumer of all thing neuroscience :)

Thank you for stopping by Robert, as you say, will serve as a great commitment 🙏🏼

I'm glad you like it, because I myself are a huge lover of that types of topics as well so will write a lot about it 🤟🏼

I remember the moment when I realized I wanted to read but I had so many bad vibes associated with it.

The book I picked up was 'Its A Kind Of Funny Story' by Ned Vizzini which was in fact later made into a film. I can still remember finishing that book and realizing how what I once thought was such a daunting task, actually turned out to be a great experience.

I initially picked up the book because of the awesome artwork on the front cover (I know, never judge a book by the cover!) and luckily the content within was amazing and so intriguing.

Glad to hear you are a fellow fan of Tim's and from what I gather from your blog, you are striving to develop yourself and others just like he does. I salute you sir!

Anyway, I hope you are having a great day. Thank you for the post!

ohhhh.... so I guess I do have to read this book again...completely :D
I tried to read it roughly eight years ago and it is until now only one of two books, which I was able to finish.^^

Wow, that was about the time I started reading it too! Just getting into the habit of picking up a book and giving it some time matters. Some books are info dense and some are light enjoyable reads, it's always important to enjoy what you are reading!

Never heard of the book but I'm genuinely very glad that it helped you in your process of rewiring and starting to enjoy books again 🙌🏼

Thank you for stopping by brother, I can see that your in a process to develop yourself as well so great to have you along 🤟🏼🔥

It starts with small steps! Forming habits and understanding the importance of them is massively significant to traveling the path of least resistance.

Investing in Steem with my own money was a big step for me too. I think it's necessary for some people, in order to say "Alright. I'm in this thing. Let's do it." It made me start to think of Steemit more as a business where I am lucky enough to have an amazing community to interact with. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!

I agree 100%, combining hustle with pleasure, win-win for everyone, especially yourself🙏🏼

Glad to see you stopping by brother!

...just simply pick up a book and read it for the pure joy of learning something new.

Yes, it's always better to start small in order to accomplish huge achievements. In this context, it's to read anything that is of interest than progressively read what's necessary for growth. Glad to know about your work from Steemit Bloggers Discord chat, and my friend @williamwest you've earned yourself a brand new follower!

In this context, it's to read anything that is of interest than progressively read what's necessary for growth.

This, perfect brother, hit the spot 💯

Oh glad to see you're coming from there, and thank you for following 🤟🏼

Perfect score!!

Well, actually I made a typo. It's supposed to be that is of interest then progressively read...

Don't worry, understood your message! 👊🏼

your investment will go a long way!

Nice quote at the end I did not know this one

Oh I think so too 🙏🏼

Yeah I liked it too, short & sweet 😉

Happiness IS a choice, all unpleasant things lose their power when you accept them. You can ask them to leave your experience (or st least your attention) once you’ve learned to see the beauty in them.

I would love to invest some fiat into steemit! If only I had some :-D it’s ok, I’ll work extra hard to make up the difference.

Yeah as you say, wanting a positive experience is a bad experience, accepting a negative experience is a positive experience 🙏🏼

That's the way to do it, keep it up brother 🙌🏼

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