Crazy story time! Are you ready for it?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago


Want to hear a crazy story?

Just to warn you, this is true. It happened to me today.

Before I get into it, I planned on making PART 2 of my Gaming post, you can see PART ONE, HERE but am admittedly a bit tired today from staying up late every night and waking up early this morning to go do something (which you will probably hear about tomorrow).

So, this will be a short post as I post daily and like to keep it going. I thought this would be an interesting, albeit crazy story to share.

Here it goes...

It was a typical type of Saturday...

I went to the local 7-eleven down the street in order to get some little snacks. Hubby likes their boiled peanuts, cajun style (which I find gross personally, not those, just all boiled peanuts). Anyways, so I go and get a container for him and we grab some other snacks my daughter ones and such and we head home. He digs in and starts to eat the peanuts and then comes and finds me to tell me he has found a cockroach in the bottom of the container.

I was stunned, speechless really. I had no clue how to respond to that

Of course, his biggest worry since he had eaten most of the container, was the likelihood of getting sick. I looked it up and although those nasty little critters can cause sickness it was not overly likely.

I had told him not to throw it out as I said I was going to go talk to the store manager. When I came into the room he was in he showed me the peanuts. It took me a second after I said gross the first time, to realize it was not a cockroach. It can only be what I describe as half, yes I said that, half of a grasshopper. Not those green grasshoppers though, no, it's those Florida grasshoppers who can be toxic to animals.

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Do you see that thing? Like, what the hell?!

I also admittedly blasted 7-eleven on twitter. Yes, I said twitter because let's be real, honestly at this point, the companies are all still on there so that is where I went. Anyways, I took this really gross container with the rest of the peanuts, and half of a grasshopper back to the store.

Just to clear any misconceptions, he did not eat the other half of this grasshopper. He reached in to grab a peanut and grabbed this thing and freaked out.

That means...someone else had the other half of the grasshopper!

Once I got there I walked in and said: "I need to talk to the manager on duty right now". I got told that she had left for the day. So I continued and said, "You may want to get in contact with her", as I opened the container and showed this person what was inside. Both of the workers who were there, both women, were instantly grossed out.

A call was made to the manager who was out of town and would not be back in until Monday. I was told to return there and that they could offer me a refund. I let them know that I did not come back for the money, I came back because this should not be happening.

How is it even possible for this to happen?

She could not answer me on how this is possible. So, I told her I would be in contact and that I was worried if I now had to take my husband to get checked out, which we didn't end up doing. We said if he starts to feel weird we will run down to the hospital as it is the only thing open anyways. I asked for the manager's name and was also give the store owners name. I took a picture for my own records before I handed it over and told them to immediately go and remove the peanuts that were still in their hot containers.

That was my evening. I am still at a loss by how this happened as it is not easy for either a grasshopper to get into the store let alone into the peanuts that they claim they empty every other day and that it is completely sealed otherwise.

Lastly, I am left thinking...

Where the heck is the other half of this thing?

Who out there ended up with the front end of this grasshopper?

Will 7-eleven ever reply back to the tweets?

Who knows, all I know is that it was a very unorthodox night and that my husband will definitely not be having boiled peanuts from there anytime soon. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have them again, but who knows.

Hope you enjoyed my really crazy post. Thanks for sticking around and reading it.

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



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I've never had boiled peanuts and now don't want to. Gross!

Ya, I don't get why people like them, but I doubt anyone in my house is going anywhere near them anytime soon.

Makes me glad I have never liked boiled peanuts, well that a nice way of putting it, but that is disgusting i would never go there again

Oh, we will definitely NEVER EVER EVER buy those there again. I don't think he will be eating some anytime soon, just so gross omg.

ohmygossh! This is the third time I've tried to comment on this post! Here goes... That is so grosss! EEW!

I always find that when you complain about these things, the managers just want to refund! I'm not complaining because I want my money back, I'm trying to let you (the manager) know that there is something VERY wrong, and I hope you can make sure it doesn't happen again!

That is EXACTLY how I feel. To a tee. I don't care about my few dollars back and I don't know why they assume that that is not going to take them off the hook for allowing stuff like that to happen. It of for them to admit they are wrong and fix it so nothing like this ever happens to anyone else, let alone has the possibility of making someone sick.

Boiled Peanuts, grasshoppers and cockroaches uggghhhh.... Anyway, it's good one..

Love from #TeamGirlPowa :]

Eww, it was so gross. But at least it was an entertaining post I suppose.

Hi @topkpop, this post made me chuckle but not in the way you may think. It's totally disgusting and the fact that your husband found this in the bottom of his snack pot is not at all acceptable or funny. What made me chuckle, is that I used to work in PR (I worked for a charity so I hadn't completely sold my soul 😉) and I just had a clear image in my head of the PR person who is undoubtedly crafting a carefully worded response in 7elevens head office going absolutely nuts over this.

It's like defcom 5 in there marketing dept right now. They call it reputational management but what PR and marketing people should learn is that a sincere apology and investigation into shit like this is what the majority of people want. They are stuck in this loop where they are scared of admitting even an ounce of culpability because of lawsuits etc, especially in the states. Anyway, I hope you get some answers of how this happened and reassurances that this won't happen to anyone else.

p.s. I've seen people in Thailand paying top dollar for a candied Grasshopper 😉

I do know that people eat grasshoppers, my only concern was that this was a Florida Grasshopper also know as an Eastern Lubber Grasshopper which is known to be toxic. I hope I get some answers as well, to be honest, they replied back and told me to fill out a form which I will do, we will see what they say. I also plan to talk to the manager tomorrow as well. Thanks for telling me how the PR thing worked though, it was quite insightful.

Yikes, that Eastern Lubber Grasshopper sounds like a whole different ball game. I hope your husband is alright. No worries on the inside scoop on PR inner workings, I used to say to my colleagues, PR is basically creative lying. I like creative writing much better. I'm glad I'm out of PR, there's more to life than a paycheck. ✍

Totally gross ; (
I would have freaked out and become sick immediately:
This is a matter of quality control here. It makes you wonder if the same people wash their hands properly after using the toilet.
I hope you get some compensation.

Ewww I didn't even think about the other stuff. Good thing is, he did not get sick. I just want them to do better and not let crap like this happen honestly.

He didn't end up getting sick which is awesome. But OMG I would freakin' freak if I saw a spider like that in my salad. Those things are not small. That is the same type I believe I saw just a while back. I would be off salad for like life.

There is a reason why my family only wants to eat at home! How gross and disgusting. If you don't hear back from the store manager or owner, I would be taking this to the media. Who knows what else could be lurking in their take out food?

Actually, that is a pretty good point about the media for sure. Oh, I won't hear back I HAVE TO CALL HER. Isn't that ridiculous?! It's ok the head office or whatever is getting blasted first. I don't even want to know what could be around the other food they make there.

This crazy story is left with many questions like you pointed out. And seriously... Ewwww 😝
That is just so gross, I wouldn't eat all day after seeing that... Lol
Love the way you tell the story darling and well put 🤗 sorry you had to experience that 😂

Thanks, I am glad I can tell the story well. I wish I didn't have to tell it of course and thank gosh I wasn't eating it. I remained pretty calm for him but that was easy cause it didn't happen to me. Oh my gosh if I was eating and saw that I probably would've been way, way, way more freaked out that he managed to be.

Yes I guess it's kinda like a blender, mixed feelings there 😁😁hahaha
Yes good thing it didn't happen to you, I can only imagine your reaction if you did. Lol
It was hilarious to read and all Ewwww..

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