Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/3/17>… I’m not asking for the shirt off your back, but please donate…

in #blog7 years ago

Saturday was a lazy day for the Sultnpapper, I found myself clearing out photos from my phone and ran across some that I meant to use for a Daily Dose that I never got around to writing. Those of you who have been with me for a while know that I can become easily side tracked while writing. I honestly have been trying hard to self correct, and I think I’ve done pretty well of late sticking to my topic for the day as I write lately.
Just like I have to fight to keep on track writing, I need to work on getting my “dose” materials in order and try to get them inserted as intended. You could say or classify me as an “impulse writer”, I can have a good idea for a dose, and pitch aside if something else crosses my path before I get to the keyboard that night. Out of mind becomes “out of sight” and sometimes never resurfaces to the area of my brain to be recaptured and posted. For those of you who don’t have this problem, you are blessed by the writing gods.

The weather here in south Texas has been beautiful for the last couple weeks; that is not unusual by any stretch of the imagination, this is the most pleasant time of the year here as far as I’m concerned. The fact that when we actually do have what would be considered winter it only lasts for a couple or three weeks in January normally. The average temperature in Houston on Christmas day is right near 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Close your eyes for a moment and pretend that you just lost everything that was of any value, your job, savings, car and house. The only things you have are a couple changes of clothes, and a backpack to keep them in. To make matters worse you live in the area known as the “Midwest” of the United States or the “rust belt” as is it is often referred too. Temperatures can get below zero for days on end, and once the snow sets in it can be months before you can actually feel warm again. Not a pretty picture to see is it? I truly wish that you will never have to realize any part of what I asked you to visualize.

@arbitrarykitten is currently running a contest on survival, and it takes place in a northern climate with snow. That contest got me thinking about the homeless and how good their survival instincts must be to survive. I don’t know how many people are homeless in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland or any other northern city. I do know that here in Texas we have a huge problem with homelessness and I see it every day that I work.

I believe our problem here has a lot to do with our climate, would you rather be homeless and in near zero temps or in the low 70’s? That is a stupid question, I know, but it explains why Texas and other southern parts of the country have such a problem. Because someone is homeless doesn’t make them lose their ability to assess their situation and get to a place that at least is easier to survive the nights on the streets.

Every year about this time, I see more and more homeless people on the street corners panhandling for donations in order to get enough money to buy a hamburger and fries from the value menu at the McDonalds or Burger King. Most every shelter in Houston, Austin, San Antonio is full to capacity from now until about February when winter breaks and we head into spring. While our daytime highs are comfortable the night time lows are usually 30 degrees less than the highs.

As we head into Christmas I ask each of you to take a look in your clothes closet and see if you have some winter clothes that you haven’t worn in a year or two. If they have been on the hanger that long chances are you aren’t going to wear them again. Please find it in your heart to take them to a homeless shelter and donate those clothes. The shelters need clothing and blankets at this time of year and we sometimes get so wrapped up in trying to get our “Christmas” in order we forget about those people in need.

Clothes in my opinion are better than cash donations, I’ve never heard of someone working for a charity or a shelter embezzling used donated clothes, cash is a different story. So, as you shop for those new “Christmas clothes” I hope you find what you desire and donate the ones from years past to a homeless shelter near your area.

Ours went to the Star of Hope Mission in Houston, where are yours going?

Until next time,


you have written so many things that pass my badge smell test. it was obvious to me that you would eventually get one of these badges. That your post is all in the spirit of giving... giving a shit or a shirt... i'm proud to give you this new badge. it has been an honor to get to know you here on steemit. Thank you
Badge of Originality BUTTCOINS small.jpg
'The Butt believes you have demonstrated #proofofpost'

I feel like I have won an Emmy, or a Grammy and I do mean that. I have never won an award for having an odor that would pass a smell test. Trust me Mr, Butt, I have been known to produce odors that have caused people to roll down windows in cars, even produced a few that cleared the entire family room out on occasion, and all I got for it was comments on how disgusting I was to produce such a foul odorous aroma. So for me to win this award for producing something that actually passed a smell test and approval a friend, I'm darn near speechless. I graciously accept my Butt Badge, the next time my family starts on me about how my stuff stinks I can point to this award and tell them, "The stuff I produce is award winning quality, it passed the smell test of The Butt, and The Butt knows quality shit when he smells it."
Seriously though, Thanks friend.

lololololahhaha. you so deserve an Emmy for your foul odorous aroma!

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Could only whiz through this quickly 'cause I'm behind schedule today (cleaning to do, etc...), but I think it a great post. I've always had a thing for people living on the streets, stop and talk to them, so I know that the reasons they are there are wide-ranging and out of their own control oftentimes. Fair distribution of donated goods can be an issue at times. You donate to the Salvation Army, and don't know that they are sending everything, including clothes, that can't be sold in their shops to Africa through a second hand clothing reseller. So yes, those clothes may not go where you expect them to. Surprising, huh? But if you find place like missions that provide overnight housing and soup kitchens, smaller ones that operate independently, any gift will probably reach the people who use them. You can also volunteer to help with serving or cooking meals.

Thanks for posting something worthwhile to people who are in real distress.

Thanks for taking time to read and comment, it just is the right think to do, trying to help people in a time of need. Hope you get all your work done, I got some packing to do for my trip this week that I have been avoiding doing so I guess I need to get busy and get that out of the way now. Have a great day.

Great idea @sultnpapper, it's certainly time for a wardrobe clearout with summer starting in South Africa! It's actually a disgrace that I have a summer and a winter wardrobe and don't wear half the stuff yet there are many people walking around in rags. I normally donate to our workers or the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to animals) but still hold onto things I may use 'one day' & that day often never comes!
I'm the same when it comes to writing, tend to digress off the topic as I get distracted by all those thoughts rushing below the grey hairs :) Thank you for this! @krazykrista did a post on kindness and I believe your post qualifies:

Don't beat yourself up now, having winter and summer wardrobe's isn't a crime, at least not here where I live, I don't know about South Africa. It sounds like you make good choices with yours going to your workers and charity. It was just a friendly suggestive thought, we have limited closet space so we do this a couple times a year. We are a family of six so we almost do it out of necessity, the kids outgrow stuff pretty fast. It would surprise folks how many children are homeless and depend on these shelters, we always think of the homeless here as mainly men, war vet's with mental issues, but they are just one piece of the puzzle of the homeless landscape picture.

It's a great suggestion & a reminder for many of us to pass on unnecessary stuff that's collecting dust but could help other's less fortunate. There are many homeless people here as well. Thank you mr Papper!

Your welcome, thank you for kind responses.

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WONDERFUL message!

It takes so little time to help others, especially when it is donating things we no longer need! Thank you for putting this in people's minds, and I do hope that many will follow your lead! 😊

Homelessness is a big problem here, with the mild weather and good economy , the state seems to be a magnet for attracting less fortunate folks from the north at this time of the year, or at least it becomes more visible , that is for sure. It is just the right thing to do, and it doesn't take much effort to make a big difference in someone else's life.

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