Do something kind, and then come tell me.

in #writing7 years ago


First be kind.....then ask questions.

There is negativity all around us, at this particular time in my existence, people hearing about positive things produces more of a shocked reaction than all the bad things do. This is absolutely backwards. When did good become something rare, and why are we not acknowledging it more??

I feel inspired!!

One of my favorite humans did something super kind today, and allowed me to take part in it. That coupled with the fact that I am part of the amazing whaleshares community on steemit/discord that was created for the sole purpose of giving (thank you @officialfuzzy and @blocktrades), has inspired me to inspire you!!

Do something kind this week, and then come tell me about it. Kindness is free! Sprinkle it everywhere!! Tell me here in the comments or come visit me on discord and tell me there. I want to hear about it. I'm always full of surprises, so I am absolutely sure I have something up my sleeve to acknowledge and pay it forward to a couple people who make my heart particularly happy with their kindness.

WAIT!! You didnt really think I was going to urge you to be kind and not tell you how I am planning on paying it forward, Did you??

I have been looking for the perfect way to give back for Christmas and it finally occurred to me. There are a couple local baby pantries (they serve kids from birth to 5 years old) that give out toys to parents at Christmas time to help keep Christmas magical, they also give out clothing, diapers and formula (lots of other things too) year round. I will be purchasing some toys to donate to one and will also make time to crochet some hats for the babies (I already have tons of yarn and the know how, so this bit is essentially free). I will surely update you when I have completed this, hopefully within 2 weeks time!

Thank you for your time!!

Come Visit me in Whaleshares Discord:

I'd LOVE to meet you!!

Much Love,



Awww that is a good thing to do. Nice move. ❤ we keep forgetting about the people close to us. Lets spread the love.

good initiative continues like this my queen

Awesome initiative! It's amazing what kindness can do to change the world around you into a better place, it brings out the very best in people!
Would be great if this initiative could taken far and wide by the steemit community. Anne Herbert's inspiring quote was displayed on my old car's rear window: 'Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty' Hopefully that inspired a couple of motorists into doing just that! If only each one of us could do one little act of kindness, the world would be a better place!
Will take up your challenge, thank you for this @krazykrista :):)

Thank you for stopping by :) can not wait to hear what you come up with <3

This is the best message I've seen of late. I hope as a global community, we can turn this around. The negativity is rampant. But I think there are many like us who feel in our hearts that we can and should all do good, treat others with respect, and make the world a better place.

@jayna thank you for the kind words. I believe that we can all make the world better place. Thanks for stopping by.

Love the spirit of your post!

That view is something we share as you saw from the one i presented to the lounge :)

I'll be back commenting tomorrow after having done my deed

Oh please do :)

Smiles cost nothing and yet spread cheer. I believe in paying forward good deeds. It has the ripple effect. You do something nice for someone and they pay it forward to two or three others. Those in turn spread the action to another two or three each and the Cycle continues. We have an obligations to be positive. Lead by example. Stop the spread of negativity.

I agree, negative in, negative out. I try to be a bit like that superhero above, sprinkle happiness everywhere....kindness is free and easy..

Omg finally something that fits with my soul and personality, kindness is the key to make good friends <3 and remeber life is like a mirror , it smiles you if you smile too.

that's why i like to spread happines trough arepas

i gave away 130 arepas to more than 100 people in need in the central hospital of my city

Awesome work you are doing! Thank you for sharing your feel good post with me <3

What is kindness? Does smiling and giving your care to someone count? Your inspiration must be addicted - I already feel much more ready to make something kind. Have a beautiful kindness giving and kindness receiving day Krista :)

Kindness can only be defined by the people who are receiving it. Go out of your way to be kind and I do hope you feel rewarded in the good feels it provides you <3

They define my kindness all the time, and I feel provided. I just wondered peoples opinion on kindness.

This is a beautiful initiative @krazykrista... and while there is never a bad time for such - Christmas seems suitable. Such a initiative cuts through he commercialized nature, back to the principles that made the period so endeared once upon a time.

I admit that this leads me to wonder what I shall do to honor this initiative. While I occasionally claim not to have a charitable bone in my body (bad experiences), that is not quite true - as I remain generous for my means.

Thank you for inspiring. ^_^

im all into doing kind stuff lately.

finally accepted to put some of my grandpa stories on paper. he always wanted that from me, but he never really asked me to do so. it was status quo for many years. now i have good part of it written, and he does not know yet. im waiting right moment to surprise him.

old dude had life for big screen. more of trilogy actually.

i wasnt too happy to listen to these when i was younger, but most of his stories are real treasure. wonder how many of those old people passed and noone listened or wrote down their stories.

That is awesome!! I am sure he will appreciate it, way to be :) I love listening to people who are older and therefore wiser than me teaching me about life.

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