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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/3/17>… I’m not asking for the shirt off your back, but please donate…

in #blog7 years ago

you have written so many things that pass my badge smell test. it was obvious to me that you would eventually get one of these badges. That your post is all in the spirit of giving... giving a shit or a shirt... i'm proud to give you this new badge. it has been an honor to get to know you here on steemit. Thank you
Badge of Originality BUTTCOINS small.jpg
'The Butt believes you have demonstrated #proofofpost'


I feel like I have won an Emmy, or a Grammy and I do mean that. I have never won an award for having an odor that would pass a smell test. Trust me Mr, Butt, I have been known to produce odors that have caused people to roll down windows in cars, even produced a few that cleared the entire family room out on occasion, and all I got for it was comments on how disgusting I was to produce such a foul odorous aroma. So for me to win this award for producing something that actually passed a smell test and approval a friend, I'm darn near speechless. I graciously accept my Butt Badge, the next time my family starts on me about how my stuff stinks I can point to this award and tell them, "The stuff I produce is award winning quality, it passed the smell test of The Butt, and The Butt knows quality shit when he smells it."
Seriously though, Thanks friend.

lololololahhaha. you so deserve an Emmy for your foul odorous aroma!

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