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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/3/17>… I’m not asking for the shirt off your back, but please donate…

in #blog7 years ago

Could only whiz through this quickly 'cause I'm behind schedule today (cleaning to do, etc...), but I think it a great post. I've always had a thing for people living on the streets, stop and talk to them, so I know that the reasons they are there are wide-ranging and out of their own control oftentimes. Fair distribution of donated goods can be an issue at times. You donate to the Salvation Army, and don't know that they are sending everything, including clothes, that can't be sold in their shops to Africa through a second hand clothing reseller. So yes, those clothes may not go where you expect them to. Surprising, huh? But if you find place like missions that provide overnight housing and soup kitchens, smaller ones that operate independently, any gift will probably reach the people who use them. You can also volunteer to help with serving or cooking meals.

Thanks for posting something worthwhile to people who are in real distress.


Thanks for taking time to read and comment, it just is the right think to do, trying to help people in a time of need. Hope you get all your work done, I got some packing to do for my trip this week that I have been avoiding doing so I guess I need to get busy and get that out of the way now. Have a great day.

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