Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/6/18> I believe the cold has effected people’s ability to think…

in #blog7 years ago

I know this may sound like a repeat of a daily dose I have done in the past trust me, it won’t be. I do have one thing I will address briefly and then we’ll move on. It is pretty safe to believe that radio personalities are not hired for their good looks because in their normal scope of work no one really sees them as far as the audience is concerned. Yes, they might do an occasional remote broadcast of their show from a mall or car dealership if it is a local show but for the most part the interaction is via the airways and an occasional phone call if the show is geared for that format.

It happened again today as I turned on Lush Rimbaugh, he opened the show telling me a couple times that he didn’t think, does he really expect me or anyone else to hang around and listen to his dribble about political BS and the like if he isn’t even going to put in the effort to think before he speaks?
Someday maybe I will make it big here on steemit.com blogging, really rack in some large payouts at the end of seven days, but I can assure you that everything I will write here, I did think about. You may not agree with it, I might even make you mad at me, but it won’t be from lack of thinking about what I write. You can take that to the bank, as the old saying goes.

Words do mean things, that explains why we have so many different words we can choose from when we are trying to express a thought or an idea. You could try to make the argument that I am being over critical and that I knew what he meant, that he “didn’t believe” instead of “didn’t think” about what he was commenting on. What makes you think that you know what he meant more than he did? He’s the one controlling what he says, and as a professional broadcaster he should be more aware of such things.

I have made it a rule in my life that when it comes to listening to the radio, if I hear the phrase “I don’t think” more than once in a broadcast, the radio either goes off, or I find something else to listen too. My time is more valuable to me than to spend it listening to people who don’t think. He may very well have had an interesting program today, I don’t know and don’t care, if he wants me as a listener he will learn to choose to think before he speaks. For those of you wondering, yes: I called him Lush Rimbaugh, it wasn’t my dyslexia kicking in. I call him that because half the time I think he must be drunk with the things he says, it may just be though that he really doesn’t think. All right, let’s move on.

I have been complaining about the cold weather all week long here, to me anything below 50 degrees is cold in my book. Here in Texas we have had plenty of days where we never got close to 50 and the lows were in the 20’s. It turns out that the wildlife here in Texas doesn’t care for temperatures below 50 as well.

During this last cold snap over 1,000 sea turtles have been washing up on Texas beaches suffering from what is known as being “ cold stunned”. The water close to the shore along the gulf coast isn’t real deep and the water temperature can drop pretty fast, water temps have dropped below 50 and cause the turtles to go into a state of shock. Groups have been patrolling Texas beaches and retrieving the turtles that have been affected. The turtles are taken to shelters and placed in warm saltwater in order to get their body temperatures back into their normal range. The news has reported that most of the turtles are younger turtles that haven’t figured out that they need to go to deeper water when winter sets in, deeper water stays warmer longer.

The turtles will be held in captivity until water temperatures get back above 60 degrees according to the local news reports. They even have a toll free hot line you can call if you find a sea turtle that needs rescued. I think it is great that people realized what was going on and stepped in and took action to save the turtles.

I wonder if these same people did anything to help the homeless though. Are these turtles more important than the humans who are homeless? Plenty of the homeless are war veterans who fought to protect this country, how many of the turtles has a Purple Heart medal or lost limbs fighting to protect this country?

I do what I can to help the homeless, I donate clothes at the shelter and I keep bottled water and fresh fruit in my truck to hand out at traffic lights when I am stopped for a red light and approached by the homeless. It isn’t a lot, but it is better than nothing. I remember one time giving a box Fig Newton cookies to a young woman who cried tears of joy when she got them and a bottle of water from me. She said she hadn’t had anything to eat in two days... I’m thinking those turtles are being fed every day, just a hunch, but I would be willing to wager on it.

The disturbing part about this situation is that the news stations send crews out up and down the Texas coast reporting from several cities and beaches about the sea turtles and their plight. The only report I heard this week other than the death of two homeless people in Houston, was that the city of Houston was now taking steps to break up the homeless camps near downtown. The city doesn’t have a solution to the problem; they just want it relocated out of downtown.
I know the shelters are doing the best they can do, it would be nice if the media would show the shelters as much positive attention as the people rescuing the sea turtles. I’m sure the city will move in the future to run the shelters out of downtown as well as the homeless. If they get rid of the people needing shelter there will be no need for the shelters in downtown and that would suit the mayor and city council just fine.

Houston has a reputation as a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants; the city even hired a new police chief recently who is known as a non supporter of the existing immigration laws and efforts to deport illegals. The problem with the homeless is most of them are home grown homeless and not illegal aliens.

So, in a nut shell, we as a community are all for saving the sea turtles and illegals and shipping out the homeless. Sounds like a screwed up situation and it is, I’ll be glad when the time comes that we can pack up and leave this area in the rear view mirror.

I’m sure the homeless would enjoy a nice warm bowl of turtle soup.
Until next time,



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Why would you tune in for Lush Rimbaugh,when you know you ain't gonna learn much, what's the attraction?

DC I have found that it isn't always what he has to say that you can learn from, you can learn from what he doesn't say as well. He never talks about crypto-currencies, even though main stream media is starting to talk about it now that it recently hit $15K and they are trading futures contracts on BitCoin. He never or very seldom talks about law, he comes from a family full of lawyers, his grandfather practiced law in Missouri well into his nineties. He claims he is the voice for the conservatives but he may just be the other side of the coin that the people who run this country need to help keep the distraction going. As long as people who have conservative tendencies have him to listen to and have him influencing what those people are paying attention to he is helping the "rulers" continue their reign. There are rulers in this country and it is not the elected officials, the elected officials are the tools the rulers use to keep the distraction going and Lush Rimbaugh shows all the signs of being a tool as well from the omissions of things as much as what he does talk about on his show.

It's sad to compare a turtle and a homeless... In a country like this, where everybody could prosper, even aliens& ilegals... You can only be homeless by choice... I been involved for yrs. with them in Bay Area.. Most of them are fkn picky ,they don't really want your food& drinks, they just want ur change and to leave the MOFO alone...if you don't believe me, try it personally, aproche them, get to know them by the name... Then, you get your conclusions...

I know what ur saying, most homeless people are actually totally fine with their position in life.. to be honest many of them choose that lifestyle believe it or not.. i know a couple of vets i served with that choose to be homeless because of how they feel about the government or whatever the reasons. Since ive talked to them i have a totally different perspective on the homeless situation. They are happy and worry free for the most part.. funny how we care more about there living situation than they do..

DC I am not going to argue with you about the homeless people you have run into in the Bay area, I haven't spent anytime there. In Texas there are plenty of homeless just as you describe who are just looking for your change or a buck or two so they can get their next beer, joint or fix of what ever drug they are hooked on.
But go spend time at the shelter, see and talk to the mother with three kids who ended up homeless because the husband left her , took what little money they had ran off with it and the car. She gets evicted after 90 days, and ends up in the shelter. Your statement about you can only be homeless by choice may be correct, but in some cases it was not a choice that was made to "intentionally" become homeless as you imply, it was a choice ended up being the wrong choice that resulted in homelessness.
The recent hurricane caused a bunch of homelessness here, people lost everything, they didn't choose to be homeless intentionally, they chose to live in an area that had inherent danger in the form of flooding, they might or might not have known of the danger, but they did chose to live there.
The stories and situations are numerous and could be debated on and on, my position is that we all need to pitch in and help the ones who at least want to be helped.
My pointing out the turtle and the homeless situation was to show that the homeless aren't even showing up on the radar screen of the media as far as suggesting to the public to help. The media will report the deaths, and report the effort to move them and that is about it here.

I like reading your daily posts, your right I or others may not always agree with your thoughts but I do like how you present them and looking forward to reading your post each day

It is great to see people coming together to help the turles, but I have had the same thought as you when I hear of stories like this would these same people spend any time do anything to help the homeless

I would like ot think I would do both but not so sure how many of the Turtle or animal lovers would be the same, so many seem to either not see the homeless or choose to believe their all scammers, which admittedly some are but I have seen people sleeping on the sidewalks on cold winter days and know that can not be a choice of an individual in a good frame of mind


Thanks Jay, I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my daily doses. My thing with this situation was two fold, or two questions if you will.
1/) Are the turtles more important in some peoples eyes?
2/) Has the media answered "yes" to question #1?

One thing my post have done pretty regularly has been getting good dialog going between readers in the comments and that is what this whole platform is about, participation.
It is funny that you used the term "scammers" , who would have ever thought that people would pull a scam that involved being homeless but they do, and I saw a report one time that was from Phoenix, it showed the "homeless" person was driving a nice newer model car and living in a nice house, the guy admitted that he makes around $45K a year standing on the corners with a sign saying "anything helps", he said 3 days a week was all he "worked' at it. The sun is to intense to do it anymore than that.
Those sleeping on sidewalks are the real deal, and there is no doubt in my mind that those individuals or not in a good frame of mind as you conclude.

i do love the dialogue that often develop here

On question 2 I don’t think the media cares either way it all comes done to what will improve the ratings and hence advertising

On the fake homeless I have seen the same sort of stories with my own eyes

But those I do believe are homeless o do help from time to time I know I never will be 100% sure of the persons status but that doesn’t stop me from trying ng to help when I can

Yes, you hit a good point with ratings and advertising, it isn't necessarily about "news" or the relevancy of the story. It is how can it fit in order to drive ratings and increase revenue potential from advertising spots.
Good catch on that, I was using my old man mind just thinking about informing the public about what is happening as their intent and motivation. How silly of me....

not silly at all just a different lol be of thought

I really enjoyed ur article, i am a 2x war veteran so some of it really hit home for me. I have stopped listening to news all together 6 months ago and ill tell you i am so much happier not being poisined by negative news all day long and dumb peoples opinions.
I agree its sad we help turtles and not the homeless, but humanity has lost its way in general. People would rather turn a blind eye then stop and help someone in need, i think that is incredibly sad. But the government keeps us divided at every angle possible so we dont realized the power of the people can change things.
I appreciate ur thoughtful rants and am now following u..
Take care.

I seldom listen to television news anymore myself, the wife has it on sometimes so I catch bits and pieces. With the recent cold spell I have had it on more than I would so I could keep up with the road conditions and freeze warnings , other wise I probably wouldn't have caught the big deal that was being made about the turtles. It wasn't just one station either, it was all the local stations.
People do have the power to change things, and the biggest power is with the crypto currencies, the banks and governments will lose their control over the people when decentralized currencies take hold. There will still be a need for government, don't get me wrong, but the people will be deciding how much government and how to fund it.
Thanks for the follow, I appreciate all, and welcome any and all comments, so feel free to voice your opinion at any time you see fit to do so.

Oh i am on ur side with all of that! I keep telling people that cryptos will be the peaceful revolution we need to reset the world back on to a better path.. debt based societies will always fail and the government is way out of control!
I appreciate u saying u like opinions, its nice to find like minded people who want to have a good conversation, u will definitely be hearing more from me 😉
Take care

Sounds good, I look forward to it.

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