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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/6/18> I believe the cold has effected people’s ability to think…

in #blog7 years ago

I really enjoyed ur article, i am a 2x war veteran so some of it really hit home for me. I have stopped listening to news all together 6 months ago and ill tell you i am so much happier not being poisined by negative news all day long and dumb peoples opinions.
I agree its sad we help turtles and not the homeless, but humanity has lost its way in general. People would rather turn a blind eye then stop and help someone in need, i think that is incredibly sad. But the government keeps us divided at every angle possible so we dont realized the power of the people can change things.
I appreciate ur thoughtful rants and am now following u..
Take care.


I seldom listen to television news anymore myself, the wife has it on sometimes so I catch bits and pieces. With the recent cold spell I have had it on more than I would so I could keep up with the road conditions and freeze warnings , other wise I probably wouldn't have caught the big deal that was being made about the turtles. It wasn't just one station either, it was all the local stations.
People do have the power to change things, and the biggest power is with the crypto currencies, the banks and governments will lose their control over the people when decentralized currencies take hold. There will still be a need for government, don't get me wrong, but the people will be deciding how much government and how to fund it.
Thanks for the follow, I appreciate all, and welcome any and all comments, so feel free to voice your opinion at any time you see fit to do so.

Oh i am on ur side with all of that! I keep telling people that cryptos will be the peaceful revolution we need to reset the world back on to a better path.. debt based societies will always fail and the government is way out of control!
I appreciate u saying u like opinions, its nice to find like minded people who want to have a good conversation, u will definitely be hearing more from me 😉
Take care

Sounds good, I look forward to it.

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