Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/23/18> How do you choose? Earth Day or …

in #blog6 years ago

We seem to have this thing here in the USA, and I think several other countries do as well, where we need to stick a label on just about every day of the year as being some “special” day. So yesterday was “Earth Day” according to Google, but do we really need these days?

I’m pretty sure we all know that we are living on this mass that we call earth. I am also pretty sure that we know it is in our best interest to take of our environment as best we can. But thanks to the people who come up with all these special days it is making it increasingly harder to buy in on these special days.

So, yesterday I faced a big dilemma because April 22, 2018 was more than just Earth Day. I’m getting up in my years and I really just can’t go full steam anymore like I did when I was in my twenties. Hell, back when I was younger I could tackle numerous projects or causes in one day, but not so much anymore.

In honor of Earth Day there was a big event down on the Gulf Coast here in Texas, people got together with their big plastic black bags and their disposable latex rubber gloves and walked the beaches of Texas picking up litter and trash. I can’t remember exactly how many tons of trash has been picked up on previous Earth Days but I think the total I heard on the advertisement on the radio Friday was over 900 tons. That is a lot trash that really needed to go for sure, I enjoy the beach and clean is better than dirty in my book. I didn’t make it down to the coast on Earth Day, sorry.

There was also some similar projects taking place at the city and county parks in my area but those didn’t get the old man there either. It’s not that I don’t think the trash doesn’t need to be picked up, it does, and I pick up trash when I see it even if it isn’t mine.

Here in Texas the state government ran some public service commercials years ago with the theme being, “Don’t Mess With Texas”. Several celebrities filmed commercials and it was well received by the public and it had a noticeable effect with the amount of trash along Texas highways being reduced. I haven’t seen any of those commercials in years and now that I think about it, and it seems like there is more trash along the roads now. The state has come up with another program called “Adopt a Highway”, where groups commit to picking up trash along a one mile stretch of a road once a month, from my observation it isn’t working as well as the “Don’t Mess With Texas” campaign.

Back to my dilemma on choosing how to support the “special days”, as I mentioned April 22, 2018 wasn’t just Earth Day it was also “Jelly Bean Day”. My guess is that most of you were not aware of this; Earth Day just seems to get all of the attention. If you went out and did something in honor of Earth Day and pitched in to help kudos to you.

I have always rooted for the underdog, the little guy, the one less noticed so to speak; so I had my wife pick up a little bag of jelly beans for me from the local grocery store in support of Jelly Bean Day and I spent my afternoon consuming those tasty little beans of caramelized sugar. The red ones are my favorite, I don’t know why that is, but they are anyway.

Today is national Picnic Day, I’m going to have to pass on supporting it this year as I have to work and having a picnic without the family just isn’t right. I will give you a heads up on another day; in fact it is tomorrow April, 24th, National Pigs In A Blanket Day. I will be taking part in that day and so some of my customers who I will be calling on a Tuesday morning are also in for a treat.

Until next time,

All photos are property of @sultnpapper (so are the jelly beans and the hand)



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Hard to believe that @thesteemengine is already up to issue #115, at least for me it is, seems like it was yesterday it all got started, but I love the way it has progressed and I'm always very appreciative of being included in this publication. Thanks so much for including this edition of the Daily Dose as a stop.

The earth is like a big, blue jellybean. Blue Raspberry, I believe it would be called. So, despite your fondness for the Martian Red ones, one could say you celebrated in your own way! LOL 🌎

I think I like the red ones so much because I have a vague memory of telling my little sister that the red ones were real hot so she would never try the red ones and would give me hers. I'll have to check with her, if memory serves me correctly, I might have even gave her a "red hot" candy called a Hot Tamale to reinforce it in her mind that the red ones were hot one time at Easter when we were little.

Oh, that is funny! LOL! That tactic wouldn't have worked with me, though, because I love Hot Tamales, Red Hots, and all those similar things! 😁

My sister confirmed it, I did give her the hot tamales when she was about three or maybe four, but she remembered our Mom taking the wooden spoon to my backside for it, I knew there was I reason I remembered, I guess my mind blocked that part out.

Earth day passed me by altogether this year mr Papper, it's a crazy world we live in with all kinds of weird things to celebrate, I'll enjoy a jelly bean day every day, any colour too ;) Earth day should be celebrated every day but unfortunately people do not respect this world of ours!

I know you have your hands full right now so Earth Day would probably need to take a backseat to the other stuff right now anyway. I'm not a big jelly bean guy, but it was easy enough to participate in and I didn't even need a big black plastic bag or latex rubber gloves.

Dayum. I missed Jellybean day? I have really been watching my sugar intake, but I'd have jumped on that grenade for sure. Black. My favorite. Not that I discriminate in any way, shape, size or form. I eat them all and enjoy every single one. I just tend to hold the black ones to the last.

I support Earth Day. IMHO it gives the whole world a day to realize that we have shat in our own nest for far too long. I know it should be everyday, but one day a year is an improvement over what we had 50 years ago when it started. Things have changed for the better.

I'm late to the party today because I am feeling punky. I don't think it's e coli from the Yuma infestation but it has some of the same symptoms. So I'm not on a picnic today either.

Thanks for another great post my friend!

I also was watching my sugar intake, I looked at each one of those jelly beans before I ate it, that is the extent of my sugar watching.
What is the Yuma infestation?
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for the drop in, comment and compliment. All very much appreciated.

This is so very true. The US has all kinds of special days lined up every month. Most of the time I don’t know about the “smaller” less popular days unless I hear about them through other people or from here on Steemit.

I think it’s a good initiative to get out with groups on special days and help clean our environment but as you said it’s an obvious need that we all should be doing on a daily basis. Doing things as you mentioned such as picking up trash when we see it even if it doesn’t belong to us.

We just purchased a jar of jelly beans two days ago and had no idea of jelly bean day. My favorites are all the pink ones! 😁

Yes, I think we do it so the news people can do a story on it and fill time with BS instead of actually reporting some real news that might be important to us, like Russian collusion. That might not have been a good example, the Russian collusion, it is BS too. But there has to be some real news we aren't getting that I just can't think of... probably because it isn't being reported.

I definitely agree. It’s seems the only place to get the “real” news is from the people recording and reporting underground. I don’t even watch the local news any more.

I'm like you,I don't watch the news, maybe the weather, but not the news. The wife watches the local news just to keep up with the crime that keeps creeping out our direction from the big city.

I do the same...I’ll check the weather now and then and that’s about it.

National Pig in a blanket day!? I'm in on that one two......man I like your "holidays"...LOL! What's next?

The next one is April 26th, National Pretzel Day and the 27th is one of my favorites, National Prime Rib day.

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