Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/17/18> Alright, let’s get back at it…

in #blog6 years ago

I kind of left you all hanging last week on the weather modification and the solar radiation management story. It wasn’t my intentions to do that it is just the way things played out on the daily dose columns. Yesterday’s story about the AGUA barrels could have been postponed to another day but while it was fresh I felt I needed to serve it up.

I will tell you that seeing those barrels in person had a real effect on my perspective of the situation, mainly because I know firsthand how rugged an area that terrain is in that part of the state, and to have to travel on foot to get past those border patrol check points is a long trip on foot in those conditions. I have hunted deer and turkey down in those parts and it is very challenging to say the least.

So getting back to where we left off; chemtrails are real, make no mistake about it. Depending on what “they” are trying to accomplish will determine just how dangerous those chemtrails might be. If “they”, whom ever “they” is, are seeding clouds to increase the moisture content in the clouds to get it to rain, or rain a little harder, might not be so bad as far health ramifications go. The silver iodide, potassium iodide and carbon dioxide that is used for cloud seeding is relatively harmless and pretty much goes right to the soils when it rains, it isn’t lingering around in the air we are breathing.

The same can’t be said for the chemicals used for solar radiation management, those chemicals are designed to stay aloft for as long as they can, but in the end they do find their way down to the levels of the air we breathe and that becomes a problem. The other thing that makes for a bigger problem is that way more of these chemicals are used to try and accomplish what “they” are trying to do, which is block out the sunlight or reflect back a large portion of it to the upper atmosphere. I hate that I have to keep using the word “they” but it is hard to pinpoint exactly what group is actually behind this experimentation.

We know it is some branch of the government, it could be any and it might be several, the thing that is disturbing is that we know the military is hell bent on making weather a weapon of war and have in the past, it makes perfect sense that this is for refining their weaponry under the guise of academic research for environmental purposes.

I mention in the previous daily doses that aluminum, barium, and strontium are the three main chemicals that are being used for SRM, and that they have gotten the particle size down into the nano scale size. While I’m no chemist or scientist I have had the nano scale explained to me by a friend who was the lead chemist at DuPont Chemical for 27 years, in their coatings division, as being “one molecule in thickness” so that is pretty damn small. These three are used because of their reflective properties with regard to light.

Keep in mind, this is not an in depth paper that is going to cover everything or go into exacting detail on these chemicals. This meant to give you a brief overview and get you to do more research if you are concerned, and you should be in my opinion, but that is for you to decide. I will tell you that if you are trusting the government to do what is in your best interest your trust is misplaced.

Aluminum has no beneficial use for the body; zip zero nada, as in not one. It is true that we do consume and absorb trace amounts of aluminum from foods, but the amounts are so minimal that the kidneys are able to expel normal consumption amounts, trace amounts, so no damage really occurs from oral ingestion of aluminum from food sources.

When you get above what would be those normal exposure levels things start going bad in a hurry, aluminum will start building up in the organs of the body. The brain is one of those organs; aluminum is a known neurotoxin. There are studies that show increased levels of aluminum in the brain tissue of some Alzheimer’s patients, and then there are others that say those studies are flawed. I guess it just depends on who’s asking and who’s paying for the studies, much like any other study, if you have the money you can get the results you want. I’ve looked at several articles from various sources and there seems to be a tie to aluminum and Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Barium is reported to have effects on the respiratory system as well as the gastrointestinal track, endocrine glands, muscular and skeleton systems. That is a whole bunch of systems in the body that are affected by over exposure to barium.

Strontium is known to cause nausea and skin irritation, it is beneficial for reducing fractures in bones, but just like with anything, too much of a good thing can be bad. The normal amount of intake of strontium would be in the 2 – 4 MG per day and would mainly come from vegetable sources like spinach and kale.

Excesses of all three of these chemicals can and will build up in the body. The body can only process and excrete so much in one day, the rest ends up in deposits in tissues and organs. Breathing in these nano particles puts them in the lungs, which ends up in the blood stream and then what isn’t expelled ends up as excess deposits that can cause harm.

Areas in California where SRM has been taking place with regular occurrence have seen as much as six times the normal amounts of these chemicals in the soils and surface water. Some scientist and foresters say that the increase in both soils and water are having a negative effect on the trees; what was thought to be drought related stress and dying has come into question as examination of the dead plant material is showing very high elevations of these chemicals in the plant materials.

Don’t think that the USA is the only place where this is taking place, the United Kingdom and Australia are reporting significant rises is Alzheimer’s and dementia along with increased respiratory conditions. People as young as thirty are being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s which has lead to a new strain known as “early onset Alzheimer’s”. Something is
causing these situations, I can’t say with absolute certainty that this SRM is the cause, but these situations didn’t exist in these areas before when they weren’t doing it.

The bottom line is that trying to solve global warming or trying to slow it down using these methods might be more detrimental than the problem they are trying to fix. When the effects of the medicine create a worse condition than the disease it is time to quit taking the medicine, isn’t that what all the medicine labels tell you to do? That and call your doctor, but in the case of the environment the government is the “doctor”, and they are the ones who keep pushing this stuff. It might very well be time to find a new doctor, or at least revoke their license to practice.

Until next time,



Well, I'd like to see the temp trends reverse, but certainly not at the risk of elemental overdose in people. The law of unintended consequence again?

I like your thought that the military is behind this. They may be an entire layer removed. The military has a 'research' arm that has a black budget, and you can know they are researching some bad stuff. They have a black budget and can fund an entire 'chair' at most universities for $100k each. That's the cost of 2 smart bombs or .1 the cost of a cruise missle.

Thanks for a pretty good stirring of the pot. Somebody needs to do it.

It is not my thought that the military is behind it, the military admits they are developing weather control as a weapon of war and that they have used weather as a weapon already. The research and testing of the weapons here over the US citizens by the military is forbidden by law, so they fund the academic research and testing under the "climate change" header. I'm pretty sure that this isn't even tapping the black budget, it more than likely is being funded by FEMA, as in trying to reduce "natural disasters" or at least lessen the power of these storms.
I might need to get a bigger pot and spoon.

Who started this mess in the first place? "Global Warming" has been happening all along. Big industries and governments have lead the way to destruction. Now they claim, they are fixing the problem. If it doesn't involve making mega bucks then they are not interested. Building weapons, that is where the money lies.

Chemtrails are being reported and photographed all over the world. Educating the masses is theonly way that this is going to come to light. Most people don't even bother to look up at the sky...

Causing more harm with the solution to the problem is hardly what I would call fixing it. Maybe that is why I don't work for the government. Weapons people know how to make the money for sure, and the US is always in a war of some kind. Weaponizing the weather may come back to bite us on the ass in the long run, unless the targets are their own people and this testing of the weapons is meant to reduce populations instead of fixing global warming.

That's a sobering thought...

I have heard of chemical trails and read about most of the stuff you are talking about in this article. It is true and should be concerning..unfortunately most people don’t care much about the true issues..about aluminum I had a cousin that suffered from epilepsy when he was a kid growing up in US..his doctor told him to minimize all consumption of food or beverage that came in, contained or was wrapped in aluminum..he moved to Europe after that and never had a seizure since..so I guess there must be a connection..

Yes, people are to wrapped up in watching "reality tv " and playing games to concern themselves with things that can affect their health and their families. I wouldn't venture a guess on your cousin but evidently what ever his problem was the change did him good.

I found out about chemtrails a few years ago, most people either don't know about it or just don't care... On days when the clouds just don't look right, I sometimes point it out to some of my family members and there's not much of a reaction... Sadly, it seems that all the chemicals in the air has just become normal... as normal as clouds!!

It is sad, and happening so much that like you said. "all the chemicals in the air has just become normal...as normal as clouds!!" In my daily dose on 4/12/18 I addressed that, the weather forecasters added 12 new clouds in 2017 under the category name "homomutatus" , which means man made. Here is the link to that daily dose in case you missed it and want to take a look. https://steemit.com/blog/@sultnpapper/daily-dose-of-sultnpapper-04-12-18-weather-modification-geoengineering-and-you

Thanks... I'll have a look :-)

Thanks for getting this out there. There may be an article or two on my page you can relate to as well.

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I will be sure to take a look around your page, thanks for dropping by and the following. Very much appreciated.

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