Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/12/18> Weather modification, geoengineering and YOU…

in #blog6 years ago

Yesterday I started down the trail of how governments have been actively involved in weather modification, some of these modifications could be considered as being done for beneficial purposes for the citizens and others not so much, like using weather as a weapon of warfare.

Let me first clear up one item so that there is no confusion, weather modification and geoegineering are two separate items that seem to get inter mingled by people not involved in these processes. I made this mistake myself as I was researching about weather modification. Think of weather modification as influencing rain, snow, and wind. The modifications can be to increase or decrease these things, or change the atmospheric conditions that would affect these three items. I mentioned in yesterday’s daily dose how the jet stream direction reversal from 1987 to 1992 caused the California drought, which could have been a weather modification by steering the jet stream winds.

Geoengineering on the other hand has mainly to do with trying to manipulate the atmospheric conditions so that sunlight doesn’t reach the earth in its full intensity, essentially trying to cool the planet by shading the earth or reflecting the sunlight back into the ionosphere. Geoengineering is also involved in trying to remove carbon dioxide from the air and other green house gasses as they are called. All of the geoengineering items are under the umbrella of the terms, “global warming” or “climate change” as I understand it today.

So weather modification uses mainly silver iodide, potassium iodide and carbon dioxide in the form of dry ice to seed clouds. These items can be induced in to clouds either by airplanes or ground type generators. These very fine particles serve as nuclei for moisture in the clouds to cling to and become droplets rather than just vapor. Once the droplets become large enough and heavy enough the result will be they fall as precipitation. Cloud seeding is mainly a localized practice, and clouds must be present in order for this operation to work.

Cloud seeding can be beneficial in bringing much need rain for crops where rain has been scarce, but it just as easily could be, and has been, used to induce heavier than natural amounts of rainfall to cause flooding; as was the case during the Vietnam war.

The chemicals used in cloud seeding occur in nature, but just like anything else, over exposure to the chemicals can cause health related issues. I’m not going to go into all the various health things but you can Google it and see for yourself, if you are not in area that actively cloud seeds, it shouldn’t have any effect on you.

Geoengineering is a different story, depending on who is telling the story you will be told anything from it isn’t happening to it is happening at an alarming rate. Before we get off deep into it let me ask a question, do you ever recall hearing a story on the news that tells you something along the lines that sounds like this, “it is report that xyz is being blamed as the cause, by some people, of abc, but the Center for Disease Control ( CDC) says that there is no way to link the two together. The CDC says that while xyz may have taken place; there just is not any supporting evidence that could any way possible could put abc as the cause. At best it may just be an unfortunate coincidence that people are tying the two unrelated occurrences together.” ?

Then about six months later you’ll hear another report that contradicts the original denial, and sure enough it is now confirmed, but luckily there is a solution to the problem. Then they proceed to convince you that the problem that never existed in the first is fixable and they sell you on the fix, which they already conveniently have.

To illustrate how this works you might want to see a report from Johns Hopkins University titled, “A Civil Society Meeting On Geoengineering: Summary and Synthesis” dated November 4, 2013, the event was organized by the Washington Geoengineering Consortium.

This meeting essentially was held to develop a strategy to sell geoengineering to the masses. The first step in the process was to get the civil society actors on board with geoengineering, or at least get them comfortable with talking about geoengineering. Civil society actors are known as “news reporters”, a fitting description as actors, reporting news has not taken place in several years

. When reading the report one thing of interest for sure was that the civil society actors said that the best way to go about it was to label it a “terrible choice” and then make use of the dire emergency that global warming has presented us and that geoengineering can work without the public having to give up any of their current habits, it would be good if we did, but we can’t wait on that to happen the situation is too dire to wait.

In 2016 articles started showing up in mainstream media, here are some of the headlines in that start of the process; BBC,”Geo-engineering: Climate fixes ‘could harm billions”, here is another from Forbes on August 14, 2016 “Scientists Publish Article On “Chemtrails” (They Aren’t Real) by David DiSalvo. The Washington Post ran a similar story by Angela Fritz in August of 2016 titled, “Scientists tell the world: “Chemtrails are not real.”

But by January of 2017 headlines started reading “Geoengineering Gets Green Light from Federal Scientists another one read, “Trump presidency ‘opens door’ to planet-hacking geoengineer experiments” and “Are we about to be told Chemtrails are real? Harvard says emissions could SAVE the Earth”

For a problem that existed and a solution that was deemed a “terrible choice” only then to be able to have a complete reversal in the media in thirty six months from that November 2013 meeting is very suspicious, especially when the government is involved.

In order to help the process along, since these weather modification and geoegineering process were screwing with the natural cloud formations, the World Meteorological Association and their book, International Cloud Atlas, had to add twelve new types of clouds, there hadn’t been a change in over 30 years, now we get 12 new ones in March of 2017. These new clouds are referred to as “Homomutatus”, which means “man made”.

I don’t want to sound too cynical, but President Johnson and his quote about controlling weather and controlling the world keeps coming back to me. If you can cut out the sunlight you can stop crop production, causing severe food shortages in countries, no need to bomb them you can starve them to death. If you don’t like that approach you can flood them out or turn the rain off by pushing the jet stream a certain direction. This is real and claims have already been made that the US has already done this in the Middle East dating back to right after the 911 incident in 2001.

Call it what you like, global warming or climate change it makes no difference to me, I don’t know if it is real or if it is a made up “problem” but we have been given it to us as a real problem. Not just here in the USA but a worldwide problem, so governments all over the earth are involved in trying to “solve” this problem. I would not put it past some governments to have used this as an opportunity to create “weather based weapons” under the ruse of climate change and global warming.

If you have some time and interest you might just want to look up “solar radiation management”(SRM) and the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative(SRMGI) This is group that is working to “raise awareness” and get participation from developing countries in the fight against global warming through the use of SRM.

Those jet airplanes you may have seen crisscrossing leaving long rails off vapor behind them are the delivery system of the chemicals that are being used to combat the solar radiation problem. You’ll often hear them referred to as, “chem.-trails” and that is exactly what they are. I will also tell you that these folks are pretty damn sneaky, because jet airplanes can produce a vapor trail without chemicals know as contrails, which is condensed water vapor that is expelled from the jet engines from the jet fuel combustion process, it is harmless water vapor. What better way to disguise what you are doing then to take a nearly harmless thing and turn it into a dangerous situation.

Jet airplanes are being equipped with large tanks of chemicals, pumps, tubing, and nozzle systems to spray the chemicals into the exhaust of the jet engines so it then becomes what most people believe to be just a harmless water vapor trail if they aren’t aware chemtrails. These chemicals that are being used right now are aluminum, barium, and strontium. They have in fact gotten some of these particles now so small they are in the nano scale range as far as size goes. This helps hold them in suspension in the atmosphere for longer periods of time.

A normal contrail will normally evaporate in a matter of minutes at most; chemtrails last for several hours if not longer depending on the winds. These small particles start out in long lines and the spread out laterally as the wind moves the particles about overhead; it ends up looking like a milky haze in the sky. The idea is to create a thin blanket type effect that will reflect sunlight back into the ionosphere.

Another clear way to identify chemtrails is that some are broken, the trail will go for a distance then stop and then a little further the trail will start again and continue on. If this were a normal contrail, the break in the trail would mean that the jet engine had been shut off and not burning fuel. Pilots don’t turn engines off on purpose or at regular intervals, it isn’t happening, I have friends who fly jets for a living and I have asked them how many times they have turned engines off during a flight when there was nothing wrong with an engine, the answer was “zero” as in never.

I have the next few days daily doses already committed in my mind so I probably won’t get back to this subject until the daily dose for 04/16/18. Friday’s edition I plan to do a daily dose on a market in south Texas for @dswigle market Friday thing she does. I also have to determine the winners of the photo contest and get that done on the afternoon of the 14th, so don’t look for that post until after noon central time on Saturday. The 15th is the “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” Texas BBQ review daily dose so that day is taken also.

When I do get back to this subject we will take a look at just what those chemicals they are spraying into the atmosphere can do here on the ground, because what goes up must come down. I encourage you to take a look on your own about weather modification and geoengineering, there is plenty of information to digest on these subjects and the decisions that are being made might not be in your best interest.

Until next time,



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Send all your passengers here if you would, I enjoy visiting with the best people around these parts.

I'm first again. I need to get that fixed :)

A couple of things. Temperature has a huge effect on contrails, so some of them could appear broken under the right circumstances. B-17s flew high enough in WWII to leave contrails with piston motors.

I don't like being part of experiments without my consent. I am a Hanford Downwinder where the AEC released some radioactive substances on the relatively un populated area North of the Hanford Reserve. Yes, cancer rates ARE higher.

Which makes me think of the law of unintended consequences. There are always unintended consequences and usually they are harmful to humans and others.

Thanks for another thought provoking post. Did I say those very words yesterday? It's a possibility. You might need to dumb your columns down for a while so I don't get flagged for spam.

You are absolutely correct that piston motors can create contrails as well, it can happen in any engine that uses air in the process, even cars when first started can leave a little vapor trail before the exhaust pipes get really hot.
You mention the "law of unintended" consequences, do we really know if they are "unintended"? Remember back; there has been a lot of talk about population control, are these things part of that plan in action? Pretty convenient way to eliminate some while trying to save even more maybe?
I have a few less thought provoking daily doses coming up, so you don't need to worry.
Thanks for your continued support,

Every intended consequence has unintended consequences with it. Often much the worse :)

The British government also subjected thousands (if not more) people to chemical agents etc. during the cold war. It wouldn't be too far out to think that this kind of thing still continues today.

My source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/how-the-british-government-subjected-thousands-of-people-to-chemical-and-biological-warfare-trials-10376411.html

And that's a mainstream newspaper...

I'll check that link out, the British government is involved in this weather modification and srm stuff as well. I read a report from the Royal Society that was dated from 2009 on what they had in store for combating this "problem".

I don't trust any government to make good decisions on what ultimately affects me and my family. I also don't believe any "news" as the feeds for said news comes from the government. You're fed what they want you to know and nothing more. Heaven forbids if you are smarter than the average drone that is paying taxes to fund these experiments. Soon we will all be collateral damage in a war we had nothing to do with.

Very true what you have said here, could not agree more.

Literally have only seen one chemtrail while living here in Panama. I wouldn't have thought that was what it was had I not seen the jet at the head of it. That was during dry season. We do not see any type of plane or jet in our sky where we live...ever. There is even a (built by Noriega) air strip very close to our house. Never seen a plane there although I've heard they do land small ones on occasion. Anyway, interesting article. It's crazy what the government is willing to do. Crazy that changing the jet stream can cause such issues!! "Nuclei" must be the word of the day - second time I've seen it today. ;)

Well keep an eye on the sky, that might be a good part about living in a third world country, they might not be able to afford to try and keep up with killing their own people in a disguised manor.

Thanks for writing on this important topic. It's such a depressing subject, the idea that governments are running experiments that inject chemicals into the very air that we breathe. No wonder so many people prefer to dismiss the whole thing as a conspiracy theory. I think they're just trying to pretend that it's not happening. But burying our heads in the sand won't make it go away.
In 2015, The Guardian newspaper ran a few stories linking geoengineering to big business. "Geoengineering: It could be a money opportunity for business"
"Geoengineering is no place for corporate profit-making"
"Company offers rain-free wedding days for £100,000"
There's also a video on YouTube by an Australian firm advertising artificial snow creation.
Sadly this really is going on.

It for sure is taking place and that governments will use these things as weapons of war, is disgusting to say the least. The fact that they are testing these weapons under the guise of " academic research" on their own people like here in the USA is even more disturbing. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

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