Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/04/18> April 15th is a famous date not just because it tax day …

in #blog6 years ago

Here in the USA we all think mainly of April 15th as “tax day”, the day you need to have your IRS forms turned into the government but April 15th is also famous for an event that took place on that day. Since my Daily Dose column is committed to Texas BBQ on the 15th of each month it would be hard to incorporate the event I want to discuss and BBQ in the same Daily Dose. I have a pretty good imagination but even I can’t figure how I could tie these two together in one column so I will just do the event column now and be a little early.

In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912 an event took place that was said could never happen by the experts of the time period. That event would be the sinking of the ship named the Titanic in the cold north Atlantic waters, on the ship’s maiden voyage no less. According to all the reports the ship was four days into its crossing of the Atlantic from South Hampton to New York City when it struck a large iceberg and started taking on water, the collision happened on the night of April 14th, the ship finally sunk in the morning of the 15th.

We have all heard the story of the Titanic, some of you may have even seen the movie that depicted the sinking of the Titanic but how many of you have ever heard of the sinking of the ship, The Titan? I’m not seeing any hands going up in the crowd here, please raise them a little higher please. You mean no one here is familiar with the Titan?

Well let me tell you a little bit about the ship named the Titan. Fourteen years prior to the Titanic sinking there was a novel written in 1898 by Morgan Robertson, the title of the book was, “The Wreck of the Titan”. In Mr. Robertson’s book the Titan was the largest ship of its kind in that day, it would be the best of the best, and it also just happened to be very similar in characteristics to the Titanic. So let’s just take a brief moment to go over some of those similarities.

For starters the fictional Titan ship also ended in sinking in the North Atlantic Ocean, not surprisingly this event also took place in the month of April. In the book the Titan is listed as being 800 feet in length, the Titanic was roughly 883 feet in total length. The speed at which the ships could move through the water were also very similar, the Titanic was capable of 21 knots, while the fictional Titan was able to cut about at 25 knots. Another similarity that is nearly identical is that both ships did not have enough life boats for the amounts of passengers the ships were capable of carrying.

How is it that the book written fourteen years prior to the sinking of the Titanic could be so eerily close to what actually happened? Some people believe that it is no coincidence that the Titanic met its demise in similar fashion as to the fictional Titan from Morgan Robertson’s book, the book actually served as the script for an elaborate murder plot.

Does the name J.P. Morgan ring a bell with you? It should, he is the name behind the banking empire that would eventually end up being the current J.P. Morgan Chase banks. He also was part of the brain trust that came up with the Federal Reserve Bank system. The construction of the Titanic was funded by J.P. Morgan, construction of the Titanic started on March 31, 1909 and in May of 1911 the hull was completed, it took almost another year to complete the rest of the construction and outfitting the ship for the maiden voyage in April of 1912.

Old J.P. Morgan was a “high roller” and he was friends with most of the wealthiest people in the world and some of those people would be on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. How could anyone turn down the opportunity to be on the maiden voyage of the biggest state of the art luxury class ocean liner of the time? The fact is they couldn’t, it was a prestigious event to say the least, and when the owner is inviting you to sail with him you take him up on the offer.

Three such men who took the offer from J.P. Morgan were Isa Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim and the wealthiest man in the world at the time, Jacob Astor. Besides being very wealthy these three also shared one other thing, they all were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank; the same Federal Reserve Bank that J.P. Morgan was pushing congress to allow the creation of. It should be noted that J.P. Morgan himself was supposed to be on the maiden voyage but he lost track of time in a massage parlor according to stories written back at the time of the fateful voyage and didn’t make it in time before the ship left the port.

Of the 2,200 passengers who boarded the ship only 700 survived, Strauss, Guggenheim and Astor were not among the 700 survivors. Pretty convenient for old J.P. Morgan that three of the wealthiest men in the world who were opposed to his plan would just happen to die on his ship, on a trip that he was scheduled to be on with them, but just didn’t make it in time to board the ship.

Another point of interest in this story of the Titanic and the Titan is that the author of the book, Morgan Robertson, died two years after the Titanic sunk from poisoning. There are other things that lead to more suspicions, White Star Lines who owned the Titanic was struggling financially so J.P. Morgan increased the insurance policy on the Titanic from $5 million to $12 million less than a week prior to the ship setting sail for New York. There is also speculation that the ship that sunk in the North Atlantic wasn’t even the Titanic, but was its sister ship, the Olympic. The two ships were very similar in size and appearance, other than the name plates and a slight difference in the number of porthole windows on the ship, they were virtually identical.

The Olympic had been damaged in a crash during a shakedown trip, it was determined that the insurance policy on the Olympic wasn’t yet in effect yet because the ship hadn’t been deemed sea worthy when it crashed. The repairs were going to very expensive and rather than go the proper route of repairs, the name plates were switched and the temporary cosmetic repairs would suffice to get it out to sea and then sink it in order to collect the insurance money.

That would be a hell of a plan if J.P. Morgan could eliminate three people of wealth who were opposed to his plan killed off, plus get the Olympic damages covered by switching the identities of the ships. There are a lot more questions than there are answers, but underwater photos of the Titanic wreckage on the bottom of the ocean floor do show that the number of porthole windows does match the number of windows that the Olympic had.

Was J.P. Morgan a shrewd banker, yes he was, was he capable of planning the murder of his adversaries? I don’t know, but since all he had to do was follow the script, my gut feeling is yes. So that leaves the question of insurance fraud, most definitely yes to that; bankers and fraud go together like white on rice.

So, now you know just a little more about the sinking of the Titanic, and the Titan.

Until next time,



That is so interesting I had read parts of the story before but out all together like this it’s kind of to many coincidences to be not believable

Yes, when you but all those things together and a couple more small details like no red colored aerial signal flares that would signal an emergency situation on board the ship, only white colored flares that mean "all is well", but are launched in order to show location. The ships crew kept launching white flares since that was all they had, which was telling other ships "we're good, we don't need any help."
Plus the ship had automatic locking compartment electromagnetic doors in the holds of the ship, so people below the deck could not make it up to the decks to even jump into the water to try to survive.
The flare situation was also the same in the Titan fictional sinking.
Definitely doesn't seem like an accident, but a planned event to help solve multiple problems.

YEs your making it sound more and more like a planned event, sad how far people will go for money and control

Just laying out the facts,the facts make it sound like a planned event, not me, I'm just the messenger.

Yes of course that’s what I meant

This is the first I've ever heard of the novel about The Titan, and it is so weird I actually did an online search, as I always try to double check surprising things. Not only is it all spot-on accurate, but Wikipedia has a list of similarities between The Titan and The Titanic - it's astonishing! Apparently the author denied having clairvoyant abilities and said the similarities were due to his extensive knowlege of shipbuilding and maritime trends! There's definitely something fishy in all this.

I seldom look at Wiki but now I'm curious at what all they list so I will check it out, there were other similarities I've mentioned in other replies but I don't like to over load the daily dose with bunches of facts and research. Glad you took the time to read and check for yourself. A lot of what I write is to try and stimulate actions such as yours. Thanks for showing me it actually works.

Thanks for sharing it! Wiki has many flaws, but it can be a useful resource.

I actually did know about The Titan. (My hand was raised and waving frantically!!)

Years (and years!!) ago, one of my favorite television programs (in glorious black and white) was One Step Beyond. One of their programs featured the coincidences that happened surrounding the sinking of the Titanic -- including a minister who woke from a sound sleep and felt compelled to change the hymn scheduled for the Sunday service that day (April 14, 1912 was a Sunday.) to Eternal Father, Strong to Save, whose verses all end with these lyrics:

Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!

The coincidences involving this novel were also mentioned, but I hadn't heard any of the rest of it. J.P. Morgan was probably ruthless enough to do exactly as you suggest. After all, money was involved. Some of the other points you raise here are also intriguing to consider.

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I'm a sucker for a mystery ... and other spooky connections.

I never saw the program you speak of, I actually read the book in high school as part of an English literature class. The minister story is very interesting as well. After reading that book, I always felt that it just was too very coincidental. Learning later about the Olympic, White Star Lines, and J.P. Morgan solidified my gut feeling that it was a deliberate sinking of the ship for multiple reasons, all of them to the benefit of old J.P. Morgan.
I'm glad you enjoyed this dose, and thank you for adding in with the minister.

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I suppose it's always interesting to consider things like this from history. I believe I had heard about this before, but I can't remember when or where. Glad you refreshed my memory. I definitely didn't know all of that about J.P. Morgan. I'll have to do some reading into all of this.

Thanks for sharing. Always a pleasure to stop by the daily dose.

Well thanks Mr. Smith I always enjoy having you by here to see what I am up too. J.P. Morgan was a piece of work for sure, amazing the things people will do for money and power. The Titanic is just one more historical event that the truth isn't quite what we have been lead to believe when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

I did hear about that theory with J.P. Morgan but never gave it much thought. This thing with the book about Titan does raise some eyebrows. Thanks for sharing this.

If it were not for the book there could be plenty of room for question, but seeing that everything in the book actually took place or at least was said to have taken place out at sea, it sure looks like the book was the script for an elaborate murder plot that was carried out.

Interesting subject..it sounds pretty close to a conspiracy theory but we all know that there are close to zero coincidences in life, so it must have some truth to it..I will have to read more into it, but I trust that you have done your share of research yourself..in the end it looks like all worked out just nice and dandy for Mr.Morgan..

Yes, Mr. Morgan had everything go his way with this situation, I failed to mention that in December of 1913 he did get congress to pass the legislation that created the privately held corporation know as the Federal Reserve Bank, which dictates our country's money supply and monetary policies.
Your trust is well placed, I have studied this subject at great depths, even read the fictional novel about the sinking of the Titan when I was in high school.

There seems to be a lot of coincidences (or not) and there were stories of what a ruthless businessman J.P. Morgan was. Unfortunately, so many years have passed and I am sure that some vital evidence has been since lost.

A long time has definitely passed but the evidence, or a big chunk of it, is still there in the wreck on the bottom of the ocean floor. Current underwater photos of the wreckage do show that the portholes do match those of the original photos of the Olympic when it was first launched into the water. Other than the portholes and the name plates , the two ships were pretty much identical.

Wow! I have NEVER heard of this. <mind blown!> That is eerie and quite possible. I will never look at the sinking of the Titanic the same way ever again. I have chills.

Yes, makes you look at it in a whole different light. When you are trying to take over the whole financial works of the United States monetary system with the implementation of a central bank that you would be an owner of , it could surely drive a person to something like this, especially when the script is already written, and all you have to do is follow the script.

i followed you @a-0-0

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