Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/23/18 > Time to grow up … today’s the day.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

July 23, 1994

Today is a big day for me, after thirty eight years of being a grown kid and having to be only responsible for myself and my horses I've made the decision to grow up. I haven’t taken this decision lightly and God knows that I have procrastinated long enough on finally deciding to do this. Part of growing up to me means being able to make a commitment or promise and be able to deliver on it come hell or high water and up until now I just haven’t found a reason or a person that was worth me giving up on being care free and basically selfish.

That all changes at 4:00 PM today, if I don’t back out, the decision was made over a year ago, put the day to pay up is today. I’ve done some crazy ass things in my life, and most people would have bet against me following through with this, but they don’t know just how my mind works. Life isn’t meant to be spent living alone or dying lonely and I have figured that out; so for those of you who have bet against me this is your day to pay up as well. So with two words,” I do”, I am" all in" on the game of life.

July 23,2018

Those were my thoughts twenty four years ago today early in the afternoon on that hot and sunny Texas Saturday in July. My how things have changed since then, I have become the wealthiest man I know because I learned that wealth isn’t measured just in dollars and cents.

I won’t say that getting married was the best thing that ever happen to me but it ranks in the top five and I think that Mrs. Papper would also say the same thing if you were to ask her. Our four children have to be at the top of the list for us, and should be in my opinion for anyone who has been blessed enough in life to have children of their own.

The last twenty four years have been a real test of love, faith, prayer, and God. While the road has had some bumps in it, the map has always been clear on the road to take. We have always had our differences and I think that is one thing that has kept our marriage so interesting. If you are a single person and in the sales profession I highly recommend you get married; your negotiation skills and ability to read body language will increase immensely very quickly and be tested continuously.

So today we celebrate 24 years of marriage and we also will be celebrating the future. Not exactly sure what that future has in store for us, except for supper at Julio’s Mexican place tonight, but I have trust in the things that have gotten us this far and look forward to whatever more is in store. Happy anniversary Mrs. Papper, I love you.

Until next time,


Happy Anniversary. Only one day late. And only .79 cents short. Inflation waits for no man or institution.

I gotta tell you a story. You put the taste in my mouth for some real Q. So Sunday I'm lazing around Gillette Wyoming and I come across a place named "Pokey's BBQ and Smoked Meats." I'm on it.

Not good. Very modest brisket with non existent service. So my mouth still has the taste of good Q, but I'll go to one I know...

Once again, in all seriousness. Congratulations to you and Mrs P on 24 years. That's a fine testimony indeed.

Thanks Tom, very much appreciated. Not all BBQ is created equally that is for sure, I can tolerate some poor service if the food is excellent, let's face it , we ain't eating BBQ because it is served in fancy places where there are 3 forks and butter knife and plate for your bread, it is Styrofoam plates and plastic utensils for the most part. So I don't expect much from a service aspect.
Eating BBQ is all about the Q and not the ambiance of the place either, at least that is how I see it. Some of the best brisket I ever had I bought from an old man selling sandwiches on the side of the road in an abandoned car wash place, he had a 55 gallon drum barrel cooker on a trailer and two card tables set up if you wanted to sit there and eat it, $6.00 got you a sandwich, can of soda and small bag of chips. Worth every penny and then some.

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I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. I suppose it works better if I actually put that in writing instead of trying to send it by telepathy -- like I did all day yesterday.

Love this post. When I have a chance to mull it over (and maybe get some more sleep) I may write more on it.

Thanks we did, and the youngest boy made it back from his West Virginia trip so we are relieved that is over. He had some stories for us about the trip but he went to bed pretty early so I haven't heard all that I am going to yet.

Happy Anniversary to you both! 24 years is a milestone in this day and age. Too many people today hand in their towels at the first sign of troubled waters. Having to go through these things together is what makes the marriage stronger. And you are absolutely correct when you say that the children come on top of that list of happiness. Later you will add grandkids to that list too. In the grand scheme of things, Happiness is number one and bank balances come way down on the scale.

Thanks Cici. I hope I am around when the grand kids come if they do, if the kids end up like me and wait until they are a little older in life to start raising a family I may not be around. That was actually what prompted me to start writing the daily dose, so at least there would be some record of my thoughts and views in my own words, this block chain is suppose to be a permanent record they say.
No telling what my own kids would tell their kids about me and me not be there to correct their stories, the dose is at least a chance for future grand kids to get a glimpse of their G Pa.

Congratulations on your anniversary to both of you :)

Coming to realization that Bank Balance and Happiness are not the same thing is an important step for all of us :)

Thanks Jay, I will pass that on, bank balance is not a guarantee of happiness for sure.

Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Papper! Wise words indeed – marriage has clearly brought you many good things. I hope you both have a lovely dinner.

Thank you @natubat. I hope we have a lovely and tasty meal as well, Julio's isn't my favorite Mexican place but it is Mrs. Papper's so Julio's it is for this occasion. We indeed have been blessed with many good things.

Ah such a lovely post, a belated happy anniversary mr & mrs Papper!
I do agree there's richness to be found when two souls are joined and the offspring come along and life is just glorious! Wishing you many more happy years together.
I agree it's the differences that actually make for long and lasting marriages, imagine how boring life would be if we were the same!

Thank you, I'll pass those wishes to the Mrs. Our lives are anything but boring for sure, and the kids keep it real, real interesting.

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