🌎 🌍 🌏 Just bought the Eiffel Tower... addictive!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

A little while ago, I followed @shortcut's link to a new ethereum based "online game" and instantly fell in love with it!


PlanetCrypto is an Ethereum Blockchain game where you own virtual plots of land. We've split the entire map of Earth into 20m2 plots of land that you are able to own!

Since I had some eth in my metamask wallet, I could start right away and get my first virtual property. That might actually be the hardest part.. decide, which place on earth you'd like to own!

I love Prague, so that is where I started to look around, until I thought, it would be nice, to own Charles Bridge and so this was my first purchase. The nice thing is, when you buy a piece that covers 10 plots of land or more, you get extra Tokens, which can be used to buy even more land. And the amount you have, determines your Empire Score... which determines the percentage of the "tax" generated you receive.

Its all explained in the "help" there, and its really quite easy.

Eventually, you will get to the point, where you see a property you'd like to have, but it is already taken by someone else. No problem! If you really really want it, you can do a hostile takeover... at a cost of course, but you can get it. That's how I finally got the Eiffel tower. Its the one building I was itching to have. Of course, someone else will be able to take it from me, but at least then I'll make a decent profit from that :-)


Now its up to you! If you want to give Planet Crypto a try, I invite you to use my referral link

Go, get yourself some cool places!

Disclaimer: this post is no financial advice or an investment opportunity. It only tells the story of my experience playing a Blockchain game. You participate at your own risk!

I enjoy reading your comments!

If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems


My tokenized collectible art at

MakersPlace and Superrare

Planet Crypto (Play at your own risk)


Hallo Reihard, war schon länger nicht mehr hier - schön dass du noch aktiv bist mit deinen tollen Bildern.

Sag mal, gibt es die Malerakademie in Bad Homburg nicht mehr... oder war es irgendwo in der Nähe von Frankfurt??

Ich finde jedenfalls die Homepage nicht mehr.

Hast du mal Tutorials für die tollen Rahmen, die du baust, gemacht???

LG Martin

Hi :-)

Die haben viel gemacht in der Akademie, schau mal hier rein: https://academy-of-fine-art.com/

Mit den tutorials klappt das immer nicht so. Bei der Arbeit vergess ich die Schritte zu dokumentieren und wenn dann alles fertig ist, ist es immer zu spät...

Danke dir für den Link . Den hab ich gesucht!!!

Ja schade, würd ich sehr gern lernen wie du das machst.

You're really quite a crypto adventurer. It's exciting for me to read your experience with different sites... it's like you're exploring the uncharted territory and sharing with us what you have found :).

Freut mich, dass dir das Spiel immer noch so viel Spaß macht. Was mir aufgefallen ist, dass der "geworbene" Spieler jedes Mal den Ref-Link benutzen muss, damit der "Werber" seine Rewards bekommt. (Bei deinen ersten Käufen habe ich nämlich die 5% bekommen, mittlerweile nicht mehr.)

Eventuell kann man ja auch seinen eigenen Ref-Link benutzen und bekommt dann 5% Rabatt. Müsste man mal ausprobieren. Ich hoffe jedenfalls auch, dass noch ein paar mehr Spieler dazukommen, dann macht es bestimmt noch mehr Spaß ;-)

Solltest das mit dem ref link in "bugs" auf discord melden. Hatte auch ein paar "Problemchen" und hab immer gleich Hilfe bekommen. Solltest eigentlich einen schönen Batzen bekommen!

Hab heute auch schon drüber nachgedacht, ob es wohl "Missbrauch" geben wird. Den eigenen Link benutzen wäre eine Möglichkeit. Oder Leute mit zwei Konten....

OK, Danke für den Tipp! Werde ich mal im Discord melden. Normalerweise setzt man ja für so etwas Cookies, aber falls du zB. deine Cookies gelöscht hast, ist natürlich auch die Referral-Info weg.

Wenn es nicht explizit verboten wird, sich selbst zu werben, gibt es ja eigentlich auch keinen Grund, dies nicht auszunutzen. Das läuft ja bei jedem Zeitschriften-Abo genauso. Ob das "moralisch" richtig ist, sei mal dahingestellt...

Oups... ja, kann sein, dass ich cookies gelöscht habe. Mach ich immer mal wieder. Log mich nächstes mal wieder über Deinen Link ein... oder soll ich meinen eigenen nehmen 🤔😜

Soweit sicher alles nicht verwerflich. Frage mich nur, ob irgendwann einer einen Weg findet, etwas unlauter abzuernten....

Kein Problem, ich bin ja froh, dass ich ein paar ETH bekommen habe. Probier ruhig aus, ob das mit dem Selbstreferieren klappt. Hoffen wir mal, dass der Smart-Contract, in den die Spielmechanik programmiert wurde, einigermaßen stabil ist.

"The nice thing is, when you buy a piece that covers 10 plots of land or more, you get extra Tokens, which can be used to buy even more land. And the amount you have, determines your Empire Score... which determines the percentage of the "tax" generated you receive."
Can you tell me more about this tax receive?
Are you receiving it in token or in Ethereum (ETH)?
If you receive it in token, can you exchange that token to Ethereum (ETH)?
If yes, then how fast did you earned back your initial investment?
How much is your initial investment?
How much Ethereum (ETH) do you need to spend to play the game?

"Eventually, you will get to the point, where you see a property you'd like to have, but it is already taken by someone else. No problem! If you really really want it, you can do a hostile takeover... at a cost of course, but you can get it. That's how I finally got the Eiffel tower. Its the one building I was itching to have. Of course, someone else will be able to take it from me, but at least then I'll make a decent profit from that :-)"
This sounds very interesting! How much do you receive (daily/weekly/monthly) with it?
How much did you received with it so far?

I'm not really playing this for financial gain in the first place, that's more or less a bonus. I just like crypto collectibles and this is one of them.

The tax from what I know, depends on the overall tax generated.. its early into the game, so at this point its not that much. I took out my share today, which was around 0,069 eth so far in eth.

One can start with buying one plot of land, which costs 0.023652 ETH right now... plus the gas fee as for all eth transactions.

I don't think, you can just withdraw your money.... if anything, you could sell your cards and get eth back for that.

You might find much better information about the game in the"help" there, or join the discord channel: https://discord.gg/2k66rEn

If you are looking for big returns, there are most likely better investments ;-)

Wow you really are a digital savant now! So, if you 'own ' a piece do you earn more ETH from it? So many questions. I better follow the link.

!bookkeeping drugwars

Hi @reinhard-schmid!



  • 22.675 STEEM from daily
  • 11.020 STEEM from heist
  • 0.000 STEEM from referral


  • 114.360 STEEM


  • -80.665 STEEM

First transfer was before 19.89 days.
Your ROI per day is 1.48 % and you are earning approx. 1.69 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 47.6 days.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 55117.74
ETH 2310.18
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.31