Foodie's random ramblings

in #blog6 years ago

I'm slacking, aren't I?

I've been having a headachey couple of days, resulting in me getting up in the middle of the night last night to eat, drink and have a pain killer. I managed to sleep a couple of hours after that, but it was no surprise that I woke up with my headache still with me.

I'll severely limit my pc time today, but I'm just messing around with my Redbubble collections a bit this morning.

Hubby's already gone, because he's going to pick up the bed we ordered with my mother in-law's partner. He has a truck which will easily fit the bed, so we're glad he's helping us out today.

I'm getting a new bed, yay!

I was looking around online for one last weekend and we noticed a sale going on that weekend, so we ordered a boxspring for half of its regular price. A little less even. I'm happy we stumbled upon that sale, because I was going to get an Ikea bed, my regular go-to store for anything furniture-related. They were just a little too big for my room though. I wanted a 120cm one and Ikea had a gap from 90 to 140. I'm getting a 120 one now.

Anyway, I'll clear the room soon so the guys can drag the stuff in.

After, hubby will drive back with my mother in-law's partner and he'll pick up his best friend to take back home with him. He'll be here most of the day. My headachey head tells me to eat fatty foods like french fries with a snack, but my brain tells me I should get some veggies in the guy while he's eating over here. We'll see who wins today.

I've been working on designs and my shops some more. A few days ago, I created this simple shirt (affiliate link):

It's based on other images I've seen. I wanted to create an animal head popping up from inside the pocket, but ended up with this instead. I'll get to the other idea later.

I also did more patterns for Vida, but I'll show those some other time. I also added a few designs to my site, because the designs page looked a little empty and I had better designs to share. It's still far from finished, but atleast I took a little extra step this week. Also added the 'these are affiliate links and I'll earn something when you buy after clicking them etc etc'. You know, just to be 'compliant' with all the rules there are lately. I'm not sure if my mentioning '(affiliate link)' up here in this post was enough. Probably not, though I guess the extra explanation is right here in this paragraph today huh. I'd rather just write my post and add the affiliate links text in my footer here on Steemit, but I think I read somewhere that's not enough. Ah well, I'll probably just wing it with every post I write.

I've also played more WoW, though not that much. My armor isn't high enough to sign up for random heroic dungeons, but I've just been feeling too blegh to really work on it. Maybe tomorrow.

Anyway, time for breakfast and clearing out the room.

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That is a rather fun looking design on the shirt. Must be where he keeps the treats for that animal!

I’ve only done one dungeon so far in WoW for current expansion. I’m more into farming than anything else. I just can’t say no to that wonderful gold! Everyone seems so happy for harder content coming up soon. I can't wait to sell at a higher price the supplies they need :)

Thanks @enjar!

I used to be a hardcore raider in WoW, but that was during TBC and WotLK. Ever since then, I enjoyed collecting more than anything. Doing old dungeons to get a mount or a pet. Waiting for rare spawns and such. I usually don't play for too long in a row though, so doing good AH deals is a little challenging when I keep forgetting everything there is to know about the market :D

Hi playfulfoodie, long time no see, I really wish to look up my feed more to see your posts. I like how you work on design but this shirt (design) isn't my type. Do you have cute Cats desings? I love cats!!

Do you still have time for gaming? lately it feels all my gaming time is related to steemit, play this to post on that.

Whatever you do,
I hope you succeed in it!

@playfulfoodie I was glad you were my first buyer since I opened my games shop for SBD/STEEM. It changed so much as I always learn how to write better and format better, even some designing as you'll see below.

If you have time I wish you go and see the current state of my store. I did a total revamping But I think it's not enough, and I started a contest for suggestions to make my store better as my first buyer I really wish you take part in it. The suggestions I already recieved helped a lot and there will be prizes. I can see you're good at desing, I know you'll say something the others have missed.

This post was:

Hi there @ahmadmanga! This is a cat design ;-)
I haven't made any other cat-ish designs yet, though I have a variation on this design:

with a cat paw instead of a controller. Still have to upload it though :-)

I haven't had a lot of time for gaming to be honest. I managed to get my mage to 120 in the new WoW expansion, but other than that, most of my time is spend on designing at the moment. Atleast my pc time, because I can't do too much without getting a headache, so I have to limit my online activities. It's why I haven't been around on Steemit as much lately.

Which is also why I don't think I have many suggestions to improve your game store! All I can do is tell you I like it when I can sort on price (cheap to expensive) and when I can see the games by genre, so I can easily skip over the genres that aren't for me to get to the interesting ones. :-)

Thanks, I love the design you showed me, and this one is actually an amazing suggestion!! could add you just for that.

All I can do is tell you I like it when I can sort on price (cheap to expensive) and when I can see the games by genre

I'll think of a way to make sorting my games better, by the way @dGameShop's Market has this feature by default and I've put many of my games there just today. Because I'm going for a big update for this week's post!

(don't trust the site too much yet. Don't sell more than you're willing to lose, it's okay to buy but because they require active key, keep your eyes on your wallet as long as your account is connected with them.)

Ooh nice, I'll check out that site :-)

Hello @playfulfoodie, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hope your headache passes again soon and you enjoy your new bed.

I really need to get a new mattress as I always lend mine to the spare room when my mum visits and end up with a bad back. Shes's just gone home after being here a week and my back is really bad now.

Buying a mattress is a bit of a chore though which is why I still haven't gotten around to it.

We've got the grandkids staying today so I'm looking forward to enforced withdrawal from the computer screen. I still spend way too much time in front of it.

Having said that I need to do some banking and book a rental car so I'll have to be online to do those things.

Here's to a weekend where we can both take a screen break. 😁

I slept wonderfully in the new bed! Very happy with the buy so far :-)

Buying a mattress is a little annoying, yes, but the result is well worth the trouble.

Hope you had fun with your grandkids and you got your banking and rental car sorted!

I slept wonderfully in the new bed!

That's good to hear @playfulfoodie.

We had fun with the grandkids but i'm shattered now! 😁

Got the rental car sorted. Hoorah! But still got the banking, amongst a load of other things, to do.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep posting here. It's such a lot of work for little return these days. Not just financially but so many people have left, there's very little engagement too.

A number of people who seem to have their finger on the pulse of the Steem Blockchain are saying that once SMTs come out Steemit will be over anyway.

Maybe I just need a break. We shall see! 😁

Happy to hear you had fun with the grandkids!

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep posting here. It's such a lot of work for little return these days. Not just financially but so many people have left, there's very little engagement too.

Yeah I understand how you feel. It's why I've pulled back a little aswell. It's sad, but hey, we have to do what we enjoy and sometimes our priorities shift a little.

I don't think I could let go of Steemit completely, but I can't spend every day here. My visits and posts every couple of days work out well for me right now.

A number of people who seem to have their finger on the pulse of the Steem Blockchain are saying that once SMTs come out Steemit will be over anyway.

Are they thinking other Steem Blockchain applications will take over? Like dtube and dlive and such? I haven't been doing much with these other applications to be honest. I like the regular blogging on Steemit.

Just spend as much or as little time on here as you feel like! Don't burn yourself out by feeling pressured to be here every day. It'll just take away the enjoyment :-)

Are they thinking other Steem Blockchain applications will take over?

yes. I think that the general consensus is the Steem Blockchain is going really well @playfulfoodie but that Steemit's days are numbered.

Don't burn yourself out by feeling pressured to be here every day

i'm still finding it hard to miss a day but I have cut right back 😊

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