Playing the Steemit game...Time to adjust, and move...

in #blog6 years ago

I'm most definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed - and most definitely not the bluntest, either...
I get blinded by emotion.
Not guided, but blinded. Guided is fine , as this is where moral sand ethics originate after all.
But blinded, as in not seeing the wood for the trees sometimes- in my eternally optimistic view that I have of the world.
It is a weakness.
And one that makes you stronger. Why ? Because when the penny drops, lesson have been learned fully...

You know the saying?

The best lessons in life, are the ones that cost the most?

I've found this to be almost an absolute truism.

To 'cost the most' means to have had value taken from you (or given if you want to get all semantic about it).

The point being, my value, my cost that I pay, to learn these lessons, are measured in experience, time - not money. (anyone who measures the cost of anything in money, is truly poor. Both spiritually, and intellectually).
Steemit has been a very, very, good lesson....

Long my I learn...

ppp - Copy.jpg

This post in is in reply to @tarazkp's reply, to my comment, on his post....(if that makes sense.)
We seem to argue quite a lot, in fact - which is fine. It's much better than talking about how much you love fruit, isn't it?
(it is , in my opinion)...

It seems a logical thing to do both utilize the exchange as a basis for my own post, while replying at the same time. For a few reasons..

1/ The up votes increase to me, by me posting the reply on my own feed.
2/ It gives working examples of the things that I've been discussing this last week. This is the real world the battlefield of ideas that we find ourselves on.
3/ It opens up more potential debate.
4/ Getting in the trenches is good for the soul.
5/ Did I mention more up votes?

Spending so much time on any one persons post, with long detailed answers, is not as efficient as making it your own post. (if you are looking at maximizing earnings, and not being a sycophant).
Copy/ pasting portions of the reply in the relevant comment section therefor accomplishes two goals.

In the spirit of my postmodernist musings at the moment - here is a living example, in my opinion - of the postmodernist perspective, and how damaging it can potentially be - in any ecosystem. (not just Steem).

This was my original comment....

This is the counter arguments to my points...(my original points are in italics) and my response (now a post!)

If you wish to give me an argument that 'I like peaches, do you?' , is as valuable as someones 2000 word intelligent essay, I'd love to hear it.

Ever looked at what some modern art sells for?

So, you are actually defending that reality, in the name of 'steemit is god and it's logic cannot be criticized?'

...the market decides whether Warhol is worth more than a Da Vinci.

The market doesn't decide value here, your size of stake, does.

Your answer is one of 'Steem zealotry', almost. 'it shall not be questioned'. 'It cannot be wrong'


Using earnings as reflection of value of content, it would seem that the peach appreciation is worth more than an essay.
Size is not a measure of value.

So, here you are, again - defending that reality .... that the few words expressing the love of a fruit, has more intrinsic value than a 2000 word intelligent essay?

...but then you also get defensive when I say your perceptive are ones of a post modernistic nature...
Why so?
This illustrates your internal landscape perfectly.

IF you cannot see the corruption in the system when up voting yourself to the real world value of $50 against 12 cents of up votes for an essay of 2000 words....then I would fear delusion is a real possibility.

If you can see the flaws in the system, and continue to defend it, rather than talk out against it, then that also speaks volumes about your position.
Politician, or principles?
I've never seen both in the same person, in my lifetime...You can't have it both ways..

This could be the biggest downfall of steemit, going forward.(imo)
For someone who likes definitions, I will say this for the last time (perhaps) STEEMIT is not STEEM.. won't be last .
I could blame my emerging dyslexia, but it's not true - I was being lazy. You are correct, I was wrong.
...but picking up on that the speck of sand, in the sea of the issue being talked about, would indicate a desire to deflect from the issue, and not stay on point.

What intelligent, talented, person see the way this operates, and in invest in a system controlled by ego driven fools?
Why would yo continue here?

I'm not an investor, I'm here to write. Which is quite interesting, as it happens.

When I first joined here, there were a few people I enthusiastically sold the idea of steemit (steem) to - as a possible investment.
I wouldn't do, anymore. Not by a long way..
....And if I'm like that - and hundreds of thousands - of users have left, disillusioned, by seeing their talent trumped by '5 words', about a piece of fruit ????

And you still defend this position? Seriously?

No player of any size can take your content from you. It is here to stay. the view of it isn't hidden on the blockchain, it is completely visible.

Defending the authority of code doesn't make it ethical, nor does it address the real world issues conveniently disregarded in the name of 'it's the code'.


Continued willful blindness, to disassociate from the real world reality that some people need to make money from steemit.
Some third world people joined for just that very reason.

It's illogical to bestow, and promote , the earning potential on the system, and then defend the taking of earnings off people, in the name of 'might is right'...

Think of all the Venezuelans in misery right now, for example...did you see the down voted posts ?(can't remember the username).
And that is ethical in some way because???......muh, disagreed with their perspective, and I have bigger stake..?Really?

Is that the standard of stake based ecosystems on 'the freedom of blockchain'..?
I no longer need this as income - but I did do last year - - and it helped me. (when prices were high, fortunately).
As I have been reminded (for some reason), I have profited from steemit.
As if that is reason enough to accept the authority...'be grateful for the what you have received, peasant'
Stockholm syndrome is tough....(or is it Helsinki syndrome?


By accepting stake based authority - as the people who can arbitrarily decide the allocation of steem, is to accept 'authority'.
Which is the antithesis of the blockchain ideology .
And is the subject of many of your own posts, that you've written about.
Independence from the system.
(but liking and defending ' the system' at the same time? How does that work, exactly?)

How do you defend the authority of stake based decision making on other people's earnings/ income?
...'it's not theirs until it's paid out', is not an argument, it's merely defending 'the powers that be'.

But at the same time you also extol the virtues of financial independence that the blockchain offers?
(steemit being one of those avenues).

Oh, and I have had plenty of players much, much larger than me disagree with my content and perspectives.

How often have you been attacked for your writing your opinions, and down voted to oblivion?

(I haven't been aware of it in the 18 months I've been here..)

Your posts are thought provoking, (they provoke me , anyway!lol) but not really controversial - in regards to either world issues, or the steem(it) ecosystem.



Since time immemorial communities have always self regulated by rewarding desirable actions and punishing undesirable actions. The more power they wield the stronger their impact. The more power they wield the more rewarded they will be by others of that community in the hopes of it rubbing off on them. Why would steemit be any different? It's human nature I'm afraid and a few enlightened people aren't going to be able to sway that.

No system in flawless, so I guess when we choose to support a system we accept the flaws, choosing it, maybe, as the least flawed system. So perhaps it not so much a case of supporting the flaws as supporting the system despite the flaws.

We strive for perfection, but know there will never be such a thing in reality.

You and taraz often disagree on things and I enjoy reading your debates. I can see both points.

No system in flawless, so I guess when we choose to support a system we accept the flaws, choosing it, maybe, as the least flawed system.

One based on merit is inherently less flawed than one based on dominance and power games.

Yeah, that's why I've always do things my way, and lead my own way in life...
It also explains why I live away from everyone, and downsized . I don't need to compromise with corrupt people so much.

Looking in the mirror is important to me...not so much with many people. Just take the cash...

One based on merit is inherently less flawed than one based on dominance and power games.

I most certainly agree. Unfortunately, those who benefit from dominance and power games probably view that way as less flawed for them. Strong it is, this need for control (Why is there no Yoda emoji on my tablet?). Looking in the mirror is something we should probably all do a bit more regularly. It's often uncomfortable...

Posted using Partiko Android

It's often uncomfortable...

Just live life in ways so that can you smile broadly at yourself, every morning...

It's very nice...
...but people hate you for it.

Fuck them , to..

Unfortunately, those who benefit from dominance and power games probably view that way as less flawed for them

..stupidity not to be encouraged..

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Are you saying that one can not see flaws clearly and continue to find value in something? Or even explain those flaws...

asking for a friend lol.

lololol.....I'm not saying that.

I'm saying that seeing flaws and continuing to support those flaws, is a flawed position.

That's not to say there isn't value in the system all at the same time.

Answering for...mmmm...errr....someone else....

Unless the flaws you see aren't actual flaws. Then the position of seeing flaws is flawed.

Posted using Partiko Android

"Steemit has been a very, very, good lesson...."

bugger it, it certainly has....

wow...long post.
short answer: the market is never wrong.

100% agree.
To have market though, you have to have market.
Anything less is cronyism.

croynism has likely existed since about ten seconds after markets were invented.


well now i see a path to untold riches and new shinny

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